We all know breast is the best, but it's not always possible. I'm so thankful Amy Norris shared her breastfeeding experience to remind everyone that we don't know what obstacles a mother might be going through, but we do know that support always goes a long way!!
A journey of a thousand miles must begin with a single step.
Saturday, May 28, 2011
Tuesday, May 17, 2011
Baby Girl's Name is......
Man Oh Man, it's been a trip trying to decide baby girl's name! I don't remember it being this difficult with the boys, but Baby girl took us for a ride and I'm glad it's come to an end! Chris was extremely picky, which was starting to wear me down, but I also think it's sweet that he took so much time and deliberation on choosing a name for our Baby girl!
The special name we chose for our little girl is.....
Josie Kathryn Jones
We just fell in love with Josie as soon as it rolled off my lips. The other 100 names I suggested to Chris only received a curled nose, so I knew this was the winner.
Josie is also special to us for many reasons!
Jo'el's deceased brother- Joey
Chris's grandmother- Joycelyn
It's a perfect fit for our family.....a special way to make our loved ones a part of our Baby girl!
Kathryn gave it that final touch, it's such a classical, beautiful name and it's after my mother- Kathy!
I also love the meaning!!! Josie means God will add and Kathryn means pure.....
Finally, we have a name we love that's meaningful to our family! Baby girl now has a name.....
Josie Kathryn Jones
The special name we chose for our little girl is.....
Josie Kathryn Jones
We just fell in love with Josie as soon as it rolled off my lips. The other 100 names I suggested to Chris only received a curled nose, so I knew this was the winner.
Josie is also special to us for many reasons!
My grandmother- Betty Jo
Chris's mom- Jo'el
Chris's grandfather- JosephJo'el's deceased brother- Joey
Chris's grandmother- Joycelyn
It's a perfect fit for our family.....a special way to make our loved ones a part of our Baby girl!
Kathryn gave it that final touch, it's such a classical, beautiful name and it's after my mother- Kathy!
I also love the meaning!!! Josie means God will add and Kathryn means pure.....
Finally, we have a name we love that's meaningful to our family! Baby girl now has a name.....
Josie Kathryn Jones
Saturday, May 14, 2011
My little Picasso
Every child is an artist. The problem is how to remain an artist once we grow up.
Pablo Picasso
We come from a long line of athletes and sports fanatics, but to be honest, I would be delighted if my children fell head over heels for the arts! I would be just as thrilled to admire their masterpieces at an art show or be consumed with the sound at a concert as I would to cheer on the sidelines. No matter what their little hearts desire, I will be front and center....proud and loud, well not too loud, not obnoxious loud!!!!!
Colby shows signs of being artistic, so I encourage his artsy side as much as I possibly can!!
Give that boy paint and a brush, and he is on cloud nine!!!
I put his masterpieces on display to express their importance.....he takes pride in his special art exhibit!
Pablo Picasso
We come from a long line of athletes and sports fanatics, but to be honest, I would be delighted if my children fell head over heels for the arts! I would be just as thrilled to admire their masterpieces at an art show or be consumed with the sound at a concert as I would to cheer on the sidelines. No matter what their little hearts desire, I will be front and center....proud and loud, well not too loud, not obnoxious loud!!!!!
Colby shows signs of being artistic, so I encourage his artsy side as much as I possibly can!!
Give that boy paint and a brush, and he is on cloud nine!!!
I put his masterpieces on display to express their importance.....he takes pride in his special art exhibit!
Colby's favorite canvas is......
his little brother!!
Chasey Poo is always quick to volunteer!
What a sport! Who am I kidding, he's only compliant because he enjoys the taste test!
Until Next Time.......
Thursday, May 12, 2011
Birth Bonding & Booby Traps
So, here is my best breastfeeding advice.......
If you really desire to breastfeed, you really need to prepare for your birth since the two go hand in hand. Many moms who birth in a hospital fall into the booby trap of wrong information and misleading advice. If you don't have the luxury of birthing in a baby-friendly hospital then there is a good chance you will have breastfeeding difficulties if you don't create a birth plan.
