Thursday, April 29, 2010

My Son Grows Up

Lately, as I watch Colby play or listen to things he has to brings a tear to my eye to see how much he is growing up! It makes it even more difficult when I look at baby Chase and realize he will be the same way in two brief years.

I love this age because he is so protective of me and expresses his love in the sweetest ways! My favorite at the time is.......

Me: I love you
Colby: I love you more mommy
Me: I love you this much (spreading my arms wide)
Colby: I love you to the moon
Me: I love you to the moon and back
Colby: Wow

I hate when he gets hurt, but I love how he immediately says, "I want mommy!"

It drives me nuts when he delays bedtime but it melts my heart when I hear him calling from his room, "mommy mommy tom here!" When I open the door he says, "one mo hug mommy" and I turn to mush!

I know the day will come when he will be embarrassed by public affection from mom and it will break my heart into 1000 pieces, so for now I'm going to eat it up and enjoy every second!!!!

this poem says it all..............

My Son Grows Up

Life is fleeting, years rush past...
and little boys grow up so fast!
Let me take time out to be
thankful mine is still here with me.
And though I'm busy through the day,
let me take time out to play...
Let me take time out to smile,
to sit with him for just a while...
Let me take time out for walks,
for swings and sports and quiet talks,
for sharing giggles, tickles, and hugs,
for patching knees and catching bugs...
for running races, climbing trees,
for helping with his A - B - C's...
For hatching plots and planning schemes,
for listening to his thoughts and dreams.
Let me tuck him in at night,
hear his prayers, turn off the light.
And when my busy day is done,
let me thank God I have a son.

...Author Unknown

Colby is very protective of Daddy jumping me too high on the trampoline, and he will tell Chris to fall down and not jump mommy high and then he comes to my rescue to make sure I'm otay!!

Tuesday, April 27, 2010


We went to Kidfest with Colby's girlfriend, Kate!
She calls him Colby the boy since she knows a dog named cute, right?

Forget the fake horsies.....our kiddos saddled up and rode the real thing!

We got our seats for the circus.....

Enjoyed some cotten candy......
and the show....
especially when Kim became the entertainment!
Please read her hilarious story

Chase wasn't too interested

and his little eyes began to get heavy

Colby wasn't far behind!
Good Times!!!

I Wonder Why.......

Dear Colby,
I'm just wondering WHY........

You don't like a toy unless your friend picks it up

you think my floor is your trash can

you think you can out run me

you tell people when you poot.....and use the word poopoo

you insist Chase wake up and play...when playing only

consist of sitting and smiling

you have to eat 5 fruit bars a day

you wait until I get to number 3 before you do what I ask....1 & 2 are not time buyers like you think!

you are so protective of your four wheeler.....sorry Eden for the nose dive into the ground.

It makes it even worse when you see her adorable face...
Told you so!!

Colby has never been a hitter or a biter...thank goodness! But, he is quick to push someone off his four wheeler........we have been working really hard on sharing, even if it's his most favorite thing in the whole wide world! We went to a crawfish boil this past weekend and he shared his FW with all the kiddos......Chris & I were soooo thrilled!! I can't imagine how I will feel at his graduation.......I was so proud of him that I wanted to scream, "Yay, you got it, all that hard work paid off, you understand the importance of sharing, and your dad didn't have to threaten you, and most importantly

there were no nose-dives into the ground!!!!

you try to delay bedtime every night when it hasn't worked for the past one-thousand tries....I have to give it to are persistent and have determination!

you think it's so exciting to play in the car

you have been potty trained for 7 months and still haven't learned just how long you can hold it while playing outside before your bladder sends teetee down your leg!

you expect me to retrieve items from the car floor while driving down the road...I don't have a go-go-gadget arm.

you think breakfast should last from 7:00-11:00

you wake up at the crack of dawn...even if you go to bed late

you love Kate Kosek so it her beauty...... is it her personality........ or just everything about her

you all the sudden started obeying so this a phase that you plan on ending soon or did you finally realize it's a battle you won't win!
you turn into a different child around your grandparents

you pray for PawPaw Mike first, every single night.........does he need that much prayer

your sucker has to be BLUE

you say, " mommy" when I try to sing to you (your suppose to think mommy is a great singer....even though I can't carry a tune in a bucket).

you do downward dog under the bathtub faucet to clean your booty.....Really? Why not just use a rag?

you aren't shy at all, will go home with anyone......but won't stay in the church nursery without hyperventilating.

you eat play-do

you want to be in your birthday suit all day, every day!

and most of all........


Colby's favorite thing to do!!

Friday, April 23, 2010

Chase's Baptism

Baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit" Mark 28:19

You have come into the world so tiny,

Yet with such great promise for the future.

Before you were even born,

God planned wonderful things for you.

As you are baptised,

May you feel His love

And the love of those around you,

And may you always follow in His way.


Truth and grace, spirit embraced
A hand to guide, a smile of pride
A tender heart, there from the start
Loyal and true, esteemed as few

That's what godparents are made of.

Kate (3) Jack (11 months) and baby Kosek (on the way)
Baptismal Reception

Granny Bub did a beautiful job on the cake!

