Colby got a battery operated fourwheeler and he is still a little afraid of it so daddy had to help him out. I'm not sure how it still works because I'm pretty sure they were over the weight limit!

I wonder why the wheels look like that, hehe?
Monday was Colby's 12 month checkup. He weighed 23.5 and was 31 inches tall. She said he was a confident walker and was doing great! He screamed as soon as I put him on the table because he knew a shot was coming. My little man had to get 4 shots. He screamed during the process but as soon as I picked him up, he quit immediately. It's an awful feeling because I wonder if he is thinking, "why does mommy hold me down for that lady to hurt me?" I know it's something that has to be done and it's in his best interest but it still isn't any fun!
She said his sleep is excellent! He started sleeping from 7-8 so he gets 13 hours at night and he still takes two naps so he gets between 3.5- 4 hours of nap time sleep. If you want your child to sleep this well put your baby on the baby whisperer plan and stick with it, it works!
We discussed how much whole milk Colby was drinking. I need to back track. I had decided that I would nurse until Colby weaned himself and I was prepared to nurse for a couple of more months. About a week ago he woke up and wasn't interested in nursing. So I tried the next morning and he didn't want to again. On the third morning I gave him whole milk in a sippy cup and he was fine. I was thankful that he did it on his on terms and I didn't have to force it on him. It worked out perfect. I was a little sad and I felt slightly guilty because I know breastmilk is whats best for him, but I feel like I made the right choice. I know I will question my decision if he starts to get sick more often but I'm sure I will question many decisions through out his life! My question was how much whole milk and is it suppose to be the same amount of breast milk. Colby drinks 4 glasses a day because he drinks 1 in the morning, after both naps, and with dinner. I kept it consistent with when he normally nurses. I had read that too much milk wasn't good because whole milk contains a lot of sugar. She said it does but the other benefits out weigh it. She said he can't get too much unless it starts to interfere with his appetite. Whole milk is very filling and toddlers can fill full and then not eat their food, but we know Colby doesn't have that problem at all!
Baby Sign
Colby has really started signing now. When he is eating he tells me more until he is all done. Signing "more" is much more pleasant than screaming at me when he wants more! He tells me when he wants cheese, cheerios, and he has done banana once. He loves to sign fan and he signed dog today when we were reading a book. When we were at the zoo, a strong wind blew and he signed fan. He thought someone had turned on the fan. I was able to tell him no it was the wind. We could not have a had that conversation if he couldn't sign. That's why babies who sign benefit with language development in the future because they learn early language skills and can communicate so early! I have just finished ASL classes and I'm in the application process to become a presenter for sign2me. I have one more interview and then I will be able to start classes. I will be teaching classes mainly in the Jackson area and a few in Florence. Babies start signing between 7-12 months so Colby waited to the last minute but now he has started picking up signs fast.
Every night before bed Chris and Colby play chase. Colby is in his favorite hiding place and Chris pretends to leave the room, it's hilarious!