Hopefully, all hospitals across this country will one day be baby-friendly but as of now there are only 108, and if you are like me and live in Mississippi then you don't have access to even one in the entire state.......with that said, it's good to know your stuff!
Baby-Friendly hospitals follow The Ten Steps To Successful Breastfeeding:
1 - | Have a written breastfeeding policy that is routinely communicated to all health care staff. |
2 - | Train all health care staff in skills necessary to implement this policy. |
3 - | Inform all pregnant women about the benefits and management of breastfeeding. |
4 - | Help mothers initiate breastfeeding within one hour of birth. |
5 - | Show mothers how to breastfeed and how to maintain lactation, even if they are separated from their infants. |
6 - | Give newborn infants no food or drink other than breastmilk, unless medically indicated. |
7 - | Practice “rooming in”-- allow mothers and infants to remain together 24 hours a day. |
8 - | Encourage breastfeeding on demand. |
9 - | Give no pacifiers or artificial nipples to breastfeeding infants. |
10 - | Foster the establishment of breastfeeding support groups and refer mothers to them on discharge from the hospital or clinic |
Please pay close attention to #7 "rooming in"........this is so very important and many hospitals mislead moms into believing that it's okay to separate from YOUR NEWBORN BABY.
It's not okay and can lead to major breastfeeding problems which causes many moms to give up on breastfeeding- More info on Rooming-in vs Nursery Care.
Make your own birthing plan that resembles baby-friendly hospital procedures and
express your concerns and encourage your hospital to implement baby-friendy hospital initiative!
Change never happens if everyone remains silent!
I obviously delivered in a hospital where I had to pay extra for private transitional care (I had to pay to keep my baby...crazy huh?) and it was worth every penny! If I could offer only one suggestion for successful breastfeeding, I would say ROOM-IN with your baby and keep that little angel skin-to-skin and you will be off to a great breastfeeding start!!
Don't let anyone convince you that it's better for your baby to be seperated from you after birth......it's just not the truth!
It's Bonding Time!
explains how to avoid hospital interventions, such as inductions that can cause breastfeeding problems like delays in milk coming in, breast edema, and sucking problems.
Tuesday, May 10, 2011
How The Gender Reveal Went Down!
Yesterday was the big gender reveal and what a day it was! I'm thrilled we decided to find out with our family and friends, it was a moment I will never forget, and we were blessed to have shared such a precious moment with our family and besties!
Chris stayed home with the boys and I went for my 18 week check up, and I asked the tech performing the ultrasound to please not tell me the sex, but to check it and seal it tight....really tight.
Let me tell you.....it was burning a hole in my hand! It took all I had to fight back the urge to rip into the envelope and discover my future!
I DID IT! I took it right to the baker, handed it over, and drove away with my palms sweating!
I kept busy preparing dinner, decorating, and envisioning what color would be revealed in just a few short hours.....palms sweating more at this point!
I was so anxious and about to explode....the suspense was killing me!
See....I was pretending to pose for a picture, but I was wiping the sweat from my palms!
My mind was so focused on tearing that cake to pieces that I couldn't think straight. All the guest wore pink or blue to show their prediction and the plan was to get a pic of team Boy and a pic of team Girl, Yep.....I don't have a single picture of my sweet guest, but
here are their votes!!
It's game time! Get the boys......
Get Chris's mom on skype....
and let Colby man cut the cake......
It's a GIRL!!!!!!!!
My heart skipped a beat, and I started jumping up and down, with a knife until someone grabbed it from my hand......smart move Jess!
Tears welled up in my eyes and I fought to hold them off, I knew if I let it go.....it would get out of control!
I caught a glance of my best friend of 20 years and she was about to cry.....I had to look away quickly before I lost it!!I was overwhelmed with joy!! I don't deserve the life I've been given and all my blessings, but I accept them all in a New York minute and thank God above!
(I think Crystal had her eye on the the cake and didn't notice she was filming Jessica's cup.....Oh well, you get the idea of our excitement!!)
My two little squirts are going to love, protect, and probably turn their little sister into a tom-boy......she doesn't have a chance!
