Monday, February 28, 2011

How I'm Teaching Colby To Read

I don't think it's important to teach a three year old how to read, but if a child is showing reading readiness then it's a window of opportunity to teach at a time that is most valuable to the individual child. 

I know Colby is ready to start the process of reading for many different reasons. I'm not sure what Colby's gift is....photographic memory, retains information well (I wish this applied to rules....I should only be so lucky) , or greatly benefited from learning sign language.

I never taught Colby letter sounds, he just learned them through everyday reading experiences which I believe is a benefit of signing....

The intellectual benefits of baby signing include:

1. Baby Sign Language increases the speed of the development of 
verbal language.
2. Baby signing increases vocabulary.
3. Baby signing reinforces the use of verbal language.
4. Baby Sign Language promotes language learning through concept.
5. Baby Signing reinforces a child’s communication attempts.
6. Baby Sign Language promotes early literacy.
7. Baby Sign Language increases interests in books.
8. Baby Signing promotes the early use of complex sentences
More Info here

Also, he just started recognizing words. When I pull up to a stop sign, Colby says, "S-T-O-P stop mommy" and tells me to G-O go when the light turns green. Those were just a few little readiness signs that Colby is showing, so reading here we come!

Some Reading Readiness signs…
  • Your child pretends to read books
  • Your child knows the sounds letters make {not just the names of the letters but the sounds they make {think: Leapfrog Letter Factory}
  • Your child notices environmental print—signs, TV show names, street signs, store names, cereal boxes, etc.
  • Your child knows where the words are on a page in a book
  • Your child knows that we read from left to right and can imitate this action as you read.
  • Your child can retell a story you read in his/her own words {showing the ability to comprehend and retell}
  • Your child holds book the proper way {not upside down or sideways}
  • Your child recognizes his/her own name and other familiar names or words {mom, dad, siblings, etc.}
  • Your child shows an interest in writing and pretends to write {or is already writing letters}
  • Your child understands rhyming words
  • Your child understands beginning sounds {ask-what sound do you hear at the beginning of the word “cat”?}
  • Your child is interested in learning to read!

I'm using Whole Language Approach since it's the method I learned in college and what I used to teach my first's just what I know. WLA is a process in which language is viewed as an authentic, natural, real-world experience, and language learning is perceived as taking place through functional reading and writing situations.
More info here

Colby absolutely loves books so I just pick a book, read it over and over, and then do an activity with the book that will encourage reading!

The Napping House is one of Colby's all time favs...mine too!! 

You can print out all materials here!

Colby cut out all the characters and glued them on his paper in sequential order.....

Then we labeled each one......

next, we used play-dough mats to learn the word cat and dog.....

Books are the quietest and most constant of friends; they are the most accessible and wisest of counselors, and the most patient of teachers.  ~Charles W. Eliot

Until Next Time........

Thursday, February 24, 2011

Shutting Blog Down....Temporarily

Due to certain circumstances, I have to set my blog to private until April. You can sign up at and send me a request to view any post in the mean time. It will be back open to the public as soon as possible.....sorry guys!

We have adjusted to our new temporary home here in San Antonio TX.  

We love the river walk, zoo, and beautiful parks that are helping us pass the time, but we miss everyone back at home!!

Until Next Time........

Sunday, February 20, 2011

Surprise!! We havin anotha baby!

My tummy looks a little bloated....Nah!

I feel a little nauseous......Nah!

I just thought about Chris while listening to, "I miss everything about you" and cried like a baby and he's only been gone a week....Nah!

Chase keeps getting frustrated while nursing as if my milk supply has decreased for some reason......Nah!

Wait a minute! Could it be? Is it possible? There is no way!

Could I be pregnant?

I will just take a test just  for my curiosity, but it's a slim chance that I'm pregnant.

let me just get this $1 test from dollar general, I'm not spending $15 when I know I'm not pregnant!

Okay, sprinkle sprinkle, see I knew I.......




I better take one more to make sure!

Yep, four pink lines definitely mean positive!

