Thursday, June 30, 2011

From Duckies to Indians

Altus is definitely a little one horse town with not much excitement, but one thing about this little town we love is the Reservoir, which is only a jump, hop & a skip away from our apartment!

Chase was quite skittish of the ducks at first, but he quickly warmed up to our furry friends!

Look.....a swing full of pure sweetness!!

The duckies are fun to feed, but they also like to donate to our crafting!

Where there are ducks, there are also feathers!

We painted and created......

and transformed ourselves into Indians!

BTW.....these Indians are hitting the trail and headed back to Mississippi on July 15!!

Until Next Time........

Friday, June 24, 2011

I Forgive You

I'm checking out at the store today and catch a glimpse of Colby devouring some M&Ms........stealing is one thing that I will never tolerate, and I knew at that moment he had to learn a life lesson and learn it quick!!

Colby Michael Jones, what on Earth do you think you are doing?

Mommy, M&Ms are so good (as he opens his mouth wide to show me the evidence).

You just stole those M&Ms, and you know that stealing is never okay! Do those belong to you?

No mam.

Did you ask Mommy to buy those?

No mam.

Then you stole them!

I will pay for them, Mommy!

With what, you don't have any money!

I'm so super sorry, I won't ever do that again.

You go tell the cashier what you did right now and apologize.

Okay, (teary eyed and voice shaking) I'm so sorry, that was not a good idea.

Now, Daddy has to pay for those.

Can I have them now?

You absolutely may not and you will work to pay Daddy back....We didn't steal, you did.

I said I was so sorry.

I know, you don't have to say sorry anymore. Once you ask forgiveness, I forgive.....just like God forgives me the first time I ask.

Okay, I'm so sorry mom and I forgive you too!

Forgive me?? I didn't did!

We got home (we are staying in an upstairs apartment) and his job was to unload the groceries to pay for his M&Ms that he stole. He literally unloaded 2 bags and it took him the same amount of time that it took Chris to unload the other twenty.

I almost felt sorry for the little guy.....not really! This was one life lesson I was determined to teach him the first go round!

He was holding onto the rail and after one leg conquered a step, he would pull with all his strength to drag the two bags up to the next step. It took him a good 15 minutes to reach the top and he released the bags right at the front door as he let out a sigh of exhaustion!

Son, Daddy works to buy things....he doesn't steal. You just had to work for those M&Ms, stealing is never okay!

I'm tired Mommy! Can I have those M&Ms now?

You will NEVER get those M&Ms baby! You were working to pay Daddy back, not to eat the M&Ms you stole!

I'm so sorry! I will never never ever ever steal again!

Good! God says Thou Shall Not Steal!

I know! I'm Sorry! I love you and forgive you, Mommy!

Colby, I think you are confused, my dear. You forgive someone when they ask for forgiveness after doing something wrong. I didn't steal did! 

He hugged my neck...... It's okay Mommy, you only have to ask one time, I FORGIVE YOU!


I pinky promise!

What am I going to do with this little squirt????

 Until Next Time..............

Saturday, June 18, 2011

VBS = Separation Anxiety

Colby man is Mr. Independent!

I can do this all by myself!

I don't need help, I'm super strong!

I can do this.....see how big my muscles are, Mommy!

That is until, he has to separate from his mommy!

I'm a SAHM so I'm all he knows! I also have never forced separation, I want it to be on his time.....not when I desperately want him to be ready! Which means he has never gone in the church nursery (I could never leave him while he was  having a panic attack...tried on many occasions), he has never stayed with anyone but grandparents, and Mother's Morning Out lasted for a whole THREE weeks.....longer than I ever expected!

Now, that he is three and a very independent, little squirt, I thought he would be ready for Vacation Bible School....or at least I was praying he was ready!

First day, he was so enthusiastic and kept repeating, "I can't wait!"

I walked him in and he shouted, "okay, Mommy you can go, bye bye" and then sat beside a friend and said, "hey, my name is Colby, what's your name?"

I literally teared up and almost lost it, not because I'm a big ole baby, but because of preggo hormones, or at least that's the culprit I chose to target! If you know me well, then you know I'm bluffing.....I'm a big old baby when it comes to my babies!

