Colby will not have anything to do with a pacifier but he has discovered that he loves sucking his thumb! I never thought that I would think a thumb sucker was so cute until I saw Colby do it for the first time hehe! He can suck his whittle thumb as long as he wants (unless he's like 5 or something)!
He rolled over for the first time but it was an accident. He did it while he was sleeping and woke up screaming, i guess it scared him! It's strange though because their suppose to roll from their tummy to their back first but he did the opposite.
I thought that I would always teach no matter what but Colby changed all that! I decided not to return to work in the fall. I can't stand leaving Colby in the mornings and I think about him every second of the day. I don't feel like my heart and mind is were it needs to be in order to be the most effective teacher. I want to spend my days with my son and I don't want to miss one little thing! I really prayed about it and it was a no brainer for me! Colby will only be this age one time and I can go back to work anytime!