Monday, September 29, 2008

Colby's Walking Shoes

Okay. everybody kept telling me, "You better go to Stride Rite and get Colby some walking shoes because he needs shoes with good support!" What people forgot to tell me was those darn little shoes cost $50. I don't have many pair of shoes that cost that much but I had to tell myself that Colby needed a good pair of shoes and the days of buying Steve Madden shoes for myself are definitely a thing of the past. Chris had drill this weekend so he didn't get to join us for the exciting outing :( ! My mom and dad wanted to go so I was thrilled that I didn't have to go Northpark by myself. It really is a funny thing how a grandson can change a man like Colby has changed my dad. My dad was a good dad but he would have never gone shoe shopping with us, quit saying dirty words, and actually quit smoking! I spent my whole life begging my dad to quit bad habits and Colby can't even talk yet and he has already accomplished what I thought was the impossible! Anyway, we also got his Halloween costume and Colby is going to be a spider. My dad wouldn't even let me consider another costume because he thought this one was perfect for Colby!

fitted for a size 5

Playing while mommy picked out shoes
Paw liked the new shoes!
Colby's 1st big boy shoes
Speaking of no more Steve Madden shoes (which are my absolute favorite) for mommy, I had an Ah ha moment the other day. I have thought to myself on several occasions that some women kinda of let themself go after having a baby and I told myself that I would never do that! Well, the other morning I was throwing on some clothes (quickly because Colby was screaming at my feet)to take Colby for our morning walk and when I walked past the mirror, I started laughing and thought to myself Ah ha so this is how it happens! I looked in the mirror at my orange shorts, pink shirt, and my unwashed hair underneath my unmatching red hat. Not to mention the third day that my face hasn't seen a stitch of makeup and my bird legs that haven't seen the gym in months! Now, I understand how quickly it can happen because once you have a child YOUR LIFE IS NO LONGER YOUR OWN!

I didn't wash my hair or put on any makeup today, but I did start going back to the gym. I have gotten way to skinny and I know that I need to gain some weight. I have always had to workout to keep weight on but it's been very difficult while I'm nursing. I'm burning 500 calories a day just from him nursing so it's hard to gain weight! Just to give the heads up about making a rude comment to someone that's skinny. You would never go up to someone that's overweight and say OMG you need to lose weight so why do people think it's not just as rude to go up to someone and say OMG you need to gain weight. People are very aware of their own body and they know rather or not they need to lose or gain weight without you telling them. I know that it will be easier to gain weight when I quit nursing but Colby is my number one concern so I will just have to deal with it for now. I know some people get mad when people say it's just as hard to gain weight as it is to lose weight but it really is! We went to the gym after his morning nap and before lunch and it worked out great! He seemed to enjoy all the new things to play with , I just hope he doesn't get sick because I know they don't clean those toys!

O yea, speaking of nap time. The new sleep routine didn't work as well as it did the first day. I have the sleepiness baby and there is just no way he can make it until 10:00 before going back to sleep! I guess all babies are different and mine requires a lot of sleep. So (my sister is going to kill me for changing it again) his nap time is back to 9:00-10:30. He does pretty well with staying up longer during the day and can usually make it until 2:00 and on most days he doesn't take the third catnap and his sleepy head is in the bed at 6:30. There are still some days when his cranky booty has to take a 30 min power nap at 5:00 and then he goes to bed at 7:00.

Birthday Theme

I decided to go with the football theme because Colby started saying ball so I figured he was trying to put his two cents in. It had the most votes too!!

Friday, September 26, 2008

Fun at the Park!

Colby just went down for his afternoon nap and he is worn out. We just went to the park for the very first time. We met Crystal Buckley and her two children, Avery and Paige, Bailey was still in school. Colby wasn't too excited about sliding but he like to swing and he loved all the sticks and leaves that looked delicious to eat. I tried to keep his passy in his mouth to prevent anything else from getting in there. We went to the Richland park so Daddy walked over and played for a couple of minutes, he didn't won't to miss out on all the fun!!

Thursday, September 25, 2008

What's new with Colby man!

It's been a few days since I've last written, but Colby keeps me sooooo busy! He is all over the place and trying to walk. He lets go and stands alone for about 30 seconds and he takes one or two steps. He is still a little wobbly, but I think he will be walking within the next month. He has a little lion that he walks behind and now he walks all around the house with it and he doesn't need my help anymore :( . He loves to be outside all the time and the weather has been wonderful, there has been a great breeze everyday and he loves the wind because he thinks the wind chimes are hilarious. I love being outside because it gives me the opportunity to sign wind, tree, bird, grass, etc. He still hasn't decided to sign back a whole lot yet but he completely understands when I sign. He watches me intently and then he responds. If I sign passy he will go get it, if I sign more he will reach for whatever i'm referring to, and he crawls to the bathroom if I sign bath. I guess he will sign back when he is ready just like they talk when their ready!

Colby has been trying to get the toilet paper so I finally let him do it and he only liked it for about a minute. I guess since I didn't say no no, it wasn't that interesting anymore.

Things Colby loves at the moment!

Playing outside and water bottles Elvis Jones

banging on the dryer door

playing in the pack-n-play while I cook dinner
Walking with Mr. Lion
His drums
Banging on the toilet!