I was extremely eager to pick him up and see how his big day went! He was thrilled to tell me about all the playing, painting, dancing, etc.!!!

I was one giddy proud of my little man!


He walked in with confidence ready to take on the tile painting and booty shaking!!

Pick-up time rolled around, and his face wasn't beaming like the previous day. With a fowl expression he mumbled....

You took way too long today, where have you been (I had a flashback from my teenage years)?

I went home and let Chase take a nap, you knew we were coming back at lunch!

I'm not happy with your choices (he repeats to me everything I say to him, like I'm the child...geez).

I'm sorry

I missed you too much and I love you, you not suppose to do that to me (knife in the heart).

Baby, it's a lot more fun to play with friends and do fun stuff than sit at the house while Chase is napping!

I'm very upset right now

I'm sorry, I love you!

Day 2

We gave it another go!

It was time to drop him off and he was compliant, but didn't let me leave without strict instructions.

Mommy, I'm going to go today but don't take so long and if I get sad and miss you, you need to come back!

Yes, Sir!

Pick up time:

Did you have a great day?

NOT AT ALL! I love Jesus but I'm not coming back took too long again!

Baby, it's the same time everyday!

Well, I cried....I miss you!

It's okay to miss me, I missed you too, but I promise I will always come back and I love you very much!! I thought you would love to play with friends!

I do, but I want you to stay and play too! (same problem again...he wanted me to be the MMO teacher).

Reluctantly, he finished out the week with no tears. It didn't go easy breezy but it's baby steps for my little guy!

On the last day he took his teacher a cute, little happy, even though I had to convince him to hand over the reese's pieces.....soooo embarrassing!

You are O'fish' ally Awesome and I love you to pieces.....a little corny but it's the thought that counts, right?

Until Next Time..........

Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Handling Criticism

Babies can’t be spoiled… only nurtured!

Babies, like food, only get spoiled if they are left


unattended on a shelf. 

I love this quote! It's definitely a fav of mine and might even make my top 10 list. I spotted this fantastic quote when I read this article today, and it really hit home for me. learning more and more about attachment parenting has really taught me that Colby isn't necessarily a strong-willed child, rather he is a high need child. Raising a high need child can be challenging but I still focus on the parent I desire to be, despite negative criticism.....such as, tear his booty up!

If you have a high need child, you will appreciate Dr. Sears's great advice on handling criticism!

Handling Criticism

Dr. Sears

Having a high-need child can make you a ready target for critics. The hardest thing is having others think that by trying to meet your child’s needs you have created them, and by being sensitive to them, you’re making them worse. To protect yourself and your child from unwanted and unhelpful advice, try these suggestions taken from The Fussy Baby Book.

Keep your complaints private. Going public with your complaints exposes you to critics. Choose carefully to whom you gripe. Don’t ask questions you don’t want answered. It’s best to share with like-minded friends and parents who share your parenting philosophy, preferably ones who are also parenting a high-need child.

Protect yourself.  If your critics conclude you are withering away, they will feel compelled to water you with advice. They may assume that your baby is a burden to you and what you really need is a break from your baby. Set the record straight: “Actually, I love having my baby with me all the time.” In effect, you are conveying, “I’m okay, I don’t need your help with the baby, thank you.” Of course, if there are other kinds of help you need- with the dishes, laundry- now may be a good time to ask. When critics suggest that your parenting style is spoiling your baby, tell them, “Babies can’t be spoiled… only nurtured” or “Babies, like food, only get spoiled if they are left unattended on a shelf. “

Shield your child. It’s easy for your child’s self-image to be effected by comments from friends and relatives. Don’t let negative vibrations rub off on your child. If you’re invited to a home where you know critics are going to give your child a “Why aren’t you like the other children?” message, don’t go. Don’t discuss your child’s challenges within his hearing.

