The boys were peacefully building a tower, so I seized the moment to browse pinterest, which I should never do when I'm hungry! I ran across these yummy looking cookies...........
I thought it would be tons of fun for the boys to make a turkey cookie, so I loaded the crew up, and we headed to the grocery store to get the goods!
I assumed this little trip would be easy breezy, in and out in no time and well on our way to the bake off.......I should never assume such a thing with my crazy circus!
First of all, while I was trying to decide if I should spend three dollars on icing just for a beak and legs I was interrupted by a man....
Mam, are you smothering your baby in there?
Why yes I am, how did you ever know? Yes, she is in there smothering and I'm just going about my shopping! (No, I didn't respond rudely, it was just a thought.)
No Sir, this is a baby wrap that is very safe....she is sleeping and she loves it!
Okay, just wanted to make sure!
While I was trying to convince the concerned man that my baby was breathing, Chase started to escape from the buggy car and had one leg hanging out of the door. An elderly man shouted,
He was so loud that I was startled, and everyone now had their eyes on what he thought was a near tragic event.....Lord help, I believe he thought it was a real car.
Finally, I made it to the check out and could see the end in sight, but there was a problem. The lane fits the monstrous car buggy, but it's a tight room for a mommy wearing a baby to nudge through. In order to put my groceries on the counter, I had to walk around through the next lane to get to the front of my buggy. In just those few seconds, Colby managed to make his way to the top of the car to help with the groceries.
Great! I couldn't get through the God forsaken mini lane to get him down. I just focused on getting done and out of there asap. The cashier handed me my receipt and murmured,
Thanks, I think.
Pinterest makes you do crazy things!!
I let the boys make the cookies, needless to say they weren't picture perfect but they were delish!
Until Next Time.............
A journey of a thousand miles must begin with a single step.
Monday, November 21, 2011
Monday, November 14, 2011
Josie Kathryn's Birth Story
It's times like this I wish I were a writer and could describe my experience in words that would serve it justice, but I'm not so I will just have to take my sons advice......."Just peeetend mommy",
so here it goes!!
The entire last month of my pregnancy I experienced pre-labor, which made me believe everyday was the day, to no avail. It got to the point of Chris ignoring me when I expressed concerns of being in labor, I didn't blame him though!
We really tried to squeeze in as much quality, fun time with the boys before baby girl decided to quit playing around and join our crazy life!
The night of my due date I got the boys fed, bathed, and tucked tightly into bed and my prayers went a little something like this.............
Dear Lord,
What is she waiting on? I'm not rushing, I want her to be ready, but how long is this going to take? I'm getting quite anxious so send a little patience my way please!
He sent more than patience, he sent a little pep in her step!
Around 10:00pm, I started having contractions every 20 minutes and they continued to get stronger. I was determined to get the much needed rest for the marathon I was about to endure. I was able to sleep until 2:00am, at which point I had to breath through the contractions as they were having a party every 7-8 minutes. I began gathering my belongings together and my sweet Colby man tip-toed into my room and was curious as to what in the world I was doing. I explained that Josie was telling mommy that she was on her way and his response was.....
Really? I can't wait! I'm going to sit right here with you! When are you going to push?
God love him! He was somewhat disappointed when I broke the news that I was going to the hospital and he was staying with Nanny and there would be no pushing anytime soon. I called my mom to inform her that it was time. Colby went back to sleep once he realized there would be no pushing, and Nanny arrived in the next 30 minutes.
Chris was in the bed with Chase and it felt so fantastic to say, "get up, it REALLY is time!"
I waited until about 5:00am at which point my contractions were 5 minutes apart, and I gave my doula and doctor a call and after much deliberation, decided to make our way to the hospital.
We checked in, got comfortable, and I was ready to tackle the challenge that I knew would change my life forever.
I spent 9 months preparing for a natural birth. I prepared my body, mind, and soul, and I was more than ready! I can honestly say I had NO FEAR, only confidence! My priest told me FEAR STRANGLES HOPE......and I held onto his words!
I prayed about every specific aspect of my birthing experience, and the stars lined up in my favor for sure. Karen Vandervelde was the nurse that I prayed for and she arrived 10 minutes after I checked in......AMEN! This women was God sent, literally! She has had 7 natural labors and 2 homebirths, need I say more. She was everything I was hoping for and then some!
When I arrived to the hospital, I was already at 5cm and feeling great, which was definitely a highlight and confidence booster!
Chris was a dream....honestly, I could not have done it without him. He held my hand, walked the halls, brushed my hair out of my face, applied pressure to my back and chap stick to my lips, massaged, offered encouraging words at the PERFECT time, danced with me, and gave me strength! I felt the ultimate love! He was my rock, and I understand now why a friend of mine told me that it took her marriage to another level. It's an event that extremely intensifies your love for one another in a way that is unexplainable and unforgettable.
