I woke up Saturday morning and gave Chris a good luck kiss for his race. He ran in the Run for Your Life 5k, and he placed 1st in his age group and 5
th overall
YAY HONEY! I had planned to go with my mother to a WHOA (women who hear, obey, and act) brunch at
Pinelake. Chris had to leave at 7:00 and the brunch was at 10:00 but he said he would be back in plenty of time.
Let me just tell you how Satan works so you don't fall victim to his games!!! My mother had just gotten over pneumonia and couldn't even walk far without getting out of breath so we almost cancelled, but she still insisted on going. I was really tired and Chris was not there to watch Colby while I got dressed so I almost cancelled, but I didn't. Colby was so clingy that he had to take a shower with me and then sit on the counter (throwing my things all over the place) while I did my makeup and then he started to cry for me to play so I almost cancelled, but I didn't. Chris calls me and says that he placed so he had to wait around for the awards ceremony so I almost cancelled, but I didn't. It was time to go and Chris was still at the race with no award. I told him I would meet him at the race to pass Colby off and I would just be late. I was really considering how much easier it would be to cancel, but I didn't. Chris called me back and said he was on his way to
Pinelake so he would meet me there to get Colby. I thought he had gotten his award but he didn't, he left without his award for me, I KNOW he is the best! I felt awful and I started thinking to myself, I should have just stayed home.
I know this is what Satan does to people and families every Sunday morning, and he laughs when it works! He tells you that you are too tired, too busy, your running too late, the kids are misbehaving, one wrong thing happens after the next and the devil laughs because he convinced you to ignore God and miss out on a blessing that God intended for you and your family that day.
I have realized that every single Sunday I can learn at least one new thing to strengthen my relationship with Christ, so of course Satan tries to intervene on that as much as possible. I heard someone ask a monk if it was a sin to miss church (which I did often). He answered, "If you are physically able to attend worship and you choose not to then you are ignoring God, so I would definitely consider that a sin." That made such a huge impact on my life because I haven't missed church since that day. If I start to consider missing church, the first thing that pops in my head is "You are ignoring God".
If I would have listened to Satan (which I strongly considered) , I would have missed out on so many blessings that I received at the WHOA brunch.
It was all about Freedom and not letting Satan hold you in bondage. There are things in my past that I'm ashamed of and I hold onto the guilt even though I know I have been forgiven. When I was listening to these women speak about their past and how God has set them free, I knew exactly why Satan tried his best to get me to stay home. I was the one laughing this time, not him.
Here are a few key notes I got from the brunch, so I'm passing them on!
How to have Freedom in Christ
Let go of the past, enjoy the freedom and claim the
promises declared for Christ's children.
1. Have a personal relationship with Christ (accept is forgiveness)
2. Die to myself- give up my will, desires, wants, thoughts, and needs
3. Look within myself and never blame others
4. Get to know God- read the word daily and study ( Draw near to him and he will draw near to you)
5. Don't beat yourself up- Do not allow Satan to beat you down
It doesn't matter what happened in your past or what is happening at this very moment. God forgives and still loves you unconditionally. He wants you to be set free and live an amazing, peaceful life!
What can wash away my sins, nothing but the blood of JESUS!!