Be positive. Friends and family will pick up on how you assess your own child. If you are negative, complaining, and seem overwhelmed by your high-needs child, expect friends to react the same way. But, if you seem excited and proud to have this energetic child, they will be impressed with her positive qualities rather than regarding her as your “problem child.” If a critic pronounces, “My, she is obstinate,” come back with “Yes, she is very persistent.” When the critic says, “He’s so boisterous,” come back with “He has a lot of enthusiasm.”

Consider where the source got her parenting info. Your mother really does have your best interests and those of her grandchild at heart, but she raised you in an era when scheduling, bottle-feeding, cribs, playpens, spanking, and fear of spoiling were standard. Naturally, her views on child rearing will differ from yours. Accept this. Nothing divides friends and relatives like differences of opinion on raising kids. Pick out those childcare practices that you and your mother agree on, and keep the conversation centered on those; for the rest, simply agree to disagree.  

Monday, June 13, 2011

Sell This House

We decided back in October that we would like to sell our house for several reasons. One, we want to move back to the reservoir area....we really miss it. It's just so much more convenient for our family! Second, we bought this house before three kiddos came along and before I knew this Momma wasn't going back to work anytime soon. It's just waaaaaaay more important for me to stay home with my kiddos than pay a high mortgage when I really could careless what we live in! It doesn't take much to satisfy family and my life in Christ makes me one content cookie!! I can always buy a house later but my babies will only be babies once....even then I still don't know if I will desire to upgrade. There are just more important things in my life!

We weren't in a hurry to sell so we tried to sell it ourselves for eight months to no avail! I still didn't want to list it with an agent, but we decided that since we were going to be out of the house for the summer, it was a no brainier! I could clean one time and be done........keeping a house perfect with two boys is just a nightmare!

Our agent came over and gave us the low down along with a to-do list before we headed out of town.

1. Convert dining room into a dining room.....apparently no one else prefers a playroom over a place to eat!



I love the shade of blue.....much more appealing than the awful red!

There is a lovely reading area off the master suite, but it had become the I don't know where to put this so I will put it there needed de-cluttering in a bad way!

We replaced all the junk with two swivel chairs and rug to make it cozy.

Last on our list was to make the entrance look inviting!

Chris stained the door and I added a little color and happiness....who doesn't love flowers??

I added a wreath for the final touch that hopefully shouts....

you love me, buy me today!!!

Last but not least, I cleaned cleaned cleaned and then got these two little, messy stinkers out of dodge!!

Hopefully our hard work will pay off and we can SELL THIS HOUSE!

More Info here!!

Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Brownie Goose & Molly Blossom Give Away....Hurry Up!!

I just happen to know two extremely talented women I must tell you all about!

Amy Norris

Amy is a super mom of these two adorable cuties......

and still manages to run her own business, Brownie Goose!

Brownie Goose produces fun, funky children's clothing that everyone tries to get their paws on! Brownie Goose is a one woman show that puts her family above all else, which is why customers count their lucky stars when they get the chance to purchase a BG thread!

(Amy also blogs, if you ever need a good laugh!)

Sara Upshaw is raising two beautiful girls......

and also managing her own business, Molly Blossom.

Molly Blossom offers stylish, unique bags and dazzling accessories as well!

(You can follow Sara's blog for great sewing tips!)

Amy and Sara both are extremely talented and have mad skills at the sewing machine! They have decided to team up and spread the love with others....yikes!!

Amy created an original pattern of the Milly Dress.....

and Sara will guide you step-by-step in creating your very own Milly dress in her newly offered sew along class!!

Have you been wanting to make your little girl beautiful, boutique style clothing but aren't the type that can sit down and breeze through a pattern? Do you have a sewing machine that needs dusting off and a yearning to make beautiful things? BG Originals and Molly Blossom have the perfect solution. Join the duo on June 18 at 3:30 pm with fabric and your machine and leave with a beautiful Milly Dress using Amy Norris' beautiful dress pattern.
Don't miss this opportunity to get the pattern at a discount and have a personal guide to ensure your success. There are only six slots available for the special rate of $27 per person. I will take you from beginning to end of this lovely, layered beauty and you'll have a dress and the pattern to take home with you to use again and again with endless combinations.
Message Sara for more information!

These two inspiring moms offer a little insight to their success!

What inspired you to start your business?

