Monday, May 31, 2010

Hurry Home

Chris is hiking the smokies and was absent from us this Memorial Day. I miss him oh so much and can't wait to see his smile, hold him tight, and give him a big, fat kiss.....hello baby #3!!
I can't speak to him until Wednesday, which drives me insane because even though he might be enjoying this

I know he would love to hear about........

Colby's brotherly love

My out-of-control dad
Chase relaxing in the swing
Colby's smile protest
Chase's new interest in toys
Colby using all his tokens on the Jett Rider
Chase laughing at
Mad Man

Gammy & Paw Paw Mike playing a game and Colby nowhere to be found
Mr. Wet Pants insisting he sleep on his tummy
My new swimsuit that he encouraged me to go buy since I haven't bought a new one in ten years.....I know, now that I see it in pictures, I totally look like an inmate.
Chase's new hat that looks so darn, stinkin cute....
and even sideways too!!
and last but not least
Mr. Spider man undies licking away on his lollipop!!

Life is Good!!

Memorial Day was full of fantastic memories but it wasn't the same without you......hurry home, we miss you!!

Saturday, May 29, 2010

Doggie Dog Week

We had our little doggie Bentley for 7 years and then Colby came to town and rocked his world. Bentley wasn't a huge fan of kiddos so we had to say goodbye :( !!
You can read all about it here.

When our friends called us this past week to dog sit we were pretty pumped to have a dog around and see how Colby would take it all in!

Can I just say love at first sight!! Colby didn't know what to think about a dog that actually allowed him to get close without a little teeth showing...much less cuddle time on the couch.

Jack & Colby became best buds instantly and it was so stinkin adorable. All day long I heard

"mon mon (come on) Jack"

"mon mon outside Jack"

"mon mon Jack, it's nap time"

"mon mon Jack, we had go Gammy's house"

Poor Jack was bossed around the entire time and was such a good sport!!

Jack's mom is expecting a baby in October, and I think he will adjust in a much better fashion than Bentley................

Can you ask for a better dog????

He would just nestle up right under Chase and even let Chase use him as leverage to roll over...

Jack was also on guard all the time! If he heard Chase cry, he was at his side in minutes, and every time I was nursing, Jack would curl up in the chair with us and lay his head in my lap!

No worries Ashley.....he will eat up your baby a good way :)!!!

Yesterday, I took Colby to Gammy's house so Jack went along for the ride. I dropped Colby off and mom ran in to get me something

My parents have a dog, Snuffy,  that we got when I was 16 years old.  He was old and in pretty bad shape. He was almost blind, completely deaf, and had severe lung issues. The last few weeks he has had many close calls because he couldn't see or hear cars backing up out of the driveway.

Dad told us last week to be very careful and watch out for Snuffy.

I didn't even think about Snuffy because I had just pulled up and was only nudging up, so I never assumed that in such a short period of time he would lay right under my tire.

Well.....he did. As soon as I moved up, I knew exactly what I had done. I jumped out and his back end was underneath the tire. I jumped back in the car and quickly backed up and started praying maybe he was okay. He never made a sound, he just looked up at me and I told him how sorry I was and it was going to be okay. A few minutes after the accident, my dad pulled up and I felt horrible. We could tell that his spine was broke and it was time for him to go to doggie heaven.

I couldn't take much more so I gave him love and said my goodbyes and I went home. On the way, Chase started crying uncontrollably so I had to stop and take him out of the car seat to calm him.

Sooooo.....we are in downtown Florence at 5:30, it's as busy as this little town gets! Jack assumes we are home and does a high jump over the car seat and takes off down the road.

You can imagine what I was feeling at this moment! I just sent one dog to meet his maker and now this. How would I be able to deliver bad news about Jack? Oh no sir, this was not about to happen!! I put screaming Chase back in the car seat and darted down the street in my flip flops and almost did a nose dive into the concrete but thank goodness I caught myself. I'm sure it was a sight to see, and I figured someone had already called Mark and said, "I saw Amanda chasing Jack down main street in the middle of traffic!" We live in a tiny town where everybody knows everybody and yes even dogs too!

I really could careless how ridiculous I appeared to everyone, I only cared about saving Jack......and that I did!!!

Well, I was one for one today in the doggie world and now that I've shared this story, I'm sure I will never get another call to dog sit for the rest of my life!

Dear Mark & Ashley,
I hope we can put this all aside and you will allow us to be Jack's godparents because we fell in love with him this past week. I also want to warn you that Colby will be visiting probably way more than you want so I'm apologizing in advance!
The Jones Family

RIP Snuffy......we will miss you!

