Kim Kosek
T minus 20 seconds until nap time is over...ready type!
What made you decide to breastfeed?
It just seemed like the natural thing to do, and you can't go wrong with natural. My friend Britanny always teases me because I'm always saying, "Take it back to the cavemen days." That's why no Splenda...and breastfeeding! Of course, I'm so glad that I don't have to breast feed my baby swaddled in a big bamboo leaf while being chased by a dinosaur. I've just always loved the idea of breast feeding. It's so natural, and to me I've never felt more "Made by God" than when breastfeeding. It just feels like...this is my purpose (or at least my boobs purpose!)
Was it what I expected?
Not with my first (Kate). With the other two, yes, because I knew just what to expect. With Kate it was tough, it was very very tough. It was bruised, raw nipples. A girly who wouldn't latch on, lots of tears by me (ironically, none by her). Lots of paranoia that she wasn't getting the nutrients she needed, thus, lots of pumping so that I could know just how much she was getting. I guess I thought, I'd just sit down with a candle lit, music playing, and Kate would just start sucking. I didn't realize all the technique that went into it. I would get so very very tense when nursing Kate. I would hunch over, grab my nipple with two fingers, try to shove it into her mouth, which usually wasn't even ready to nurse, and then I'd freeze perfectly still like a contorted statue in hopes that she wouldn't let go. This went on for several months, I never realized how nice and relaxing nursing could be until Jack (#2).
How did you overcome any problems?
Support from my good friend Laurie, who had her first child just 4 weeks before me. We would vent to each other and pull each other through the hard times. There were lots of people telling me just try formula, or supplement, etc. But, I'm not one for quitting. I wanted to conquer this. I wanted to do everything that I could do for my child...and this just seemed like a no brainer. I really didn't read many books, sometimes it's just overload when it's on paper. It's easier for me to talk to someone and that's what I did.
Best advice...
Relax! Never heard this when trying to nurse Kate, but for me the whole experience changed when I stopped worrying about frequency, length of time latched on, how many feedings each day, poops/pees and just let my motherly instinct take over. I was so much more in tune to the baby and not the clock or the timer (yes, I used a timer with Kate).
How long?
Kate...I nursed her 4 months, then went back to work so supplemented with pumped milk out of a bottle until around 6 months. Then I quit nursing, but had enough milk stored up in the freezer to get us to 7 1/2 months. No Lean Cuisines in my freezer...all milk!
Jack 4 months.
Joseph 4 months and counting. (He is the first baby that I've stayed home with...I worked with Jack and Kate.)
I never had a bad experience of feeling judged, except the occasional young girl without kids that might say, "Oh my gosh, that's so gross." But, I had to laugh that off. There were a few people at work that made the comment, "I don't want my son sucking on the same boobs that provide entertainment for my husband." Again, so childish that it really didn't bother me. I really try to stay off my soapbox about these sensitive topics because I know it's such a personal experience and I hate to rock the boat...breastfeeding and discipline preferences. Two topics that I try to steer clear of...unless you ask me :)
I went back to work with Kate and Jack. My elementary school was very accomodating to me pumping. I pumped everyday at lunch and it worked out fine.
What did I love the most about breastfeeding?
That's so easy...the bond! The sweet moments with my children that I never would have experienced otherwise. Especially with Joseph. Things are so go-go-go with three, and nursing is a great excuse to sit down, curl him into me, and just share a split second. Even if Kate is kissing his head, and Jack is throwing his cup at me yelling, "Juice," all in the same moment. There is still something so so special about that moment. It makes me smile just thinking about it.
I would absolutely recommend other moms to breastfeed and I do...if they ask! This is not something that I walk around preaching about, because I have a very good friend who was not able to breastfeed...and I can tell that it just saddens her when people push the issues..."Every mom should breastfeed!" because some just can't. And there are others who become such an emotional wreck trying, that I think it's perfectly fine for them to grab a bottle and save their sanity. It's all about YOU...and what works for YOU and your baby. Yes, I love breastfeeding, but I'm very careful talking about it in a room full of women because it's a sensitive topic and the decisions that go along with breastfeeding have to feel right to the mom...and when it comes right down to it regardless of the decisions made with breastfeeding we moms just have to support each other.
(Kids are up...no time for proofing...sorry.)