Amy-  I quit my 'day job' as a peds nurse to stay at home with louisa since daycare was not working out well for anyone. I had always sewn, and took the advice of a few friends to try my hand at selling some of my work to make some extra pocket money. I soon realized that BG helped to fuel the fire behind my fabric addiction, and the rest was history.

    • Is there a special story behind your business name? 

Amy-My business is named after my two Labradors.  I have a chocolate lab, named mallard, that is my side-kick and we call him Brownie. Lucy is my sweet, calm-natured black lab that we call Goosie. I love my dogs like I love my children, and I am still working on training them to help me in the sewing room when things get hairy. 

Sara- Molly Blossom is the name I gave one of my daughter's favorite plush toys. It has red eyes and I had to come up with something that would make my husband stop calling it a demon toy.

How do you manage being a stay-home mom and a business owner?

Amy- I honestly think this is the hardest part of it all. I have 
struggled every season trying to figure out how to scale the numbers back for BG to allow more time for family. before the arrival of Nash, baby #2 - it was easy for me to sew while lou was at mother's morning out, during nap time and keeping night-owl hours. But once Nash came along...BG production has come almost to a screeching halt while i am trying to figure out how to swing being a mom to 2 and a small business-owner. after my first year, I realized that no matter what, family came first - and thankfully I have the support of some amazing customers that understand I am a Mom first and their seamstress next. To tell the truth, I still have YET to find the perfect balance and BG will be 3 this fall!

Sara-Fortunately for me, I can afford to not be totally devoted to my business. In fact. one of my requirements for myself when I started is that if it ever interfered with mothering or I was no longer having fun, I would scale back or stop altogether. Mainly, I make it work by only having a few things in my shop at a time, sewing at nap time and in between my girls' bedtime and mine.

Describe the way you feel after you have completed one of your stunning creations, especially when everyone wants it? 

Amy- For a seamstress, 'tis no better feeling than to finish a project. but then for everyone to love it like I do - well, that feeling is amazing. extremely humbling and rewarding each and every time. I still get a rush every time that one of my creations becomes a hit. it is like your kid's laughter, such a great feeling!

Sara-I still feel pretty stunned when I get big compliments or special order requests for a particular bag.

How did the idea of working together come about? 

Sara-We've become somewhat of sewing buds through our mutual admiration of each others' work and I offered to be a tester for her Milly Dress pattern. Knowing it was going to sell like hotcakes, I thought it would be fun to offer an opportunity for ladies to have some help working through it since it's not a pattern for an absolute novice.

What are your words of wisdom to someone just starting out and trying to learn how to sew ? 

Amy- I always, always, always say you cannot sew without a good iron, sounds silly - I know, but trust me! Also, patience. it doesn't necessarily click overnight, but don't give up. when frustration hits (and it does this to me too) take a breather and walk away. I have 2 motto's. the first is "a clean sewing room is an inefficient sewing room." Sometimes when all your things are strewn from one end to the other, it is easier to work, at least that is my excuse, and the second, "rip and sip." When it comes time to rip seams if something is done wrong, do NOT do so without a good beverage. Whether it be wine, beer, diet coke or ice helps to decrease stress and makes the whole ripping process not so bad after all. I prefer wine, so I rip at night. 

What do you hope to accomplish with the sew along class?

Sara- I'm most excited that this class will allow ladies to gain some confidence in their ability to read patterns and in their ability to sew garments. Buying boutique clothing can be bank account draining and when you can sew for yourself, you not only save money, but you get the extreme satisfaction of knowing that every compliment that garment receives is a compliment to your abilities. I love that feeling and I want others to experience it too!

Okay Ladies, now for the exciting news!!

One Milly Dress pattern and a FREE sew along class or 50% discount on any Molly Blossom product is up for grabs!!

All you have to do is leave a one word comment describing BG and Molly Blossom!

There will be one lucky winner randomly chosen.....GOOD LUCK!!

The Winner is......


Congrats C.Wilson! Send me your contact information so you can get your awesome prize!!

