Sunday, September 12, 2010

It's Been 10 Years!

It's been ten years since I last cheered at a pep-rally....
dug my heels into the football field on Homecoming night.....
played hookie on senior skip-day
danced at prom....
played a high school sport.....
felt the nerves of beauty & Beau....
threw my cap in the air....
watched the sunrise on senior night....
partied it up in Cancun
Yes, we had on bikinis in the club...No, not sure what we were thinking??
Man.....Now I know why people always said, "enjoy these days, they are the best days of your life!"  And they sure weren't fabricating the truth when they said, "these days will go by so fast and you will be in the real world and want these days back!"

I do want those days back, but only for about a week! I would love to be care-free with no responsibility and my hard decisions to consist of....

do we hang out at City Limits or Texaco?

do I wear my hair up or down to prom?

How can I get $10 more dollars from dad?

How in the world  am I'm going to tell my parents I just had another wreck?

I have to say that I had the BEST high school experience ever...




But, now I have the best life with the best little family that is truly a gift from God!

So, If I had to choose.....I definitely choose these days over those days!!


Best friends since 2nd grade :)

                                                 Oh yea, he's a stud!
I was rummaging through the flashback table...
and look what I senior sonnet about Chris!
His mind isn't made up yet, I told my mom.
I pray every night that he will not go, but
soon I found out over the intercom
it gave me a bad feeling in my gut.

It was shocking information to hear
I will think of him and wish he could stay.
I can't imagine him not being near.
For I will miss him when he is away.

I don't know the exact departure date
It's going to be hard to watch him go,
but soon he will be on his way to Delta State.
God will watch over him for that I know.

I desperately dread when the day arrives
and I will really have to say goodbye.

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