Melissa Wallace
I knew immediately that I wanted to breastfeed the moment I found out I was pregnant. The fact that it was FREE was an awesome selling point for me, but most of all its the BEST for baby. I had my husbands support 100% on breastfeeding. He was so proud of me for wanting to do it, that it just made me feel even better about breastfeeding. But he was my only support for the most part. I even got negative feedback from some family members, "I give you 2 to 3 weeks and you will quit" (that also made me even more determined to breastfeed) When Dante arrived I asked for no pacifiers and no bottles because I didnt want him to have any kind of nipple confusion. (which was also something family members gave me a hard time about, "you will never make it without a passy") Dante latched on immediately, I had NO problems what so ever with breastfeeding him. And the moment he latched on and his beautiful eyes reached mine, the complete satisfaction he was getting from me, not only melted my heart but gave me everything I needed to breastfeed through the negative family members gave me and through the few hard times of being on call 24/7. With Dante I never looked at a clock to feed him, if he was fussy and I couldn't console him with nothing but the breast, thats what he got. I was accused of letting him use me as a pacifier and that he was starting to become "too attached" to me. But I did go back to work when he was 6 weeks old, pumped at work (my husband got to be a stay at home dad for 7 months, what a trooper..haha) He bottle fed him my milk and as soon as I came home, Dante was ready for a boob, ha. After 7 months I became a stay at home mom. And I breastfed Dante until he was 2. And believe me, I got TONS of grief about that one. Obviously it was a lot less that I breastfed the older he got. When he started eating solids, I weened him to only breastfeeding when it was nap time and sleep time. No one could understand how I could possibly keep BFing my son, he is too old, he could ask for it (night night is what he called it) and that was such a horrible thing!! I couldn't possibly understand how people can take such a positive thing and turn it to be so negative. And of course because he fell asleep with the boob, he was still "too attached". That is another thing I can't wrap my mind around, how your child can be "too attached" to you. After seeing the affects breastfeeding has had on Dante, he is NEVER sick (knock on wood). He started daycare about 5 months ago and has YET to get sick. All I heard before was watch now Dante will STAY sick... And yet after seeing all the benefits from Dante after breastfeeding, I am pregnant again, and I was recently asked by a family member "are you going to breastfeed this one like Dante?" I said "of course" they said "Really? for that long? Why?" Some people will never get it!!
I absolutely loved breastfeeding, I can't wait to do it with baby #2!! I loved not only knowing that I was giving him the best thing he could possibly get, but seeing it in his eyes every feeding was such an amazing feeling. I am always recommending and trying to talk to pregnant moms about breastfeeding and the amazing rewards that come out of it.
I never got any "good" advice. But I would love to give some, and I think a mom earlier already said it... Do what you want to do, and don't listen to what others think is best for you and your child. Let your maternal instincts tell you what to do. If you stress about it and worry too much about what people are telling you to do, it can make things harder on you. You will know what baby needs.
But I must say, with all the negative around me about breastfeeding, I have to say I did have a husband that was extremely supportive, very appreciative and when people were putting me down about what I was doing, he was really quick to jump in and remind me what I was doing was the best thing and not to worry about what anyone else thought. He CONSTANTLY told me how proud he was of me for breastfeeding. And I think without him and with all the negative I was recieving, I could have easily given up or given into what they were telling me. But I didn't and I had the best time breastfeeding, and the bond I had then and have now, no one can stop me from doing the same with baby #2!!
Lauren Spencer Cook
For as long as I could remember, I always wanted to breastfeed my babies. Not only is it nature's perfect food, but I always longed for the bonding experience that is associated with breastfeeding. My husband was a huge support for me during those first few months, as well as some really close friends that had breastfed their children. Once I got past the first 3 months, breastfeeding was more wonderful than I could have ever imagined; however, it was initially one of the most difficult things I've ever done! Right away I developed bruising and cracks in my nipples from my daughter's improper latch. I saw a lactation consultant to help correct this problem. Things got much worse when I developed thrush about a week later. It was honestly the most painful experience of my entire life, and I ended up taking Diflucan, the medication that treats thrush, for 8 weeks before I was completely better! Looking back, I don't know how or why I stuck with the breastfeeding the first 3 months, but I did...and I'm so incredibly glad I did! Right about the time my daughter turned 12 weeks, she began to become a much better nurser (proper latch, fast eater), and breastfeeding became the enjoyable experience that I had so longed for! I breastfed my daughter for 13 months, and the only reason I didn't breastfeed longer was because I got pregnant. (FYI- breastfeeding is not birth control!).
From time to time some of my co-workers would make fun of the length of time that I chose to breastfeed, but it didn't bother me. Babies are only babies for such a short time, and soon enough they will be too big or too busy to sit in your lap for any length of time. I think more than anything, I loved our mornings together; I'd bring her to bed with me each morning and nurse her and snuggle with her. We both would get a little more sleep that way! I know breastfeeding is not for everyone, but I would encourage every woman to give it a try. The best advice I could give is to do whatever it takes to get to the 2-3 month mark...breastfeeding gets so much easier then! I promise you won't regret it!
On a side note, if you think at any time you may be developing thrush (redness, burning, pain after feeding), please don't wait to seek medical attention. Had I got treated when I first started having symptoms, I would have recovered much more quickly and would have experienced much less pain.
I have always loved children and have babysat ever since I was about thirteen years old. As I got older, I decided I wanted to go into the health profession. After studying nursing courses, I really got an insight on the health aspects of breastfeeding. Not only that, I always wanted to be able to do whatever was best for my children (hard to understand until children are in the making, for some).