Sunday, June 5, 2011

Baby Fairy

You would think by the time the third bambino joined our family, I would have everything my heart desires....not the case! There are items that would just make life easier and of course there are certain items that are just too cute not to have! Maybe since the baby fairy keeps sending me babies, she will leave me some goodies one night......why not,  Santa does!

I believe it's super duper important to co-sleep, it's just way safer to have little squirt as close as possible for at least the first six months....not to mention it just feels right!
In the past I used a bassinet, but I have to have the arm's reach co-sleeper  this go round! It has an open side allowing me to maintain sweet closeness, but also giving Josie her own safe space!

I've been told by too many moms to get the rock & play sleeper, can't pass up good mommy advice!
It looks so comfy and...

a breeze to relocate.....just what I need!

You all know I love some babywearing! Babywearing has so many benefits, not to mention it's just so darn precious!!

I have several carriers, but I have to have the Ergo.....just can't live without it!

I can already picture Chris and Josie......pure sweetness!!

The Moby wrap is also on my wish list....I know the baby fairy will come through on this one!!
This wrap offers versatility and 

will grow with baby girl.....I can keep her close enough to kiss!!

I don't have any girly diaper bags, and I just happen to have a great friend that started her own business, Molly Blossom..... she will pick out the perfect fabric and do her thing for little Ms. Josie!

It would also be great if the fairy would wave her magic wand and fill baby girl's closet with some stylish threads, such as these beauties.....

I better go to bed or the baby fairy won't come!

Until Next Time.......

Saturday, June 4, 2011

Just Me

We have been in Oklahoma for two weeks now and we are finally adjusting and getting a good routine established. The first week we had to live in a hotel room.....not cool, not cool at all with tots!!!
We finally got into a two bedroom apartment, and couldn't be happier!

Happy to be able to cook dinner!! We aren't big on fast food and dining out every night with a one and three year old......yea, that's not cool either!

Happy to have a bedroom so Chase can take a nap, and I don't have to be the shhhhhh Nazi Queen on Colby's head!

Happy to have space to play!

Happy to be able to have life after the boys seven o'clock bedtime. Chris and I would have to either go to bed too or stare at the ceiling......yea, not cool either!!

Needless to stay, we were excited to say bye bye to the Microtel! Colby thought the hotel was actually Oklahoma. Once we arrived to the apartment, he looked around and said, "this is way better than Oklahoma!"

I agree!!

We are staying in a SMALL town and our leisure activities are extremely limited! We partake in story time at the library.......

we play it up at the park......

get a little crazy at imagination station.....

and cool off at the pool......

There you have it.....everything this town has to offer!!

The last two weeks have been a little stressful since Chase didn't adjust too quickly. He has been clingy, whiny, and not a big fan of sleep! He is definitely coming around...just needs a little more time!

Chris had his first day off yesterday, and I jumped on it like white on rice!! I located the first salon and scheduled a hair appointment and a mother-to-be massage.....I needed relaxation in a BAD way!!!

I bolted out the door alone, and jumped in Oddy without carrying a heavy load, strapping Chase in, and repeating, "Colby I'm not pulling out until you get buckled up!"

I turned off the Wheels on the Bus and jammed out to Train with the wind blowing in my hair....even though it's so hot it felt like a hair dryer, but I didn't care!!

I was belting out the tunes and even dancing.....nobody knows me here!

Got my hair done and had an hour before my massage.....what to do, what to do?

Go back to the apartment for lunch? No way!

Go eat lunch all by myself? Yes way!

I remember when I was young and kid free, I felt sorry for people eating I know their story! They were having a little peace of heaven and there I was feeling bad for the poor lady!

When the hostess asked how many, I replied JUST ME!!!

I went to a little Italian restaurant and savored every bite of my delicious food. I didn't have to say...

sit down please

don't eat crayons

do you have to potty,  then why are doing the potty dance

food is not for throwing

eat your food

quit playing with your food

we can't leave until everyone is done eating


I just reveled in the quiet moment and enjoyed my entire meal while thinking about the massage I was about to indulge myself was divine!

Not something I would want frequently, but once in a blue moon is just perfect!

I love my crazy  life with my wild boys, but every mommy deserves a little....

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