Our weekend get away went very well! I only called every hour on the hour, just kidding I wasn't that bad. Colby did much better than I did. Mom said he never cried, stayed on his schedule, and had a great time playing with Gammy! I was really worried about his morning nursing. It's the only time he still nurses and I was afraid he would cry and throw a fit when Gammy tried to give him a sippy cup. Gammy said he didn't do that at all and he was a happy camper both mornings! I have been trying to wean him from that last feeding but he cries, throws his cup across the room, signs milk, and literally has a death grip around my neck. I thought that since he went a whole weekend without it that he would be fine, but I was wrong. He did the same thing again and I had to nurse him. After talking to several wonderful friends that nursed past a year and after reading up on it, I decided that I will just let him decide when he is ready to quit. I read that it's never good to let them cry for it because the child just isn't ready yet. Everything I looked up said there is no reason to stop at a year because they still need the nutrition and pediatricians recommend two years. I know I won't make it to two years, but I applaud mothers that do. I think Colby will wean himself in the next couple of months. I actually had a friend (who didn't nurse) that said, "you need to quit, he is so big." It doesn't matter to me if he is big or not, what matters to me is his health and development. I think our society has a negative reaction to nursing toddlers because we have construed sexuality in a demented way. There is nothing gross or sexual about it, it's a God given way to nourish our children the way he intended.
Colby will be 1 tomorrow and he is still a baby and if he isn't ready yet then it's not time. There are so many supportive mothers, but there are also some that just don't understand. Other people's negative remarks don't bother me in the least because I have to admit that I have enjoyed a year of no sinus infections, flu, multiple ear infections, bronchitis, respiratory infections, allergies, etc.
I'm not saying he won't get sick tomorrow but I'm glad he didn't have to endure it as an infant.
I just want what's the absolute best for Colby and that's it!!
A lot of people think you need to stop nursing at 1 but AAP says a minimum of a year and World Health Organization recommends 2. I was even told by someone that after a year there isn't any nutritional value and that's not true. So if you are planning to nurse please don't think you have to stop at a year even if your baby isn't ready. Here are some websites for support.
Birthday Party
We are very excited about Colby's party Saturday but it's also disheartening because Chris's parents can't be here. JoJo was diagnosed with breast cancer and is having surgery today. It was a complete shock to our family! JoJo is very strong in her faith and remains positive that everything is in God's hands. Please keep JoJo (Jo'el Jones) in your prayers for healing. She is the most selfless person I know! In the mist of finding out she has cancer and has to have surgery, she was upset because she couldn't make Colby's birthday cake, God love her! I went everywhere trying to find someone to make a cake with such late notice and I found Daily Maid Donuts to make him a football cake, so don't worry JoJo! We love you and wish you could be at the party but just remember you have many more in the future!
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