Tuesday, April 27, 2010

I Wonder Why.......

Dear Colby,
I'm just wondering WHY........

You don't like a toy unless your friend picks it up

you think my floor is your trash can

you think you can out run me

you tell people when you poot.....and use the word poopoo

you insist Chase wake up and play...when playing only

consist of sitting and smiling

you have to eat 5 fruit bars a day

you wait until I get to number 3 before you do what I ask....1 & 2 are not time buyers like you think!

you are so protective of your four wheeler.....sorry Eden for the nose dive into the ground.

It makes it even worse when you see her adorable face...
Told you so!!

Colby has never been a hitter or a biter...thank goodness! But, he is quick to push someone off his four wheeler........we have been working really hard on sharing, even if it's his most favorite thing in the whole wide world! We went to a crawfish boil this past weekend and he shared his FW with all the kiddos......Chris & I were soooo thrilled!! I can't imagine how I will feel at his graduation.......I was so proud of him that I wanted to scream, "Yay, you got it, all that hard work paid off, you understand the importance of sharing, and your dad didn't have to threaten you, and most importantly

there were no nose-dives into the ground!!!!

you try to delay bedtime every night when it hasn't worked for the past one-thousand tries....I have to give it to you.......you are persistent and have determination!

you think it's so exciting to play in the car

you have been potty trained for 7 months and still haven't learned just how long you can hold it while playing outside before your bladder sends teetee down your leg!

you expect me to retrieve items from the car floor while driving down the road...I don't have a go-go-gadget arm.

you think breakfast should last from 7:00-11:00

you wake up at the crack of dawn...even if you go to bed late

you love Kate Kosek so much.....is it her beauty...... is it her personality........ or just everything about her

you all the sudden started obeying so well.......is this a phase that you plan on ending soon or did you finally realize it's a battle you won't win!
you turn into a different child around your grandparents

you pray for PawPaw Mike first, every single night.........does he need that much prayer

your sucker has to be BLUE

you say, "shhhhh..no mommy" when I try to sing to you (your suppose to think mommy is a great singer....even though I can't carry a tune in a bucket).

you do downward dog under the bathtub faucet to clean your booty.....Really? Why not just use a rag?

you aren't shy at all, will go home with anyone......but won't stay in the church nursery without hyperventilating.

you eat play-do

you want to be in your birthday suit all day, every day!

and most of all........


Colby's favorite thing to do!!


Anna said...

I love this. I wonder some of the exact same things about my girls. Elise especially. Like....why do you REFUSE to keep up with your that and then get yourself all worked up when you (or mommy or anyone) can't find it?!

Nice blog :)

Tessica said...

ha!!! "and use the word poo poo" so funny! you're an amazing blogger!!! :)

Amanda Smith said...

This is SOO FUNNY! It is amazing how similar two year olds are! Carsyn does almost half of these too!

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