Sunday, November 30, 2008

Birthday Plans

I did all the preparations early for Colby's 1st birthday party and thank goodness I did because his invitations came in and said Colby is turing one instead of turning 1. I had to reorder which was free, but I had to pay for fast shipping which was $17. The invitations are suppose to arrive on December 4 and hopefully everything will be spelled correctly! His birthday outfit came in and it was almost perfect. They didn't tell me the shirt was 6-12 months, I thought it was just 12 months. If I would have known than I would have ordered the 12-18 months. Good thing it's a football theme because his shirt is so tight it looks like a muscle shirt, hehe! Other than that, it is absolutely perfect and I love it! I got his outfit from

I am still waiting on his high chair, it should be here any day now. If you are about to have a baby you should look at this modern highchair. It's a wooden high chair that folds up and it lasts for years because it turns into a booster that adjust to any table. I'm excited about how much easier it will be to keep clean. It's only $140 for the chair and tray, but it's $175 if you want a cushion.

Yesterday we went to Daylee Wilder's 1st birthday party and Colby had a good time picking out what toys he wanted to take home and then he tried to help with the ducky pinata.

He thought I was so mean when I walked 3 ft away to take a pic!

I can't believe Daylee and Colby are already one, I can remember when Emily and I were waddling down the school halls thinking these two would never come!

Time goes by so fast and now my little man is wearing his new big boy underwear!

He is doing great with potty training. These underwear make it much easier to pull up and down because he goes to the potty about 10 times a day. He still usually wets 2-3 times a day, if we are out and while he is in the highchair but he has only pooped 2 or 3 times in his diaper this month. I would really recommend these training pants. They are made from organic materials so they are super soft and they fit great. I'm sure your baby would much rather wear these than plastic pull-ups! You will save a lot of money since pull-ups are insanely expensive and you will be helping the environment at the same time! Did you know that Dr. Brazelton was the doctor who initially said it was better to toilet train between 2-3 years old was also the co-founder of disposal diapers and quickly became a millionaire in the 60's, imagine that?

Thursday, November 27, 2008

Colby's First Thanksgiving

After Papaw blessed the meal, I asked myself can life get any better than this? I'm so thankful for everything in my life! Today I enjoyed a cheerful time with my amazing husband, precious son, wonderful family, and I ate the most yummy food ever! I could not have asked for a better First Thanksgiving for Colby, it was perfect! We had both sides of our family over to celebrate Thanksgiving at our house this year and Colby loved it! He did so well! He did not cry one time, took both his naps (even with all the commotion), and used the potty for viewers, hehe!

My Silly Boy!

Playing Outside

Paw & Aunt KK

Mamaw & Papaw brought Colby more coins for his savings account
and a cute, cuddly teddy bear!

Mamaw & Papaw

Uncle Darren

Uncle Cory

Coach & JoJo

The Jones Family

Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Colby turned 11 months old Today!

I can't believe Colby is 11 months old today because that means he will be 1 next month. I've been getting ready for the big day and never realized how much planning goes into a birthday party, but it's been so much fun! I will be glad when Colby turns one because then he can have whole milk and I can start to wean him from breastfeeding. It is kinda bitter sweet for me. I'm ready and I know he is but I will definitely miss it. It's pretty much the only time that he sits still in my lap and cuddles and it's such a sweet bonding time. He is really attached to the morning feeding, but he won't care at all about not nursing during the day or at night. I guess we will see how it goes and hopefully the transition will go smoothly. Colby is now walking all over the place and finally gave up the crawling. He hasn't started running yet, he is still taking it pretty slow! He is cutting his eighth tooth and I think he is about to cut his back teeth because he keeps his fingers way back there. I try to get him to stop because he keeps gaging himself, but he just laughs at me! He now laughs like a big boy and sometimes like an old man, it cracks us up! He still does great on his routine! He eats meals at 8, 12, & 6 and sleeps 7-7:00. He naps 9-10:30 & 1:00-3:00. He hasn't woken up once during the night since he was 8 months old. His personality is really starting to come out and he is very silly, just like I was. He can also be shy around new people and it takes him a little while to warm up, he gets that from his daddy. His hair is still blond (what little hair he has) but his eyes look like they are starting to turn more green than blue. I think he is going to be strong-willed and keep us on our toes. I think we will have to be very consistent with discipline to keep his behavior in check, hehe! When I say discipline, I'm not referring to physical because that's not something I believe in. I will discipline with grace and consistency. I want Colby to behave out of self-discipline, not fear! Well, that's everything about Colby at 11 months old. He is a sweetheart and a bundle of fun, and I can't wait to see what the future holds!