Having a place to go is home; Having someone to love is family; Having both is a blessing!

Time To Play
Time To Eat
Time To Sleep
Time To Be SWEET!!!!

Now they were bringing even infants to him that he might touch them; and when the disciples saw it, they rebuked them. But Jesus called them to him, saying, ‘Let the children come to me, and do not hinder them; for to such belongs the kingdom of God’ (Luke 18:15–16).
And Peter said to them, "Repent, and be baptized every one of you in the name of Jesus Christ for the forgiveness of your sins; and you shall receive the gift of the Holy Spirit. For the promise is to you and to your children and to all that are far off, every one whom the Lord our God calls to him." (Acts 2:38-39)

Thursday, April 22, 2010


Where oh where do I even begin with this post? My "Cry It Out" post caused somewhat of a controversy.

Let me begin by saying a blog is where someone records their thoughts, opinions, passionate beliefs, concerns, and anything that's on their mind or heart. With that being said, if I don't like a person's blog.....I just don't read it. I would suggest you do the same! I'm saying that in the nicest way...I promise!

My topics are relevant to my life at this time, just like in 10 or 12 years I will probably be writing about living with a teenager. Just because I write on a topic doesn't mean I think I'm an expert on that topic, it simply means it's something that I have dealt with or dealing with and I have searched for the best possible solution for my family. Anytime I write about raising children, it's for the purpose of helping other people that might be going through the same thing. I have learned so much from other mommy blogs and their advice, which I'm thankful!

What a sad life it would be if no one gave their opinion, allowing us to see different perspectives! I'm always going to voice my thoughts and I'm not going to agree with you just to make you happy. I believe what I believe no matter who I'm in the company of!

I had some really good comments concerning "crying it out" but they were too afraid of the backlash from others to publish it so they sent it privately. This is exactly why I wrote this blog. There are mommies out there that people have actually made feel guilty because they think it's wrong to let their baby "cry it out" and after reading my blog it gave them the confidence and encouragement to go with their own instincts and not the way of others.

I also received the following message on my blog comments but I deleted it because I didn't won't to promote "crying it out" but then I realized I was being just as a shallow and close minded as the one that said I should keep my opinions to myself so here it is:

At 6 months I let my child cry it out and he's been sleeping anywhere from 10- 12 hrs a night and taking since then with few problems and taking a 2-3 hour nap. I've also taken many college level psychology classes, feel very educated (actually, I am very educated), and have read multiple books disputing the fact that children should cry it out. That they have to learn healthy sleep habits like they learn to walk. Try "Healthy Sleep Habits, Happy Child" by Dr. Marc Weissbluth. Very good points. Do I feel crying it out is the only way? No, I think it depends on the age, child, situation, etc. Did I follow his every recommendation. No, I have my own brain and own instincts. I took bits of info from several resources along with my instinct and did what I felt was best. I would never be so self centered or narrow minded as to think my choice of parenting was the only way...just what I think was best for my child in my circumstance. In my case its raised a healthy child, a well rested child, a child that loves his parents with no attachment issues, a child with no more separation anxiety than what is age appropriate for a 2 year old. There are multiple styles of parenting and multiple types of personalities in children. Parenting is not and will never be black and white where one method fits all. Just thought a little advice and opinion from the other side might broaden horizons a little.

I agree with a lot of Sarah's points. I don't believe there is only one way and I agree that parenting will never be black and white but that doesn't stop me from expressing my opinions on my blog.

I noticed that you also said you waited until 6 months and I mentioned that my concern was mothers who are taking advice that it's okay to let a newborn "cry it out", which goes against 99% of pediatricians. If your pediatrician is in the other fast!!

I actually have read that book and I do believe that you have to teach babies good sleep habits but it doesn't mean they should be left to cry every night and for long periods of time.

I know that some babies have to cry for a few minutes to fall asleep, it's their way of shutting out the world.....not at all what I mean when I say "cry it out".

It's very heartbreaking to me when young babies are left to "cry it out" because you don't know what they need or why they are crying. A 6 week old might have reflux and just you holding them is the comfort they need to help with the pain. What if a baby just has a bad day (like adults do) and just want to be held! What if I had a bad day and my husband put me in my room and said, "just get in there and cry it out on your own until you fall asleep"......that's the message we are sending because a baby doesn't know why we would leave them alone to cry when all they want is our touch!

Ashley did post her comment on Facebook and it was very informative so I thought I would share:
I commend you, Amanda, for having the guts to post this. This is the type of stuff I used to say on my blog that caused people to stop talking to me in droves! But, if someone doesn't stand for what's right, how will anybody have any perspective?!

TRUST. The ability to trust a parent and, therefore, to trust people in general for the rest of his life is developed in the first year of life. Whether you like Freud or not, he's right about this.