Tears of joy ran down my face

My heart was racing

My stomach was in butterflies

My body was numb from shock

I grabbed Colby and said,


We hugged, cheered, called Daddy, and celebrated together!

For the remainder of the day, Colby chanted, "we havin anotha baby, we havin anotha baby....Oh my doodness!!"


Yes, I was super surprised, but I love surprises...especially surprises that are little drops of heaven!

We are thrilled to death to welcome #3 to our family!

I hope Chasey Poo is ready to give up his baby of the family position and take the role of big brother.

After all, he just  turned ONE last month....he is practically grown!

We got the biggest, yet sweetest surprise on Valentine's Day.....we heard the heartbeat, Jones baby #3 is definitely on the way!!!

I will have three kiddos 3 and under.....How about them apples!!!

Until Next Time.......

Thursday, February 10, 2011

Bathtub Bully

You might glance through these photos and assume that Colby is quite the bathtub bully.....

Smearing bubbles in Chase's face......
 Holding him hostage under the running water................

 Squeezing the life out of his cheeks............
 but he only does it because Chase loves it! Chase lives to play with Colby, and Colby lives to make Chase's quite a precious combination!!

Until Next Time............

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

There's No Need To Hide- Public Breastfeeding

Finally, the government is stepping up and supporting moms with public breastfeeding.........

Do you know why?


The government has come to the conclusion that if all women in the US would exclusively breastfeed their child for 6 months then it would save 13 billion dollars yearly in health care.

WOW.....that is a huge deal, but I can think of many more reasons why the government should have started supporting public breastfeeding way before now! Breastfeeding moms don't won't to be prisoners of their own home, they don't won't to feed their baby in a nasty restroom, and they can't just leave their other children playing all alone while they go find a secret hiding place...just to mention a few. They just want to feed their baby and go about the day and suggest gawkies ( I don't even know if that's a real word but that's what I call them) do the same.

Sometimes Gawkies make me want to sing......"monkeys always looking, take a picture it will last longer!" I know what your thinking......goober, right?

I've had several friends encounter a rude spectator while they were trying to feed their baby in public. I just can't imagine why anyone would think it's acceptable to ridicule a mother for doing what's very best for her child. 75% of women start out breastfeeding in the hospital, and even though it's recommended to exclusively BF for 6 months with one year being the goal, it drops to 38% at 6 months, I strongly believe that if more woman felt completely comfortable nursing in public that the numbers would not drop so drastically.

I have heard some pretty immature statements about public nursing, but I think the one that makes my skin crawl the most is.......MY CHILD MIGHT SEE.

Yep, my skin is crawling right now as I'm thinking about it!

Hello!!! What is wrong with your child seeing a mom nurse her baby? Why does that child not already know why God gave women breast? Why are you upset for your child to witness something so special between a mother and child?

Did you know the more your son is exposed to breastfeeding, the more likely he is to support his future wife with BF, also the more your daughter is exposed to BF, the greater chance she will BF as well. So, what does that mean? Your grandchildren have the best start  in what is it again you are complaining about? I'm confused!

If it's the fear of actually being flashed by a breast, then you are looking way too hard!

I am so thankful that Colby knows breastfeeding is just a part of life, he would never even notice a mom nursing in public. I would be the one to point it out......"look Colby, that sweet baby is eating!"
When breastfeeding is no longer a part of our life, I will still revisit the topic often with my boys.  I never won't them to forget that breast are for nourishing babies and nothing about breastfeeding should ever be shameful. I pray they will respect women and support them for the sacrifices they make for their children.

Even if you choose not to breastfeed or physically can't, it's still a wonderful idea to expose your child to breastfeeding and teach them that it's a normal part of life. Children should know it's just as acceptable to see a mom breastfeeding as it is to bottle feed.

We have to reverse the crazy damage that's been done in our culture. We are teaching our children that breasts are sexual objects to please men.....sorry to disappoint so many people out there, but breast have a much more IMPORTANT JOB!