Tuesday, November 18, 2008

New Baby Cousin

Colby will be getting a new baby cousin in April. My Cousin Christi is expecting a little girl. Friday they came to visit.......she is the cutest little pregnant thing I've ever seen!


Saturday Coach and JoJo came to visit and we took Colby to the Christmas Tree Farm to get his pictures made for his Christmas cards.

Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Colby's Christmas Wish List

Colby is very regular with his bowel movements. He usually has a BM every morning when he wakes up or sometimes he waits until after he eats breakfast. After two days went by with no poop, I started to worry. I couldn't figure why he was having this problem because I make sure he gets the recommended amount of fiber every day. A child's minimum intake of fiber should be their age plus 5, so I make sure that Colby gets at least 6 grams or more of fiber each day. Well, I also noticed that every time Colby was nursing, he would get really mad. I started to pump to make sure my milk production wasn't decreasing and come to find out it was. The next time I nursed Colby he got so mad that he bit me. It was so hard that it busted a blood vessel and blood was coming out with the milk. It sounds worse than it felt! It didn't feel good by any means but it wasn't very painful. I called the doctor and he said that it happens all the time and it will be fine but he put me on metoclopramide to increase my milk production. He said that the change in Colby's diet and not getting enough milk was causing him to not have a BM. I gave Colby some prunes and he filled his little potty to the top, thank goodness. The medication has made a huge difference and now we are back in business! I never thought before I became a mother that my whole day and concerns could be focused around poop!

Colby has developed a little attitude in the last couple of weeks and he is getting pretty good at throwing fits. He doesn't won't me to feed him at all or he gets fighting mad. I was trying to feed him cream of wheat & yogurt, but he screamed until I let him do it. He uses the spoon for about 30 seconds and then he does this

I have decided that it is pointless for me to buy toys. Colby will not play with toys, he prefers household items for some odd reason. I took pics of him playing all day and not one time was he playing with a toy. So, Colby's Santa wish list will consist of

1. Fly swatters
2. Sand

3. Pots & Pans

4. Spoons

5. Tape measure

6. Containers

I found these training pants that I like better because they are a little thicker but I can still pull them up and down. So for family that's wondering what Colby needs for Christmas, these would be great!

Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Colby's First Halloween & Throw-up Experience!

Colby's first Halloween went great! He looked so cute in his Spider outfit! He invited some friends over to enjoy the fun! Colby's guests were Conner Turkey Neely, Wyatt Dinosaur Foster, and Braxton Cow Byrd. It's so crazy how Me, Sarah, Angie, and Jessica all grew up together and now we all have boys around the same age. It's such a blessing to be able to share another part of our life together. I just pray that they like each other when they get older or we will make them be friends, hehe!

Sarah & Wyatt


Grandparents couldn't miss the big event!


Where's the party!!!

It's been a long night!

All the ladies with their boys!!

I can't even walk in this silly thing.

That's it! I'm out of here, I'm going to change.

Now, this is more like it!

My first throw up experience!
Colby has not adjusted to the time change and still keeps waking up at 6:15 instead of 7:15. So this morning Colby let out a horrible scream at 6:15. Which is very unusual because when he wakes up he just talks to himself until I come get him. So, Chris ran in there to see what was wrong and Colby was surrounded by vomit. We could tell the vomit was old because it was dried up on his shirt. Colby threw up during the night and didn't feel the need to tell us. It was so heartbreaking to know that he laid in vomit all night, but I assume it didn't bother him. I told you my boy loves his sleep, hehe!
What caused him to vomit?
I cook Colby steamed fresh veggies everyday. I wanted him to try some asparagus but fresh asparagus is expensive so I got some in the can. Big mistake, the canned veggies didn't sit well with his tummy. Canned veggies have a lot of sodium and Colby doesn't get hardly any sodium because he doesn't eat processed foods so I guess his body wasn't use to it. What's really gross about the whole deal is when I picked him up I noticed he was chewing on something and it was a piece of asparagus that he picked out of his vomit and thought it still looked yummy!
Colby's sign class is going to be on WLBT tomorrow night at 10:00

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