Sensitivity toward your child. This is kept in tact by responding to your child's needs (cries) immediately, every time. It is impossible for a mother to go against her nurturing instinct and ignore her baby's need unless she forces herself to desensitize herself to her child. This sometimes includes getting angry and turning the whole thing into a battle of "me vs. you".... with an infant...??? Save your battles for age two. You will need your strong will AND, more importantly, your sensitivity toward your child.... See More

If you aren't willing to hold and cuddle your infant (which is ALL he/she wants in the world, other than milk), you should ask yourself... Why did I have this baby? My mom asked me this question many times before I had a baby to make sure I was ready when the time came. If the answer is relational in any way, don't cry it tears down the relationship. If the answer is altruistic in any way (I wanted to have someone to give my life to and "be about", etc...), don't cry it out-- here's your chance to give of yourself. You might be tired. Give. You might be exhausted. Keep giving. You are building the basics for a good relationship with your child for the rest of your life. One year of getting up at night (called "Night time parenting" by the Sears) is WELL worth establishing the ultimate trust you will desire in the toddler years, your child's adult years, and especially the teenage years.

Don't let your child cry it out out of fear. What is the harm in letting your child sleep with you? He doesn't neccessarily have to keep sleeping with you until he's 6 or 11 or 2 or 3 or whatever your "that's where i draw the line" age is. If you are that exhausted and tired and sleep deprived, what would be the harm in taking your child into your bed? It not only won't harm him or you, it will probably help. You will find that all babies sleep better right next to mother where they can hear and smell her. Afraid you will roll over on her? Get a co-sleeper, or take one side off your crib and scoot it up right next to the bed. You will be amazed at how many times you can get up at night if you aren't having to physically get out of bed. Talk to your child about sleeping in her own room when she's old enough to reason and compromise... and sleep all the way through the night!

Newborns' stomachs are the size of marbles. Not the big marble, the small one. After a few weeks, it is the size of a big marble. No wonder they can't make it more than a couple of hours without re-filling their pitifully small little tummies! Be sensitive to that!

Be also sensitive to the fact that they were recently LIVING INSIDE OF YOU. Can you imagine what the difference must be like? Let them let you go gradually. One minute without you seems like an eternity to them. Patience and waiting and discipline are what WE should be working on, as adults. Babies are working on trust and feeling out, through the relationship with their mother, what people of the world are like. There will be plenty of time to teach them that life is tough and that there are disappointments in life. Enjoy their innocence while you can, because it is fleeting.

Babies under one year (up to age 2, i would argue) are not "being selfish". They are communicating their needs in the ONLY way they know how, and they are completely dependent on the people around them. Teach them that the people around them love and care about them, and don't try to "discipline" your infant when it comes to sleep. There will be plenty of time to discipline and be a super-star, consistent, hard-core disciplinarian when your child turns 2-3. Remember, your baby didn't ask to be born, and nobody said it would be easy. Even Dr. Ferber came out recently and admitted that he was wrong, wrong, wrong.

In other words: Well said, Amanda! I agree with you, and "You go girl!"

Jessica also had good points:
well said amanda...we've had this u kno i agree! and i agree w/ ashley too...we were a co-sleepin family as well. they need to be comforted by their mommy and daddy. for me personally, co-sleeping (and breastfeeding) made me feel so much closer to my child.
so, i applaud u for sayin something...i get tired of hearing this as well... See More...along w/ people talkin young girls out of breasfeeding. no woman should be ashamed of breastfeeding or co-sleeping.. or for not lettin their child cry it out. i had someone tell me once when kaitlyn was a baby to let her cry it out...i felt terrible while attempting to take their advice (#1 sign that something isn't right about it) and kaitlyn screamed for an hour until i finally i got her and i NEVER did it again. I tell people this all the time...listen to ur heart...and ur mommy instincts...they will always guide u. God created us mommy's to have them..its NOT always best to take other peoples advice. besides, ALL children are different. something that worked for them doesnt always work for u. its ok to ask for advice or help...but u will kno if its right for u or not.


I never write anything to intentionally offend anyone or even try to persuade you to change your way of doing things......I write it for someone that might be struggling with a decision and wants more insight.

I'm the type of person that loves opinions and different perspectives because it makes me a better mom, like my friend who said:

Get real, quit expecting so much out of a 2 year old and educate yourself about age appropriate behavior as she handed me a very helpful book

but I have come to realize that all moms do not like any advice that differs from their way of life so if you read something in my blog that you don't like......I promise it won't offend me in the least if you hit the little x box at the top right corner


Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Tank You Jesus

lately Colby is becoming my best buddy! I've been amazed at how much he is becoming a little boy. I now have someone to have a conversation with all day and he keeps me laughing....he has the cutest sense of humor!

Last night he was trying to convince me he wasn't sleepy and he needed to watch Thomas the Train just one time. We only let him watch TV in the morning and he knows that so he was really working hard to plead his case!

Colby was helping Chase with tummy time and of course had to demonstrate.

He loves his little brother.....he even has to check on him while he is sleeping. He tries to wake him up every time he is napping. If Chase makes the slightest sound (literally breath hard) he runs to the monitor and says, "mommy, baby Chase is up!"

We have prayed with Colby every night before bed since he was can never start too early, huh? Well, a few weeks ago he started naming people he wanted to pray for but tonight he actually said his first prayer. He put his little hands together, closed his eyes, and said,
"tank you Jesus for leing me help PawPaw Mike with da pool"

and thank you Jesus for this precious moment!

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