Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Story Time at the Richland library

Yesterday was very busy for us. We met some friends at the Richland library for story time. It was the first time we have been and it was a lot of fun. They listened to music, danced around, heard two books read and then did a little art activity. Of course, Colby tried to eat the glue so we just watched Paige and Avery make a Mr. Candy Corn!

Richland Story Time is on Tuesdays at 10:30

Then we had lunch at McAllisters and then played all afternoon. At 4:30 we had our last baby sign class. It was sad because we had to say goodbye to friends we made. We decided that we are going to take the sing and sign class in January so we can all see each other again. The sing and sign class last for 10 weeks, I can't wait!

Wade weighs 22 lbs at 6 months old

He is the cutest butterball! Colby liked him a lot and he only fell on his head one time. Good thing Wade had some fat rolls to protect him!

Tori is signing while reading a book

Tori said between 10-12 months they really start picking up all the signs and usually have between 30-50 words. So, I'm waiting on Colby to decide to use the signs to communicate. The other day Chris and I were reading him an animal book before nap time and when he saw a bear he signed it. I was so excited! I think it's amazing that at 10 months old he can tell me what animals he likes. He obviously likes bears because he chose to tell me about a bear. He also signed eat the other day while he was waiting in his high chair and he continues to sign all done. But those are the only signs he is using right now.

Potty Time
He is using the potty between 7-9 times a day. Since he is doing so well when we are at home I decided to keep a potty in the back of my car. I don't want him to think that he is suppose to potty at home but when we are out he needs to use his diaper. He does fine using the potty in the back of my car (it's an SUV so there is plenty of room). It never fails that someone walking by stops to take a second look and gets a kick out of it! One man said, "bless you, I remember those days!" I figured since he is going so many times a day that it would be much easier to get training pants so I can just pull them up and down. I think I'm going to use Imse Vimse Organic training pants because they have the best reviews and they are so darn cute!

Colby takes off walking but he is still a little wobbly!

Angie Creel Neely found out today that she is having a little brother for Conner!

Friday, October 24, 2008

Let's Get This Party Started!

Colby's birthday supplies came in, and I think he is pleased with my decision. If he eats it, he likes it!

I got Colby this adorable hat and "mommy rocks " shirt from The Children's Place! They had "daddy rocks" but Colby chose which one he wanted, hehe!

He knows who really RoCkS!!!


Thursday, October 16, 2008

Who needs a spoon, just eat like an animal!

My friend Amanda has a daughter Colby's age named Carsyn. She told me today that Carsyn has started eating her oatmeal with a spoon. Which by the way if you like reading my blogs, you will enjoy hers also and she is a really good photographer too. She is going to photograph Colby's First birthday party, which I'm very excited about!

Anyway, I thought that was pretty impressive that Carsyn was eating with a spoon so I thought I would let Colby give it a try. I gave Colby some macaroni & cheese in a bowl and helped him use a spoon. He took the bowl and dumped it on his face like a pie, and then licked the bowl like a dog. He did hold the spoon with one hand, but crammed the macaroni in his mouth with the other hand. It was soooooo funny. I'm not sure when he will be able to eat with a spoon but I assure you it's not anytime soon. So, is this a boy thing or is my son out of control with his eating?

Colby's opinion on using a spoon.

We got to sign class early so we had a photo shoot.

Colby dumped out all the balls as soon as the teacher put it out.

He was showing off his new walking skills!
He helped get everything ready.

He is playing with John Steven. John is 12 months old and signs eat, more, dirty diaper, thank you (which is too cute), and all done. His parents just started so he is doing great. His dad brought him last week because mommy couldn't come, how sweet is that? Dad said that since he is signing diaper change, they are going to start potty training soon.

Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Great Potty Training Info

Yesterday we had our second sign class and it went great! The topic was bath time and potty time signs. The instructor started the conversation regarding how popular early potty training has become so she incorporates potty signs. Someone mentioned that she was traveling and she met a foreign mother whose 11 month old was wearing underwear and she was astonished. The mom expressed to her how silly it was that Americans let their children potty in their pants for so long.
Read this
Tori, the instructor, said her daughter began to sign potty at 12 months. She would sign potty after she had gone because she wanted to be changed. She thought to herself, if she is smart enough to sign potty then she is definitely smart enough to potty. There was another mom that was interested in early potty training. I was emailing her a recommended book, Early Start Potty Training by Linda Sonna and I came across a website that goes with the book. It has a lot of great information rather you start at 4 months or 2.5.

The news is coming to our class next week so I will have to let you know when they will air it. I'm sure you will be able to spot Colby, he will be the one tearing up the teacher's papers or eating the radio.

Thursday, October 9, 2008

Baby Sign Class

Baby Sign Class
We really enjoyed baby sign class. There were about 9 babies ranging from 6-22 months old.
I noticed that my son is very active and plays a little rough compared to the other babies. We sat in a circle and she had a toy box in the middle of the circle so the babies could play if they wanted to. Colby was the only one playing and dumped out the basket and then flipped it over which hit him in the head and made him scream during class. I calmed him down and a few second later he threw a toy and hit a little girl in the head. The mother said it was fine and she was used to it because she had an older brother but I was still embarrassed. Then he crawled up to the teacher and tried to rip all her paper up. There were a few mothers giving me looks but their babies weren't crawling yet so I wanted to say, "You just wait".
I don't know why he is so rough but his intentions are not to play with toys, it's to see how hard and how far he can throw them.
There was a little 12 month old girl walking around and she took his toy so he stood up and took about 6 steps to go after her and then he fell down and started crawling. The moms said OMG how long has he been walking, "since right now" I said. He has walked back and forth to someone but he has never got up and just walked by himself. He is still wobbly and he leans to side a lot, but he gets better every day!

Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Colby had lots of company this past weekend. Uncle Cory came in from Colorado and Coach and JoJo came up from the coast. He was excited to see everyone! He wasn't too sure about Cory's long beard but then he realized it was fun to pull. He played outside with Coach, and walked around with JoJo!

Sunday afternoon we went to St. Richards orientation and got Colby on the waiting list for K3. I loved it and I am really impressed with what St. Richards has to offer. In K3 they start art, music, Spanish, library, and computer technology, and they also engage in a Montessori religious Ed.program to encourage spiritual growth. What I really like about St. Richards is it's a model arts school (Whole Schools Initiative) which is one of only 6 in MS. Since 45% of children learn kinesthetically, (through movement, touch, and experience) this program teaches everything through arts integration. I think teaching through arts integration is vital because art builds strong foundations in creativity, concentration, problem solving, self-efficacy, coordination, attention, and self discipline. This reaches all the children who aren't auditory or visual learners which makes up a huge population among boys. As we walked through the halls and watched demonstration videos I was amazed at all the artwork including painting, drawing, weaving, pasting, sculpting, printing, molding, etc. I was also amazed that 3rd grade performs 6 Shakespeare plays and I didn't even learn about Shakespeare until my Senior year. I also like the fact that it's a green school. They learn how important it is to do their part for the environment and the school participates in activities such as recycling. Their motto is "As disciples of Christ, we are called to care for his creation". All these things were great but the presence of God being displayed throughout the school is what convinced me that this is where I want my son to be. It gave me chill bumps to see a four year old kneel to pray, do the sign of the cross, and attend mass. Only 14 children will get in for next years K3 but starting in January they are building a new building for K3-K5, so when Colby starts there will be 3 or 4 K3 classes and since we already have him registered we shouldn't have a problem.

Things Colby loves! Wind chimes

Playing after bath with his towel still on his head.
Climbing into the dishwasher, if only he could unload it!
Taking the soil out of the pot

Colby loves to play outside but he won't put his knees down to crawl. He tries everyday to eat the plants and dirt. He crawls to the plant,
looks back to see if I'm looking,
and then gets mad as a hornet when I don't let him :(

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