Sunday afternoon we went to St. Richards orientation and got Colby on the waiting list for K3. I loved it and I am really impressed with what St. Richards has to offer. In K3 they start art, music, Spanish, library, and computer technology, and they also engage in a Montessori religious Ed.program to encourage spiritual growth. What I really like about St. Richards is it's a model arts school (Whole Schools Initiative) which is one of only 6 in MS. Since 45% of children learn kinesthetically, (through movement, touch, and experience) this program teaches everything through arts integration. I think teaching through arts integration is vital because art builds strong foundations in creativity, concentration, problem solving, self-efficacy, coordination, attention, and self discipline. This reaches all the children who aren't auditory or visual learners which makes up a huge population among boys. As we walked through the halls and watched demonstration videos I was amazed at all the artwork including painting, drawing, weaving, pasting, sculpting, printing, molding, etc. I was also amazed that 3rd grade performs 6 Shakespeare plays and I didn't even learn about Shakespeare until my Senior year. I also like the fact that it's a green school. They learn how important it is to do their part for the environment and the school participates in activities such as recycling. Their motto is "As disciples of Christ, we are called to care for his creation". All these things were great but the presence of God being displayed throughout the school is what convinced me that this is where I want my son to be. It gave me chill bumps to see a four year old kneel to pray, do the sign of the cross, and attend mass. Only 14 children will get in for next years K3 but starting in January they are building a new building for K3-K5, so when Colby starts there will be 3 or 4 K3 classes and since we already have him registered we shouldn't have a problem.
Things Colby loves! Wind chimes Playing after bath with his towel still on his head.
Climbing into the dishwasher, if only he could unload it!
Taking the soil out of the pot
Colby loves to play outside but he won't put his knees down to crawl. He tries everyday to eat the plants and dirt. He crawls to the plant, looks back to see if I'm looking,
and then gets mad as a hornet when I don't let him :(
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