I was at 7cm by 9:00am and quickly progressed to 9cm by 10:30am. I used hypnobabies and was able to go to a happy made all the difference in the world. I was thrilled that labor was progressing so quickly and I could see the high fives in my near future, but I got way ahead of myself. I guess Josie wanted to take a little nap before making her voyage. I stalled at 9cm for five hours. Yes, I said five hours. Five hours of muscling through contractions every 3-5 minutes. I used all the hypno methods, prayer, and the love and support of my birthing team which allowed me to stay calm, cool, and collective! Around 3:30pm I felt like somebody poured a bucket of tired all over my body and it was getting difficult to recompose between that time the two minute breaks felt more like two second breaks.
I asked everyone how much longer can I stay at 9cm and my nurse replied,
"as long as it takes, and you are doing great!"
It was all I needed.....all I needed to refuel and not feel defeated!
Now I had to put on my game face because it was finally game time!! I asked Karen how would I know it was time to push and she assured me, "your body will tell you exactly what to do!"
She was right! I suddenly got this intense urge to push so I started bearing down and trying to breath baby girl down. It happened so quickly that it caught everyone off guard. Since no one was really paying attention or saying anything about a baby's head, I was wondering why in the world it felt like I was giving birth.....the ring of fire was undeniable! Finally, Chris announced, "I think that's her head!"
Oh thank goodness, I knew something was going on down there! I reached my hand down and felt her entire head and my body was taken over with emotions that I didn't know were humanly possible. Dr. Sims rushed in and with the next contraction and with all my might I pushed baby girl into this world and she was immediately placed on my chest!
It was the most gentle birth and was exactly what I baby girl only surrounded by the love that created her!
Josie remained close to my heart and nursed until her little heart was content. A few hours later she weighed in at......
19 1/2 inches
She never left my side again!
I feel in my heart that I gained what God intended for my life and it was empowering and life-changing!
Josie Kathryn Jones
Josie didn't even have a bath at the hospital....we kind of forgot and then we went home the next day. Once we got home, I thought it would be nice for her to take the first relaxing bath with mommy, but two little squirts had to join the fun!
I don't think Josie would have wanted it any other way!
My Fab Family of Five!
Thank You!
Dr.Shane Sims (The best doctor ever!)
Karen (my wonderful nurse)
Jess (my fantastic doula)
Kim (my incredible friend & photographer)
& of course
my MIL & Mom!
Until Next Time..............
Tuesday, November 1, 2011
Halloween 2011
I had a cute crew last night....Spider man, Pooh Bear, and little Ms. Pumpkin!
Spider man not only saves the world but also shows his sensitive side for a little pumpkin that has stolen his heart!
We joined great friends and got our celebration on!
The sunset told us game time was quickly approaching...
not even Nala!
He was out of control!
Pumba made Pooh laugh so hard his big ole belly was shaking like a bowl full of jelly!
Can you imagine opening your door to this gang? Their cuteness would cause you to dump all your candy in their bags!!
Chasey Poo checked out his very first treat! I think he was a little confused and didn't quite realize that it was candy.....he was throwing all his treats to people as if he was in a parade. When it was all said and done, he went home with one piece of candy in his pumpkin bag, and could careless!
Chase was hoping after he shed the big belly that Stella would notice him, but he didn't have a chance....she was too busy decorating cookies on her phone.
Colby was pumped about all the candy that was almost over flowing from his bag, but me....ummm, not so much! Sugar makes him a complete maniac!
We made a deal tonight that made both of us happy as a pig in sunshine! He left his candy bag out for the candy fairy who left him an awesome gift in exchange!!
Spider man not only saves the world but also shows his sensitive side for a little pumpkin that has stolen his heart!
We joined great friends and got our celebration on!
Kim made the cutest, yummiest snacks, and
the kiddos kept sneaking a bite between jumping on the couches and bouncing off the walls!The sunset told us game time was quickly approaching...
so we began the photo shoot,
but no one could tame Pumba......not even Nala!
He was out of control!
Pumba made Pooh laugh so hard his big ole belly was shaking like a bowl full of jelly!
Kim, being the best hostess that she is, passed out rounds of coffee which made trick-or-treating that much better!
We guided the herd down the path and started our journey.Can you imagine opening your door to this gang? Their cuteness would cause you to dump all your candy in their bags!!
Chasey Poo checked out his very first treat! I think he was a little confused and didn't quite realize that it was candy.....he was throwing all his treats to people as if he was in a parade. When it was all said and done, he went home with one piece of candy in his pumpkin bag, and could careless!
Colby found a neighborhood friend that was also a spider man and they felt a connection.....I assume it's a super hero thing!
Spider man 1 & 2 didn't even know the face under the mask, but it wasn't important......united they were stronger!We hit up as many houses as possible until all the little legs were exhausted!
Don't fret.....spider man forces still stayed intact!
Chase was hoping after he shed the big belly that Stella would notice him, but he didn't have a chance....she was too busy decorating cookies on her phone.
The Candy Fairy was even so sweet to leave his favorite.....a sucker!
Until Next Time............
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