When I first found out I was pregnant, I was so excited and new from the start that I would breastfeed, at least part of the time. I never knew that people had difficulty and that some women just were unable to. I only learned of this after Haylee was born. Haylee came 17 days early because I had to be induced because of toxemia. When she came out, the cord was around her neck. She was wisked away and intubated. She had to be put on oxygen and feeding tubes and IV's. I never got a chance to bond with her or breastfeed or even a chance to hold her. I was horrified! ...not at all what I expected a delivery to be. After eight hours, I finally was able to see her in the NICU. They had a feeding tube in her nose, and there were formula containers by her bassinet. I immediately asked the nurses why they had fed her formula when I had been pumping breast milk? (Small amounts of colostrum - 1/2 oz at a time... which the nurses told me was a lot.) After they realized they had made a mistake and that my milk was in the refrigerator, they immediately corrected their mistake and gave my baby my milk. On the 5th day in the NICU, I was finally able to hold my baby. The nurses and doctors kept telling me that she would not take a bottle and could not leave the hospital until she was able to eat on her on. I was shocked at this! They knew that I wanted to breastfeed my baby and never gave me a chance to try and breastfeed. They were just worried about her drinking from a bottle. So, while holding her for the first time, I was coached by the nurse on what to do to learn to breastfeed my baby. With the nurse and my husband watching, they were all shocked when my baby began to nurse with no problems. WOOHOO! I was sooo excited that she could eat on her on and go home. Day 7 in the NICU rolled around and they allowed her to come with us for the first time.
At first, I had planned on breastfeeding some and bottle feeding some. After the first time she nursed, I was so thrilled to know that she was getting the very best possible and the bonding part of breastfeeding is unimaginable, that I just couldn't possibly give her formula. I really enjoyed breastfeeding and had a hard time giving it up. I breastfed my first baby girl, Haylee, until she was 12.5 months old. I wasn't exactly ready to stop, but I began to feel like people were staring at me awkwardly. Even some of my family members were giving me grief about breastfeeding after she was a year old. I was heart broken during this time. I turned to my pediatrician, and she told me that it was perfectly fine to continue breastfeeding as long as I wanted, because after all, I was giving her the absolute best that I could give her. Even so, I felt judged. My husband supported me, and he was probably the only one, besides my pediatrician, and in some cases they don't support. I would tell any other mother to continue breast feeding as long as they feel up to it. Remember, a mother knows best, and those people who were judging me were likely the ones that never experienced breastfeeding. I enjoyed the bonding time and knowing that my daughter was receiving the best nutrition available. Once I stopped breastfeeding, my daughter was often sick and fighting ear infections. She was never sick until I stopped breastfeeding (another pro to breastfeeding... you're providing antibodies to keep your child well and to fight off sickness).
Now, Haylee will be 3 years old in March, and I am breastfeeding my almost 7 month old, Ally. She has been strictly breastfed, too. I had no problems at birth with her, and she latched immediately after i was sown up from my C-section. We had no problems whatsoever. I plan to breastfeed again for atleast a year, maybe more, but I might have to pump for public purposes. I have a nursing cover which works for me. Breastfeeding is a natural part of life, and it is the way God made it to be. I would tell all moms to give breastfeeding a chance. Sometimes it does take extra practice to be good at it, but so does everything else in life. It's not always easy mentally or physically, but to know that you have done the best for this little life that you have created is an amazing feeling! Good Luck to all moms out there whom are having difficulty. Keep on doing what you're doing, because after all, Moms know BEST!!
I decided I was going to breastfeed long before I decided to have a child. Before deciding to go to Occupational Therapy school, I majored in nutrition at Mississippi State. EVERY nutrition course I took demanded that breastfeeding was the way to go! Then, in OT school I heard it again and again in EVERY pediatric course I took. So, I could not ignore the facts, and the facts are clear, breastfeeding is the MOST healthy option for a babies nutrition. I had several good friends that breastfed their children before I even got pregnant so I knew it could be done. Also, my mother in law breastfed all five of her children. My husband was very supportive. It was difficult at first, but it was also amazing:) I felt so important to my child...the bonding was nothing that I could have imagined. I am a very honest person, so I cannot say it was amazing all the time. There were definitely times that I felt like a prisoner to my house or child because I could not leave, but I really didn't want to leave either. But because I never left my little boy, we are so connected still ( and some people say we are "too attached to one another...I mean is that possible?!?! He is 1! ) That brings me to another subject, I did feel judged by friends/family that did not understanding what all breastfeeding involves, but overall I always felt like I was giving Jackson an amazing gift that only I could give him...Some other problems I had were after a couple of months I started not making enough milk, so I went to the breastfeeding clinic in Madison and they told me to take some herbal pills and problem solved! I breastfed for 5 months and went back to work at 3 months. I do home health so I did not have an "office" to pump in....so ( I can't believe I am going to tell strangers this) I bought a hands free pump and pumped driving down the road! Ha! My mom was always so embarrassed and threatened not to claim me if I had a wreck!
So I only made it for 2 months doing that, but quitting nursing was REALLY hard! I just didn't want to give it up! I'm sure everyone has heard the saying about you don't truly understand how strong women are until you become a mother...it is so true! Especially when it comes to breastfeeding! The best advice I have is..Don't give up! The doctor the breastfeeding clinic said that only about 2% percent of women cannot physically breastfeed, the rest just give up too early!
Amy Dornsbuch