She won't need their protection, she'll probably be tougher than nails!
All the kiddos were pumped about the news.....okay maybe not, but
I sure was!!!!!!!!
It's Pink!!!!
It's a GIRL!!!
I might still be out numbered, but I'm not solo anymore!
I've got a little ham joining my team the first week of October!!
Now.....what to name her???????
Until Next Time.............
Thursday, May 5, 2011
Never Forget the Vinegar!
My boys never got the memo to sleep late on vacation, so our days have started bright and early at 6:00am.
One good thing is we have it all to ourselves; pool, hot tub, and even the beach.....for the first 3 hours at least!
I guess it's a good thing not to sleep the morning away, but to get an early start on new experiences, making memories, and being on the look out for evil jellyfish!
Yes, Colby was attacked by a jellyfish....bless his little heart.
It was our first day on the beach without daddy (he was in class) and I was thinking..... I GOT THIS!! I started unloading the goods when the boys noticed a group of kiddos surrounding a jellyfish washed up on the shore, but they weren'tcrazy daring enough to touch it. Colby waltzes right up, squeezed through the crowd and thought it would be a great idea to pick it up and throw it back into the sea to be reunited with his family. Mr. Jelly was not a fan of the idea so he retaliated and wrapped his long tentacle around Colby's torso and executed his revenge!
Colby felt the pulsating pain throughout his body and went ballistic.....beach goers probably thought he had been bitten by a shark. One lady yelled, "pour vinegar on it or pee on him quickly!"
Great advice.....let me just drop this one piece bathing suit and reveal my entire naked, pregnant body and urinate on my son, which by the way is running around like a chicken with his head cut off.
No thanks!
Option number 2, here we come!
I didn't have vinegar in my beach bag, but you can bet your bottom I will next time!
Picture this will you?
My pregnant tail grabbed the enormous beach bag, slung Colby on one hip, slung Chase onto the other hip, and ran as fast as humanly possible in sand to the hotel restaurant shouting for a cup of vinegar.
The staff was so helpful! One took Chase and the other two soaked Colby's body in vinegar until he quit hollering in pain. I am forever grateful!
When the traumatic episode was over, Colby only wanted to lay in the bed and talk about Mr. Jelly!
Mommy, you are never suppose to touch a jellyfish, they are so bad!
I know baby....never touch a jellyfish.
No, they hurt so bad! I need to just lay here all day so it won't hurt.
Okay, I'm so sorry that jellyfish stung you! Chase is trying to make you feel better!
No, Chase! I'm hurt really bad, your kisses won't help!
Chase never touch a jellyfish, okay.
I think we have established that already sweet boy, and always put vinegar in our beach bag, right?
Until Next Time..........
One good thing is we have it all to ourselves; pool, hot tub, and even the beach.....for the first 3 hours at least!
I guess it's a good thing not to sleep the morning away, but to get an early start on new experiences, making memories, and being on the look out for evil jellyfish!
Yes, Colby was attacked by a jellyfish....bless his little heart.
It was our first day on the beach without daddy (he was in class) and I was thinking..... I GOT THIS!! I started unloading the goods when the boys noticed a group of kiddos surrounding a jellyfish washed up on the shore, but they weren't
Colby felt the pulsating pain throughout his body and went ballistic.....beach goers probably thought he had been bitten by a shark. One lady yelled, "pour vinegar on it or pee on him quickly!"
Great advice.....let me just drop this one piece bathing suit and reveal my entire naked, pregnant body and urinate on my son, which by the way is running around like a chicken with his head cut off.
No thanks!
Option number 2, here we come!
I didn't have vinegar in my beach bag, but you can bet your bottom I will next time!
Picture this will you?
My pregnant tail grabbed the enormous beach bag, slung Colby on one hip, slung Chase onto the other hip, and ran as fast as humanly possible in sand to the hotel restaurant shouting for a cup of vinegar.
The staff was so helpful! One took Chase and the other two soaked Colby's body in vinegar until he quit hollering in pain. I am forever grateful!