Thursday, May 27, 2010

My little Fish

I noticed Chase's clothes were getting a little snug so I decided to box up all 0-3 month clothes so there would be more room for 3-6 month clothes. Please just take a look at this picture.....

Ridiculous is the word I'm looking for!! Chase could literally get lost in that pile of clothes. Unpacking, washing, and hanging up all these clothes was a complete waste of my time. As I was throwing each outfit on the pile I was repeating.....never wore it!

It's so different with the second child, well at least for me it is. Anytime I left the house Colby had to have his Sunday best on and don't think for one minute that he would leave the house without adorable shoes on his feet (even though those flippin things fell off 100 times) and he was usually wearing a stylish hat to make the outfit a ten!

Poor Poor Chase!!
 Chase's first four months have consisted of onesies, onesies, and oh yea.....onesies. His little feet don't know what shoes are and his little head has only been introduced to one hat....a fishing hat at that, to prevent a burnt head....and no it didn't match.

I started feeling a little guilty so I dressed him up cute for Colby's swim lesson today.

and yes....those are sandals on his feet!

Speaking of swim lessons. Today concluded Colby's 2 week swim session. He took lessons at Maley's Swim School and I think they do a superb job!

Day One..............

Super excited! Mommy I tan't wait, yaaaaaay!!!
Teacher calls, "all 10:00 swimmers lets go!"
I will see you after class sweetheart, do good!!

Colby had a horrified look on his face and said, "mon mon mommy, tom wif me!"
Big ole tears started flowing and it broke my heart. he built up the courage to walk in but he kept a close watch on me through the glass and kept pointing at a chair behind him shouting,
"sit right dere mommy, right dere!"

I have to admit he is a Mommy's boy but I'm all he knows.....he has never been to any kind of structured class or interacted with a teacher. I hope to get him in some type of preschool 2 days a week in the fall.

I couldn't take much more and I was on the verge of going to the rescue when an instructor came to the observing room and announced,
"Colby's mom?"
I'm right here, I'm coming"
"We need you to sit in the corner where Colby can't see you, and read over this material please"........

So there I was in the corner with Chase
reading a strategic plan to get Colby through the crying.

After class...
"mommy, you not tom in too, you make me sad and I ti (cry)!"

I went to eat lunch with two mommies I met in class in hopes of forming a friendship among the boys so Colby would be more comfortable the following day.

Day 2......

He cried until I came in and sat behind him. Maley's sent reinforcement for the 2 kiddos that needed a little more encouragement...she was there to boost their confidence while they waited their turn.

Day 3........
Starting to get the swing of things with buddies....Case & James!

Day 4.....
He was ready to go, and I returned to the mommy section!!!

He learned fat face so he could swim under water without choking or as he would say
"mommy, I frowed up!"

He learned what to do if he ever fell in....

Wall Crawl

Elbow Out

All in all.....I was so proud of my little fish!

Monday, May 24, 2010

Chase 4 month checkup

Today was Chase's 4 month checkup and we met our new doctor (we had to change because of insurance reasons) and I was really pleased so far even though he has the worst possible name.....Dr. Payne!

Chase weighs 13lbs he is in the 25 percentile. Colby weighed 15.7 at his 4 month checkup. I remember everyone saying he was big but now I understand since Chase is a little peanut!

Colby was big but he never had fat rolls like Chase......they are just so different.

look at those battle wounds.....poor baby :(

Chase is the easiest going baby and he always has a silly smile on his face.

He has yet to cry a tear and we had bets that it would be today when he got shots but nope.....still hasn't shed a tear!

Colby went with us and he told the doctor he needed a shot on his bobo and to peez check his heart.
He has a doctor kit and he checks my heart so that's where that came from!
Dr. Payne was super sweet and played along! He also said he use to do the same thing when he was Colby's age.......
maybe we have a doctor on our hands!

Sunday, May 23, 2010

The Look

I was sitting in church this morning trying to listen to the message, which takes talent when you have small children.

All the thoughts in my head at one time....

Is Chase going to make it through the service without wanting to eat

Is Colby being too loud

Is he bothering anyone around us

Oh, no he just spilled his chex mix

Is that a poopy diaper I smell

Colby probably needs to go potty

As I noticed Colby waving to everyone behind us I was thinking....
I wonder what it will feel like when I don't have to worry about all this during church and then I saw the look!

Not the look that says......take your child out, he is disturbing church!!

But the look that answered my question.

This sweet elderly lady was starring at our family so contently with an expression that oozed pure happiness, and I knew exactly what she was thinking...

it seems like yesterday my grown children were babies

I remember swaying my baby in church as he slept in my arms just like that

I miss the blissful smell of a baby and kissing chubby cheeks

my son also had ants in his pants so many years ago

Those days were such a blessing and so much fun

where did the time go

I wish I had it back!!