Over 700 people wrote in a complaint that they didn't like this cover because they didn't won't their children looking at a big breast. Really? Again, I'm confused. I would have used it as a teaching tool for my children.

I wonder how many people complained about this cover. If I had to guess.....ZERO. I'm telling you, our culture has some wacky views,

Supermodel Miranda Kerr  has received amazing feedback on her breastfeeding photo, but she has also received comments such as:
too personal,
I think it's beautiful!

But I guess these photos aren't too personal at all?????

What in the world is wrong with our views, morals, and standards? We should be embarrassed!!

We need to support all moms, rather it's bottle-feeding moms or public breastfeeding moms.....all moms just want support and are trying to do the best they can. The next time you want to stare, give a cruel look, or even give your unsolicited advice to a mom breastfeeding in public......please get over yourself and be supportive of a GREAT THING!

Thursday, February 3, 2011

No Regrets!

Where do I even begin?

Thoughts keep racing through my mind.

Why do things like this happen?

It's not fair!

How in the world does his parents move on from here?

Will they ever completely heal?

What were the last words he shared with his family?

What will his friends think, will they understand?

His poor sister, they were so close.

What if this happened to one of my boys?



Next week?

I couldn't handle it!

Would I have peace?

Would I have regrets?

I wish I could make all these thoughts disappear, but they keep racing through my mind.

Chris came home early from school yesterday, and I could tell something wasn't right when he began telling me a story about a student of his.

Michael Girard started vomiting in class today. He went to the restroom where he passed out. When he got to the hospital they discovered he has leukemia.

WHAT? Coach Girard's son?

Yes, I just can't believe it! He was running around playing and now he is in the hospital not expected to make it.
It just doesn't make sense.

How is coach taking it?

How do you take that kind of news? 
Just this morning I saw him walking his son across the street to go to school and he had no idea that it would be the last time.

At that point in the conversation, I lost it. I can't even begin to imagine. Once you become a mom and hear such a tragic story, you can feel the pain as if it happened to your child.....I guess it's a mommy emotion that takes over.

Michael began bleeding in his brain and there was nothing the doctors could do, so God wrapped him in his arms and took him home today.
There were prayers going up all over town for the healing of Michael and even though it wasn't the outcome we were hoping for, we know God answered our prayers. We don't always understand since God's ways are not our ways but he always knows the THE BEST WAY.
Michael did receive the ultimate healing, he has a brand new body in Christ. I pray that his family draws near to God at what has to be the hardest trial they have ever been through in their entire life.

I don't know why it takes such a horrible tragedy to make us appreciate the things we should never take for granted. Of course, I immediately begin to reflect on my life with my children. Just picturing today being my last day with one of my boys is too much to bare. If I lost one of them unexpectedly, I would hope that my thoughts were overflowing with the amazing memories of the last few hours I spent with them. I hope it would look something like......

Give me a kiss please

I love you to the moon and back

lets paint

yes, I will read another book

do you want to help me cook

I love how sweet you are to your brother

You have obeyed mommy so well today

Yes, you can have a piece of candy

Of course you can, one movie won't hurt

laughing, laughing, and more laughing

Let's play a game

Mommy,  lets build a train track

Your the best

This is a day in my life most of the time but sometimes the aggravations of raising a three year old can cause me to have a negative attitude. After thinking about Michael playing one minute and being on life support the next, I was so angry at myself. How dare I take my children for granted and waste one minute of getting frustrated over something that won't mean a hill of beans one day.

Who cares.....

If he splashes water all over the floor during bath time

Whines when he doesn't get his way

doesn't share his trains

gets out of the bed 100 times before he actually goes to sleep

We usually get upset and correct Colby for getting out of the bed so many times, but last night I was beyond thankful that he peaked around the corner, tip-toed in our room, and said, "mommy I need one more tiss (kiss), then it time to go to bed."

I kissed him and he walked back to his room, curled in the bed,  and was rolling over to go to sleep, but I took him in my arms carried him back to our bed, and held him close to my heart!

No regrets starting now!
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