Well the prayers worked and Colby is back to normal again. It was a rough week though! I'm not sure if it was teething, a fever virus, or him getting used to not being swaddle, or all of the above. Not being swaddle was an adjustment for Colby and he didn't like it one bit. I had to constantly get up and roll him back over or he would continue to cry. I put his positioner back in the bed so it makes it more difficult to roll over, it helped alot! Monday through Wednesday looked something like this:
7:00 went to bed (by himself)
7:20 wanted to be rocked to sleep
9:00 Rolled over and had a panic attack
10:30 Woke up starving
12:00 Wanted to be rocked again
1:30 Rolled over and hit his head on the headboard (acted like someone was beating him)
2:00 Wanted to eat again
4:00 Had a massive blowout and had to have a diaper change ( you would have thought that i threw cold water on him)
5:00 Woke up to eat again
5:30 had to get in the shower and get ready for work
Sooooo I was a walking Zombie at work!
After a few nights of this I was praying that whatever was wrong with little man would hurry up and go away!
Thursday I decided that I would put him to bed at 7 and I would go to bed at 7:30 so I would be prepared for the long night. He didn't make a sound until 4:00, he ate and went right back to sleep until 6:00. I thought I had died and gone to heaven.
I don't know what those couple of days were all about but ever since Thursday night he has gone to bed all on his on and slept great, thank goodness!
I thank God several times a day for blessing me with a wonderful son that I am so in love with, but I have come to find out that it's not always smooth sailing but you just gotta roll with the punches!