Thank you sweet lady for the look that

made my day

made me thankful

took away my worries

and reminded me to enjoy every second and not hurry up time that I will want back one day!!!!!!!!

Wednesday, May 19, 2010

What ????

Twos might come with tantrums, time-outs, and tons of no nos

but they also come with

lots of laughs


a whole bunch of What???


I went to get Colby out of Time-out

Me:  Colby, you disobeyed me. Do you have something to say to mommy?
Colby:   Pipi (Colby)  and Baby Chase have weewees and mommy not have weewee, mommy is a girl and Pipi (Colby) is a boy

What???????......I kinda was looking for, I'm sorry!

I was putting Chase down for his nap and when I entered the living room Colby had put himself in time-out

Me: What are you doing?
Colby: I in time-out
Me: Why are you in time-out?
Colby: I made mess and go time-out
Me: Where is the mess
Colby: tichen, I sorry

What?????....there was tony's seasoning all over my kitchen floor! least he saved me some time and energy and disciplined himself!


I was nursing Chase

Colby: put baby Chase down
Me: I can't, Baby Chase is eating
Colby: put mommy's TaTa up peez and get me milk and fruit bar
Me: What?????   That is rude and you will have to wait until Chase is all done

I was trying really hard not to laugh!!

Colby hasn't had a poop accident in his pants in about 9 months but he has had two outside poop accidents.

one.....he was playing outside with Conner and my friend Angie yelled, "Amanda, I think Colby is pooping outside."

Sure enough....he got off his four wheeler and popped a squat right in the backyard.

Me: Colby, where do we poopoo?
Colby: In the potty
Me: Why did you poopoo in the yard?
Colby: Conner made me
Me: really? How in the world did Conner make you poopoo in the yard
Colby: I need to play with Conner not poopoo


I assume he was saying that he was enjoying his play time with Conner and it would have taken way too much time to go inside and use the potty...really?????

second.....I was putting Chase down for a nap (do you see a pattern here?) I looked through the crack of the door and saw him walk in from outside holding toilet paper and then I heard the toilet flush.

I was thinking...what in the world did he just flush down the potty, and I pray it wasn't a living creature.

Me: baby, what did you just put in the potty?
Colby: Poopoo
Me: Where did you get poopoo
Colby: my booty
Me: what? where did you poopoo?
Colby: outside, it otay.....I put in potty

Lord help me...there are no words!


We got back from the grocery store and Colby was helping me unload when I heard

"Mommy, help me!!"

I ran into the kitchen and this is what I found

Me: (after laughing to tears) what happened?
Colby: my pants pell down (duh!)
Me: (after I took a quick pic) You can drop the toilet paper to pull your pants back up
Colby: otay

Just a few moments that left me scratching my head saying


I love that crazy little stinker!!!

Monday, May 17, 2010

Breakfast Club- Blueberry French Toast Casserole

I love my breakfast club! When you're a SAHM you look for any excuse to get any of the following

  • Adult conversation
  • Play buddies to entertain your children
  • Enjoy a cup of coffee without having to reheat it 3 times
  • Eat a yummy breakfast without little grubby fingers trying to take it away
  • A time to share mommy advice and realize all mommies are going through or have gone through the same struggles and it will get better
  • Activities to wear out the children so nap time will be extra long
We meet at my house every Wednesday at 9:00, well I say 9:00 but the only ones that arrive at 9:00 are me and my boys because we live here. I told the ladies that I will give a door prize for the one who shows up at 9:00 but no one has done so yet. I guess being 15 minutes late for everything is a trait of a SAHM!

Last week I made this OH SO YUMMY casserole!! It's not healthy in any way, shape, or form........ but I promise you will loveeeeee it!!

Blueberry French Toast Casserole

1 loaf Texas toast bread
8 oz cream cheese
1 cup sugar
1 1/2 cups blueberries
8 eggs
3/4 cup maple syrup
1 1/2 cup milk
1 stick butter, melted

Have a cutie pie tear bread into pieces
and scatter half of bread into 9x13 pan (coated in cooking spray)
Mix cream cheese and sugar. Spread on top of bread.
Scatter blueberries
and top with remaining bread

Mix eggs, maple syrup, milk, butter. Mix well. Por mixture evenly on top of bread.

Sprinkle with Cinnamon and refrigerate overnight

Bake at 350 degrees for 45 minutes to 1 hour or until browned

and don't be rude and eat a huge piece before your company arrives....Oh wait I did that. Well, they should have been on time.....their just lucky I saved them some!! Thanks for the great recipe Jess!
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