Sunday, February 28, 2010

No Good in Goodbyes

I hate to say that any day is bad because God has blessed our life abundantly, and I know that there are people in this world that would consider our bad days to be blissful days! With that said, yesterday wasn't a bad day but I can say it wasn't the best day!

Bye Bye Bentley

We had to say bye bye to Bentley after having him a part of our family for 7 years. Chris and I started our little family 6 months before we were married. Bentley was like our child for four years before Colby arrived and stole all the glory. Bentley never adjusted to Colby's homecoming and each day that passed drove Bentley a little closer to having a stroke caused from stress. As if losing all the attention wasn't enough, Colby began to give Bentley anxiety attacks. Yorkies are prone to having anxiety and many actually have to get on medication because they can't even bare the pressure of their owner leaving the house. Colby is a very active, hyper, wild, destructive (do you get the point) child and Bentley was on the breaking point. Colby didn't understand that a 5lb dog can't handle the impact of a toy launched across the room at high speeds or withstand a 30lb child sitting on his head, nor did he find it amusing to be hit with a pillow while snoozing on the couch. It got so bad that if Colby was within a 5 mile radius Bentley would begin to shake and show his teeth. It was a really hard decision, but I found Bentley a good home. I was very apprehensive at first but after meeting his adoptive mother, I was content. She has a fourteen year old that has wanted a yorkie for years and I know he will be so spoiled. He will be sleeping in their bed, enjoying their huge backyard, and never have to worry about Colby torturing him ever again. I want to tear up right now thinking about what he is doing and if he misses us, but I know it's for the best!

Chris took it pretty hard but he also agreed that it was in Bentley's best interest!

This was on the way to meet his new family.

We enjoyed coffee and conversation with the new owner and started a friendship. She was super nice and I know she will love Bentley! We became friends on Facebook so she can keep me updated and they live in Richland so we plan to go by every once and while to visit.

Bye Bye Baby Bed

Well.....we decided to continue the day with yet another goodbye! We agreed it was time to retire the baby bed and upgrade to a big boy bed. We went to matress world and purchased a full matress, we didn't get the box spring because I want it to be really low to the ground. Chris came home and got busy taking the baby bed apart. Once he was done, he read the directions and realized we didn't have the conversion kit. Of course, when you buy a baby bed that converts into a full they don't tell you about the extra parts that are sold separately. I get on the phone with Playpen and cross my fingers we can just make a quick run and go pick it up. No, not going to happen......not in stock and takes 8 weeks to deliver. You can guess how happy Chris was at this point

Just what you want to do on a Saturday

Give your dog away

go matress shopping for no reason

take a bed apart


put a bed back together


Chris did some research online and found a store about an hour from his parents house that had one in stock. They are going to pick it up for us and hopefully we can get it this next weekend.

here is a little recap of what's been going on at the Jones's home.

Chase met Mawmaw & PawPaw (his great grandparents)

Our first playgroup since Chase arrived. We went to the Science Museum and enjoyed the new exhibit. Colby was being domestic playing in the kitchen with the ladies.

I love my Joovy and Colby thinks it is too cool!

Chase's first bath

Colby has been a great big brother

Eden's birthday party at Chucky E Cheese
Cookie Cake Face

Saturday, February 13, 2010

Let It Snow!!

Do you think Colby was excited about playing in the snow?

He got a little angry because his four wheeler kept spinning out

Paw Paw Mike was prepared to play!

A few seconds before Colby jumped off the wall and fell on his booty, I did the same thing....thank goodness Chris didn't catch it on camera. He is still talking about how graceful I appeared!
I'm sure your wondering how in the world I jumped off a 1ft wall and managed to fall on my butt......well, I wonder the same.

Dear Kim,
I'm sorry to tell you but Kate's snowman doesn't hold a candle to Colby's masterpiece, and just so you know...Colby built this all by himself! Maybe y'all can work on snowman building after circle time practice.

I can't believe how much snow we got on a February day in Mississippi!

Colby has seen a lot of snow in his short little life.


This was exactly a year ago.....look how big the same coat was. I can't believe how much he has grown up in one year.


Chase stayed inside where it was warm & cozy!!
3 weeks old

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

NO MORE TV....well just a little

When I was in the reading block at Mississippi College I had to write a paper on television viewing and the effects of learning disabilities and it kinda made me OCD about the issue. Being a teacher didn't help the matter either since I encountered children with all types of learning disabilities and found it very disheartening. Chris and I decided that Colby wouldn't view any television until age 2 (recommended age by AAP).

