Thursday, May 27, 2010

My little Fish

I noticed Chase's clothes were getting a little snug so I decided to box up all 0-3 month clothes so there would be more room for 3-6 month clothes. Please just take a look at this picture.....

Ridiculous is the word I'm looking for!! Chase could literally get lost in that pile of clothes. Unpacking, washing, and hanging up all these clothes was a complete waste of my time. As I was throwing each outfit on the pile I was repeating.....never wore it!

It's so different with the second child, well at least for me it is. Anytime I left the house Colby had to have his Sunday best on and don't think for one minute that he would leave the house without adorable shoes on his feet (even though those flippin things fell off 100 times) and he was usually wearing a stylish hat to make the outfit a ten!

Poor Poor Chase!!
 Chase's first four months have consisted of onesies, onesies, and oh yea.....onesies. His little feet don't know what shoes are and his little head has only been introduced to one hat....a fishing hat at that, to prevent a burnt head....and no it didn't match.

I started feeling a little guilty so I dressed him up cute for Colby's swim lesson today.

and yes....those are sandals on his feet!

Speaking of swim lessons. Today concluded Colby's 2 week swim session. He took lessons at Maley's Swim School and I think they do a superb job!

Day One..............

Super excited! Mommy I tan't wait, yaaaaaay!!!
Teacher calls, "all 10:00 swimmers lets go!"
I will see you after class sweetheart, do good!!

Colby had a horrified look on his face and said, "mon mon mommy, tom wif me!"
Big ole tears started flowing and it broke my heart. he built up the courage to walk in but he kept a close watch on me through the glass and kept pointing at a chair behind him shouting,
"sit right dere mommy, right dere!"

I have to admit he is a Mommy's boy but I'm all he knows.....he has never been to any kind of structured class or interacted with a teacher. I hope to get him in some type of preschool 2 days a week in the fall.

I couldn't take much more and I was on the verge of going to the rescue when an instructor came to the observing room and announced,
"Colby's mom?"
I'm right here, I'm coming"
"We need you to sit in the corner where Colby can't see you, and read over this material please"........

So there I was in the corner with Chase
reading a strategic plan to get Colby through the crying.

After class...
"mommy, you not tom in too, you make me sad and I ti (cry)!"

I went to eat lunch with two mommies I met in class in hopes of forming a friendship among the boys so Colby would be more comfortable the following day.

Day 2......

He cried until I came in and sat behind him. Maley's sent reinforcement for the 2 kiddos that needed a little more encouragement...she was there to boost their confidence while they waited their turn.

Day 3........
Starting to get the swing of things with buddies....Case & James!

Day 4.....
He was ready to go, and I returned to the mommy section!!!

He learned fat face so he could swim under water without choking or as he would say
"mommy, I frowed up!"

He learned what to do if he ever fell in....

Wall Crawl

Elbow Out

All in all.....I was so proud of my little fish!


Amy S. Norris said...

i taught swim lessons in college and i was taught to tell the moms to leave, don't watch and don't peek. i never really got why they would all just melt...until i became a mom myself. and now i feel so ashamed and guilty, but the kids did learn...but it is so hard as a mom to watch them go and cry and learn to do it without you. :( i don't like them growing up.

Kosek Landing said...

LOL when they sent you to a corner with reading material! That is great! Don't store those 0-3 months too far away, might have to steal a few of your items for new little boy. You would think I have plenty of clothes to pass down, but you would be wrong. Poor Jack wears the same 5 outfits over and over again until they are stained and shredded.

Anna said...

I know what you mean about the second child. Poor Elise. Hand me downs from Audrey are everywhere! (At least I take/took care of things! and like you said, half of everything wasn't even worn!) Poor second babies :)

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