Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Babies Coming Soon!

Sunday after church we went to see cousin Bryce and soon to arrive, Kate Ashley. Kate Ashley will grace our presence on Feb 23, and we are so excited! The nursery has been perfected and only needs a baby to complete it!

Sunday night we went to Louie & Carrie's house to help get baby Trace's nursery painted. Colby was a big help!

Colby Signing

Colby is getting to the point where he can see a sign once or twice and then he learns it. He has over 40 signs right now and adds more everyday. His favorite sign by far is "thank you". He does it all the time. We went to story time at the Pearl library today and he told her "thank you" after every song and book. The video below is Colby kissing daddy and then telling him "thank you". At the beginning of the video he is signing "all gone" because I just took his milk away.

Time Out

I mentioned in a previous blog that I was going to start time out because I thought Colby understood the concept. I told Colby twice not to touch something and I told him if he did it again he was going to time out. He smiled and touched it again so he went to time out in his bed. He stayed there for one minute and when I went back in his room to get him he signed "sorry". With that being said, there is no doubt in my mind that he understands what he did and that there will be consequences for disobeying! Time out in his bed does not in anyway make him dislike his bed. He clearly knows the difference between time out and bedtime. Through signing with Colby I have learned that babies are so much smarter than we give them credit for.

I have decided that Colby still isn't quite ready for 1 nap. I understand now why sleep experts say that more sleep produces better sleep. That's why you shouldn't keep a baby up later and think he will sleep through the night because the earlier he goes to bed the better he sleeps and the better he sleeps the longer he sleeps (overtired babies can't soothe themselves to sleep and have a difficult time transitioning into a deep sleep). I have realized that less sleep effects nap time also. If he takes a morning nap and an afternoon nap he sleeps for almost two hours for each nap, but if he only takes one afternoon nap he sleeps for less than 2 hours and he seems really restless and wakes up cranky. Story time worked out well today because it was at 9:30 so we came home at 10:30 and took a nap. Colby slept today from 10:45-12:45 and woke up a happy camper. It completly threw off our lunch scedule (sorry I'm OCD about routine) and he didn't won't to take an afternoon nap because it was so late. So, I guess one nap works if it's during the middle of the day and it's at least 2 hours. I guess that's why it's called a transition because it takes time. I will have to set aside my scedule tendencies for the time being and let it work itself out.

I tried to capture Colby signing but it's hard to get the motion in clear shots.

He told me he wanted his pacifier and then he told me he was ready to go to


Outside (2nd motion)

(1st motion)

"Again" He was riding horsey on mommy's lap and when I would stop he would sign "again".

Colby signs "good morning" when he gets up and when I sign "I Love You" he signs "love" back to me. A few of his new signs are again, pacifier, sorry, giraffe, up, and animals.


Colby's regression stage is really improving. He is back to sitting on the potty with no problem. He TT's in the potty all day and poops in the potty sometimes. Yesterday he pooped in the potty and it was a lot so I thought he was done. We flushed it and he ran out of the bathroom and into the kitchen before I put another diaper on him . I walked into the kitchen and saw him squatting to poop. He dropped one more little terd on the floor so I picked him up really quick and put him back on the potty to finish. When we were all done I went back to the kitchen to clean up the mess and found out Bentley cleaned it up for me! Yep, my dog likes to eat poop, pretty disgusting huh? Instead of Colby signing "potty" before he has to go, he waits until he has already pooped and then signs "potty and change".

A lady in my baby sign class also did the early potty training and she said her son went through the same phase so hopefully it's something that will be short lived. Between 8-12months he would only poop in his diaper 2-3 times a month and now it's reversed.

Cloth diapers are suppose to prevent diaper rash so Colby has never had one until the other day. I assume he got a rash because his little booty is not use to having poop smeared all over it. My dryer was also broke so he had to wear disposable diapers for three days, so that could have contributed to the problem. His little booty was so red and he screamed when I tried to put medicine on it, I felt so bad for him. I had some desitin creamy from a baby shower but it was not working. A friend of mine recommended desitin original and it was gone within hours. She brought to my attention the desitin creamy only has 10% zinc oxide and desitin original has 40%. No more diaper rash! Thanks, Angie!

Colby signing "all gone" & "thank you"

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