Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Boy or Girl????

SURPRISE....was the plan!


How exciting to wait for nine months and experience the amazing anticipation building up to one single, glorious moment!

Apparently, I'm the only one who sees the fun in it all.

Family and friends have been dropping subtle hints for me to find out the sex...some not so subtle!

It was easy for me to stick to the plan since Chris wasn't going to be in town for the ultrasound. I would never find out the sex of our child without him by my side! Well....what do you know, he comes home for two weeks and it just so happens to be on the special day!

The one factor holding my decision steady was thrown smooth out of the window!

Chris said, "you don't have to find out, but I am!"

Whatever.....that would never happen in this lifetime!

He desires to find out the sex so, I caved like a fat man on thin ice!

The very few friends that supported the surprise plan, expressed their true feelings after being informed of the new plan....

Oh thank God!

Good, I was wondering what you were thinking?

Thank heavens, if it's a girl we have a lot of shopping to do!

I was praying you would change your mind!


May 9th is the big day!!!

What do you think......

Boy or Girl?

Until Next Time.....


Ashley said...

Well, you know I am pro-surprise, but I'm even more pro-do-whatever-the-heck-makes-you-happy. That being said, if you MUST find out, at least do something fun like the whole cake reveal or envelope dinner thing! Finding out at the ultrasound seems so anticlimactic!

Anna said...

AH! I'm all about finding out! The waiting kills me! Girl, maybe?!

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