Thursday, April 10, 2008

Colby's 4 Month Checkup

Well today was a big day for Colby! Chris and I took him to the doctor for his 4 month check up (I can't believe he is already 4 months)! He wieghed 15.7 and was 26 inches long. I guess he is starting to slow down because now he is in the 50% not the 75%. Dr. Meadors said that he was very active and said since he was already rolling from his back to his belly that he will probally crawl and walk early especially since I started walking at 9 months. I guess I will be running like crazy chasing Colby everywhere, it's going to be soooo much fun!
He also had his shots today and he screamed like I have never heard before, it broke Chris's heart. As soon as the nurse was through he said, "Hurry up, pick him up" and he was kissing him on the head. It was the sweetest thing ever. He didn't cry long though, I guess he was trying to be tough in front of daddy!

Next we went to the Catholic church to talk to the priest. It's very important to Chris to have Colby baptized in the Catholic church. We were married in the baptist church and the priest was not there to bless the marriage so we have decided to renew our vows and have Colby baptized all on the same day. It's going to be on our 5 year anniversary and we are really excited to share this with our close friends and family!

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