Monday, June 29, 2009

Conner is 2!

Conner Neely turned two!

Colby & Wyatt trying out Conner's new bike.

The bike was a little big so Colby came to the rescue!!

Conner "the birthday boy"

Braxton enjoying the water!

Wyatt checking out the slide!

First one in!

It was a fire truck party so a real fire truck came and sprayed us off.

Colby doing nose dives in the pool!

This is what Colby wants to do everyday when his daddy gets home. I told you he is goofy hehe!

Thursday, June 11, 2009

We Heard The Heartbeat!

We went to our first doctors visit and we decided to leave Colby with mom because we feared he might get a little impatient with the waiting! So we took a few snap shots with our baby boy before going to tend to baby #2!

I asked him if it was a boy or girl and he signed "girl".

He came back with watermelon!

He kept eating the wrong part and making a crazy face! Chris was trying to tell him what part was not edible.

Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Fun Times!

Fun in the Sun!!

Splash Pad at Shiloh Park in Brandon

Kelli, Kim, & Breland

Madden Gerald

Colby & Abby

Colby helping Paw cut the grass and signing "flower"

He was ready to get off so he was signing "up"

Ummmm... not sure
He walks around the house pretending to have a conversation on the phone. He sooo got that from his dad. Chris will pace the entire house when he is on the phone.

Colby loves the water! He jumps in and tries to swim. I think I'm going to sign him up for swim lessons. He jumped off the diving board once and his eyes were as big as quarters!

Before Colby lays down to go to sleep he has to turn the light on and off....
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