Friday, September 19, 2008

9 month checkup

Colby and I went to the doctor today for his 9 month checkup. Today was the first time I had to go by myself, in the past my mother or Chris has been able to go. It wasn't too bad but it's kinda difficult to hear what the doctor has to say when your trying to keep a 9 month old still! I was so excited that he didn't have to get any shots this time but when I got there I was told he had to have a flu shot and he had to get his finger pricked. He didn't shed a tear for the finger prick and he only cried for a second with the flu shot. He stopped crying as soon as he saw the bright green scooby doo band-aid! He weighed 21 lbs and he was 28 inches long.

My Big Ole Boy!

Saturday, September 13, 2008

Daddy's First Football Game

 I decided to take Colby to see daddy's football game. He struggled to hang in there to the end! I left at 9:00 and he was asleep in about 2 seconds, and I went home and put my little man in the bed. Of course, he still woke up at his usual time, 7:00. When nap time came he was so tired, he slept from 9:00-12:00. My baby had to catch up on the sleep he missed last night. I'm not sure if we will go to anymore games this season. I might just wait until next year when it will be a little easier for him!

What's New With Colby?

He upgraded to a babybjorn potty chair

Colby is doing good with potty training. He hasn't pooped in his diaper in weeks. I'm so glad because he has grown man poop and he feels that little potty to the top. He usually TT's in the potty a couple times a day but still TT's a lot in his diaper.

He now takes a big boy bath and absolutely loves it!

He is doing great with finger foods. He loves everything I give him, especially steamed squash!

Still hates to wear clothes and sucks his pacifier upside down.
He loves to climb on, over, and through everything, and he is so ready to walk!

Thursday, September 11, 2008

When I started feeding Colby, I didn't have a clue on what foods were appropriate for what age. This book helped me tremendously to know what is safe and what he isn't ready for yet. She listed every fruit and veggie you can think of and for each one she gives information on the food, what age and why, how to buy it (ripe), how to cook it, save it, etc. I'm not going to list all that info but i will tell you main foods and what age. I hope this helps you as much as it did me!
Apples- 8 months peeled raw grated apple 3yrs unpeeled
Asparagus-7 months
Avocados-4 months
Bananas -4 months
Beans, edible pod: sanp, green, yellow- 7 months
Beets-cooked 9 months raw and grated 10 months
Broccoli- 8 months cooked
Brussels sprouts- 9 months cooked never raw
Cabbage- 18 months can cause digestive problems
Cantaloupe-8 months
Carrots-7 months cooked 10 months for finely grated
Caulifower- 9 months cooked
Celery-7 months cooked, 10 months finely grated raw
Cherries- 9 months finely sliced (if no allery runs in family, if so wait unitl 1 year), Whole cherry 3 yrs old
Citrusfruits and juices (oranges, lemons, limes, grapefruits, and tangerines)- 12 months
Corn- 18 months, because corn can cause digestive problems
Cucumbers- 18 months can cause digestive problems
Eggplant- 9 months for cooked pureed do not eat raw eggplant
Grapes- 8 months cut up peel and slice into quaters never feed a baby whole grapes
Honeydew melons- 8 months
Kiwi- 8 months
Lettuce- 10 months finely diced
Mangoes-6 months
Mushrooms-9 months cooked uncooked 3yrs
Nectarines- 5 months cooked 7 months raw pureed
okra- 8 months
Onions-9 months
Papaya-6 months
Parsley- 8 months cooked 9 months finely chooped raw
Peaches-5 months cooked 7 months raw
Pears- 5 months cooked 6-7 months raw
Peas-7 months cooked puree peas are choking hazard until 3 -mash with a fork
Peppers- 10 months finely grated sweet peppers
Pinapples- 9 months
Plums- 8 months
Potatoes, white- 7 months cooked
Rutabagas and turnips- 9 months
Summer Squash- 7 months cooked
Winter Squash- 6 months cooked
Sweet Potatoes- 4 months
Tomatoes- 1 year
Watermelon- 8 months
Interesting Fact:
Mashed ripe avocado is an excellent first baby food! They are so nutritious that some claim humans can live on them exclusively. Avacados are also an excellent source of the unsaturated fatty acids that your baby needs for brain development.

Monday, September 8, 2008

Colby's first football game

Saturday morning we got a call from JoJo, and she suggested that we come down to visit and go to Coach's football game. They weren't to keen on being called grandmaw or grandpaw so they settled for Coach and JoJo. Steve coaches at Biloxi High School and they played Saturday night because of Gustav. JoJo sounded like she really missed Colby so we packed up the house and hit the road! I was nervous about Colby going to the game because he goes to bed at 7:oo, but I figured I would give it a try. Colby stayed awake the entire time and he never got fussy. I can see now why some parents say my child won't go to sleep until 10 or 11. They are definitely capable, if you allow it. It just goes to show that if I let Colby decide his bedtime it would be past mine, but that's my decision so 7:oo it is! We left the game at 10:30 and he fell asleep on the way home and of course he still woke up at 7:oo the next morning. I felt bad because I knew he didn't get enough sleep so we left and he slept the whole way home. Colby clapped for the first time at the game when he saw us clapping, it was too cute.

Friday, September 5, 2008

Walking Wings

Colby is starting to let go and take a step or two but then he falls down. When he is about to let go and try to walk he does the funniest yell of excitement..... I love it! I was going to purchase some walking wings......

but my grandmother saw the wings and told me all I had to do was fold a blanket and place it under his arms. She said that's what she did for her 4 sons and it was free. She was right it worked just the same and it's helping Colby with balance.

Colby loves mirrors

A little fun in the sun with the Neely Clan!

They are holding hands, how sweet!
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