I have decided to have a natural birth with Chase. I had many complications with my epidural not working with Colby, and I feel this is the best choice. I also had complications with nursing because Colby was so lethargic from the drugs that he wouldn't latch on and then he became jaundice which made it even worse. It was a rough three weeks of getting him to nurse well, and I would have traded all the stress of those weeks for the labor pain of a natural birth any day. I made it through and ended up nursing for a year, but I always wondered if it could have been avoided. Nursing is very important to me so I will do whatever it takes to make the experience successful for Chase. I know this is something that I can do because God designed my body for this special event, and I want it to be according to his plans. I have some really supportive friends that have had natural births and they have really helped in my preparation! I just started reading Natural Birth the Bradley Way and I'm intrigued by all the information.
I love watching videos of natural birth
This is so inspirational
Epidural Risk
Maternal Risks
Hypotension (Drop in blood pressure)
Urinary Retention and Postpartum Bladder Dysfunction
Uncontrollable Shivering
Itching of the face, neck and throat
Nausea and Vomiting
Postpartum Backache
Maternal Fever
Spinal Headache
Uneven, incomplete or nonexistent pain relief
Feelings of Emotional detachment
Postpartum feelings of regret or loss of autonomy
Inability to move about freely on your own
Loss of perineal sensation and sexual function
Very Serious and rare risks
Respitory paralysis
Cardiac arrest
Allergic shock
Nerve injury
Epidural abscess
Maternal death
Labor Side Effects
Prolonged First Stage of Labor
Increase of malpresentation of baby's head
Increased need for Pitocin augmentation
Prolonged Second Stage of Labor
Decrease in the ability to push effectively
Increased liklihood of forceps or vacuum extraction delivery
Increased likelihood of needing an episiotomy
Increase in cesarean section
Baby Side Effects
Fetal distress; abnormal fetal heart rate
Drowsiness at birth; poor sucking reflex
Poor muscle strength and tone in the first hours.
Benefits of Natural Childbirth
1. Mothers who labor naturally can move freely, go to the bathroom, walk and change positions throughout labor. According to the Cochrane Review, recent studies have shown that getting medication makes changing positions even after birth more difficult.
2. Since you can feel your body's reflexes in natural childbirth, mothers can push better and generally faster. In fact studies show that getting an epidural prolongs your pushing time.
3. The pain during labor serves a purpose by guiding the mother to seek certain positions. For example, if her back hurts, she will naturally seek positions off her back which can help to turn her baby. Having back pain is one sign that the baby might be posterior and needs to rotate.
4. Mothers often describe that their recovery after a natural childbirth was faster and easier since they could get right up and walk and shower. Usually they eat right away and their appetite is normal.
5. Endorphins secreted during a natural childbirth have been found in the placenta and umbilical cord. This may serve a purpose to help the baby adjust to life outside as well as make the journey more comfortable for baby.
6. Research has shown that in mothers who have natural childbirth, babies are more alert and show more interest in pre-breastfeeding behaviours such as sucking and massaging the mother's breasts, as well as the actual length of time they spend nursing within the first 90 minutes.
I wanted to have Taylor naturally and had planned to until Jim begged me to get an epidural in the delivery room, he couldn't bare to see me in the pain. I thought I could have bared it, I had done Bradley method, I had complications with my first epidural and got a second and couldn't walk for 2 days. I was disappointed in myself. With Andrew, I thought, if my labor is anything like Taylor's, yes, definitely natural labor, but his head was sideways and I had 14 hours of labor that felt like a chain saw cutting through my hips. I cried the entire 13 hours. I have to say, my epidural that second time was 100% better. I would have died of shock without it I think. I recovered very fast from it. I even walked from my delivery bed to my nursing room bed. That's me though, I had 2 completely different experiences, the second being the best. I say this to say, that I have learned with the delivery and nursing to make no definites, just goals.
Colby was posterior also so our spines were rubbing against one another and my epidural wasn't working. It felt like someone was stabbing me in the back with a knife. I wasn't prepared to manage the pain like I have tried to do this time around. After the fourth attempt on my epidural, it started to work when it was time to push. I have been told that I made it through the difficult part so I'm just going to be positive and tell myself I can do it!
Okay, I just saw your site off of Emilee Taylor's (we work together) and I just had to comment (usually I just appreciate people's pics.) I promise I'm not a stalker but your decision about the natural labor caught my eye. I had my son, our first child, 6 days ago naturally. It was tough but one of the best decisions I've ever made. My labor progressed so well (I dilated from 4 cm upon arrival-after my water broke- to 10 cm within 6 hours) and the only bad part was that I did have to push for 3 1/2 hours. However, I figured they wouldn't have given me pain meds for that anyway! He was born at 0824 and by noon I was up walking around my room, visiting with family, and eating a big lunch. I have still had nothing for pain (except a Tylenol for a headache last night!) Let me know if you want any more advice (or encouragement.) I found out quickly that there's not many people out there that encourage this; in fact, most people tried to discourage me. Anyway, my e-mail is sarabrooke9@yahoo.com if you have any questions! If not, good luck, you can do it.
that is basically my exact birth story, too! (arriving at 4cm, then progressing at approximately 1cm/hour and pushing over 3 hours) neato!
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