Did we make it until age 2? No, but close enough. I think he was about 22 months. I decided to allow him to watch 1 hour a day....that is until I was 9 months pregnant. The TV watching got completely out of control and he was becoming a TV junkie! Then, he spoke the dreaded words I never wanted to hear.

me: Colby let's go play outside

Colby: No, I watch choo choo train (Chuggington)

me: what? I said outside.....did you hear me say outside?

Colby: No mommy, I want to watch choo choo train.

me: (sniff sniff) okay, no more TV.......

well one show in the morning

wait he has 2 favorite shows

okay, two shows

first thing in the morning and that's it!!

Choosing to stay inside and watch TV over playing outside is not acceptable and it is completely my fault. Now we are back on track and I've started a routine.....I love routines!!

Wake up 7:00

watch 1 hr TV (which allows me to feed, change, and dress Chase.....and of course the best cuddle time with Colby)

play 8:00

10:00 academics- practice numbers & letters

He knows all his letters and now we are working on letter sounds

I think it's important for us to have academic time since Colby doesn't attend preschool. I want him to be prepared and to master skills such as, following directions, listening, obeying the rules, etc.

My friend Kim is such an awesome mom and her blogs are sure to entertain you!!!

Read about her adventure to teach her three year old to follow directions during circle time at school. ( the intro to circle time) (Things Every Parent Should Know About Circle Time))

eat lunch 11:00

Nap 12:00-2:30/3


Bath time (just to play and waste time- no TV is hard)


Dinner 5:30

Bedtime 7:00

Oh, you have no idea how happy I will be when we can play outside, go to story time, have play dates, and play at the park again!

I will be one happy mommy!

Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Super Bowl

We were really pumped about the Saints playing in the Super Bowl, but we decided to stay home and enjoy the game. After all, Chase is only 2 weeks old, Colby has a cough again, and Colby's bedtime was during just made sense to stay home!! Oh, how life changes after kiddos!
My three boys + steak dinner+ cookies for desert+ Saints win the Super Bowl = a perfect night!

Pre-game activities.....

Chris decided to get his lego collection out of the attic and share them with Colby. I was surprised how picky and protective Chris was of his legos. He quickly decided Colby wasn't ready to handle the legos with proper care. Notice, Colby is no where to be found but Chris is still in the zone.

After reading what Chris wrote on his lego box when he was a child, I realized this obsession started long ago!

Don't touch this box.....WOW, now I know why Colby isn't big on sharing.

The graffiti also displayed brotherly love.....

Cory wrote Christopher is butt.....soooo funny!

Is this my future with two boys and what the heck is this all about?

Watching the game

It wouldn't be a game without chips & salsa

and of course.........chocolate chips cookies made by the cutest chef!!

Yes, he has on Christmas PJs in Feb....oh well.

My favorite Super Bowl commercial

Gooooooooooo Saints! I think it's pretty cool that the Saints won the Super Bowl the year Chase was born!
I cried like a baby watching Brees and his son after the game.......what a precious moment!!!

Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Who needs Pump It Up?

Colby is a HUGE fan of Pump It Up and every time I say, "guess what?" he responds, "I jump high!" That's his way of saying, "are we going to Pump It Up.......ohhhh pretty please with sprinkles on top. So, it's often disappointing when I reply, "no, but we are going to the store" or "not Pump It Up today, but I got you this new book!" I try not to even say "guess what" anymore.

My mom and I took him to Pump It Up two weeks before my due date so I could get in some one-on-one time before Chase arrived. I knew it would be awhile before we were able to go again so we took advantage of a play session they opened up due to all the the school closings (no water issues...sorry Kim, didn't mean to bring up bad memories).

We were the only ones in the building for the first 30 minutes, and it was a blast! Gammy even got up the courage to slide down, even though Colby wouldn't slide with her (he is way to big for that).

Watch his graceful plunge off the slide

Since Chase arrived Gammy thought Colby deserved a special "Big Brother" gift. You know how grandparents think.......oh poor baby isn't getting all the attention anymore.Gammy told me she was getting him a jumping castle, and I knew he would be thrilled, but I didn't know it would need a room of its own!

You can only imagine what I was thinking as Chris was blowing up this enormous contraption.
We didn't have an electric pump so he used a foot pump......see the excitement on his face.

He really was a sport and didn't complain one time! Have I ever mentioned how much I love him!!!

It really is an eye-sore in my dining room ( playroom now). This is the view from my living room couch.......go ahead and laugh, I know it's pretty comical!
It's not really how I pictured my dining room and it definitely doesn't match my decor

but after I saw his reaction, it didn't matter one bit!!

Daddy has enjoyed the castle too!

Colby has also used his castle to entertain his friends!

Colby & Kate

Colby & Cook

Who needs Pump It Up when you have a jumping castle!! Thanks's a hit!

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