When the traumatic episode was over, Colby only wanted to lay in the bed and talk about Mr. Jelly!
Mommy, you are never suppose to touch a jellyfish, they are so bad!
I know baby....never touch a jellyfish.
No, they hurt so bad! I need to just lay here all day so it won't hurt.
Okay, I'm so sorry that jellyfish stung you! Chase is trying to make you feel better!
No, Chase! I'm hurt really bad, your kisses won't help!
Chase never touch a jellyfish, okay.
I think we have established that already sweet boy, and always put vinegar in our beach bag, right?
Until Next Time..........
Monday, May 2, 2011
Baby Gender Reveal
The weather is beautiful, our resort is fabulous, and the boys are loving everything about their first trip to the beach!!!
I can't help but to think about what we will be doing this day next week, May 9th!!
We have decided to have a baby gender reveal party, and we are so pumped!!
Next time we vacation to the beach, will we return with all boys or a girl in the mix....we shall see?????
During the ultrasound we are going to have the tech write the gender in a sealed envelope and then we will deliver the results to a baker. If the the sex is a girl, the inside of the cake will be pink or blue if it's a boy! We will find out the big surprise with our dear family and friends!! The timing worked out perfect!! It's the day after we return home and it's been quit some time since Chris has seen any friends or family.....he is thrilled!
I'm sure there are people who think baby gender reveal parties are silly but HEY, WE ARE SILLY!! Anytime we can find an excuse to celebrate with friends and family...we jump on it!! After all, we aren't having a baby shower for baby #3 so this will be our little celebration for our new bundle of joy!
To be honest, I had never heard of a baby gender reveal until a friend of mine encouraged me to have one. After searching for information, I realized it's quite the popular trend these days! Think about it......it is way more fun than some stranger looking at a monitor and saying, "it's a boy/girl!"
We get to share this amazing moment with our loved ones instead.....I'm loving it!!
I decided at the last moment to have this grand reveal so I had to plan it in two days! We left for vacation and the party will be the day after our return!
I watched several YouTube videos and I'm such a big ole baby..... I cried on almost all of them, and I don't even know these people!
I got some great ideas from Hostess
and Supermom.......
She had someone put balloons in a box to reveal the gender....cute idea!
I can't help but to think about what we will be doing this day next week, May 9th!!
We have decided to have a baby gender reveal party, and we are so pumped!!
Next time we vacation to the beach, will we return with all boys or a girl in the mix....we shall see?????
During the ultrasound we are going to have the tech write the gender in a sealed envelope and then we will deliver the results to a baker. If the the sex is a girl, the inside of the cake will be pink or blue if it's a boy! We will find out the big surprise with our dear family and friends!! The timing worked out perfect!! It's the day after we return home and it's been quit some time since Chris has seen any friends or family.....he is thrilled!
I'm sure there are people who think baby gender reveal parties are silly but HEY, WE ARE SILLY!! Anytime we can find an excuse to celebrate with friends and family...we jump on it!! After all, we aren't having a baby shower for baby #3 so this will be our little celebration for our new bundle of joy!
To be honest, I had never heard of a baby gender reveal until a friend of mine encouraged me to have one. After searching for information, I realized it's quite the popular trend these days! Think about it......it is way more fun than some stranger looking at a monitor and saying, "it's a boy/girl!"
We get to share this amazing moment with our loved ones instead.....I'm loving it!!
I decided at the last moment to have this grand reveal so I had to plan it in two days! We left for vacation and the party will be the day after our return!
I watched several YouTube videos and I'm such a big ole baby..... I cried on almost all of them, and I don't even know these people!
I got some great ideas from Hostess
and Supermom.......
She had someone put balloons in a box to reveal the gender....cute idea!
and I absolutely love Erica's idea of a craving spread......
I kinda threw it all together, but it doesn't matter that my decorations are tacky....who cares??
We are going to enjoy time with our favorites and find out if our future holds
Tea parties, laces
and baby doll faces
and baby doll faces
or another boy to contribute to the
yard work!
Either way, we are beyond blessed!!
Until Next Time..........
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