Today was the big day.....very first day of preschool!! I knew it was going to be a good day when Colby woke up and said, "mommy, stay wif me at tool for just a little bit, otay".........much better than him telling me to stay at school and be the teacher!
I was so giddy making his first school lunch!
I couldn't just give him an ordinary sandwich, a heart is much more appropriate (I'm a nerd)!
He loves juice but I don't buy it for home because I try to encourage him to drink water and milk so he was pumped when I told him he gets to take juice to big boy doesn't take much to satisfy him!!
We pulled up to school and as he was climbing out of the car, he turned back around and threw Binky on the floorboard and announced, "I not need Binky mommy!"
Really? Are you sure baby?
Yes, I not need Binky!
I thought of Woody in Toy Story.........Binky was left behind, not needed anymore ;(
Colby had bigger and better things to do, such as.......
Push Chase so I could get pictures
Give Chase a tour of the playground
Hang his things up
I caught a glance of this and almost teared up......come on now, hold it together you big wuss!!! I was proud of myself, I didn't cry until I got back in the car!
It hit me.....he is almost three and actually starting preschool today! Holy Moly.......when did my little baby become a little boy???
Colby strutted his growny self right into his classroom and gave his teacher, Mrs. Amanda, a gift.....
and a hug!!
Okay, baby....Mommy has to go and I will be back to pick you up later.
Otay, I build a big house!
Did you hear me, I'm leaving okay!
Otay, bye bye mommy, see you later!
Love You
Is this for real? No melt down? No clinging to my neck for dear life? No, stay wif me mommy?
Thank you Lord....prayer is powerful!
I went home and didn't know what to do with myself so when Chase took a nap, I turned on Reggis & Kelly and was going to actually sit down on the couch and relax for a minute. Well come to find out I must have been sleep deprived because I was out like a light in seconds and didn't wake up until Chase did......which was only 45 minutes but I'll take it, after all it was my first nap in 6 months LOL!!
I was super antsy to go pick Colby up and hear all about his day!! I was so proud of him for being so independent and leaving his Binky behind, so Binky had Colby's absolute favorite treat waiting in his car seat when he opened the door...... A RING POP!!
Mrs. Amanda said he did great but he wanted to explore when it was time for other things.
I'm a teacher so I know the translation..........
He won't sit his boo-tay on the carpet during story time because he wants to build a house with blocks!!
Sorry Amanda......we will work on it!!
However, his teacher did brag on him that he knew all his letters and numbers.........proud mommy moment!!
Colby's first artwork:
He said this was him.....can't you see the resemblance with the red hair, HA?
Colby is also one-eyed Willy since he ate one of his eye balls.
Colby did you like school?
Yea Mam
Who is your friend?
I don't remember a child named BoBo.
Yea huh, BoBo
What was your favorite part of school?
What did BoBo do?
BoBo so fun!
What was your teachers name?
Until Next Time................