Tuesday, July 5, 2011

My Birthing Journey

Baby girl will be joining our family in about 3 months so there will be lots of birth talk going on at the Jones Journey!! If you aren't really into birthing chit chat you might want to take a little break from my blog and pick back up sometime in October when the madness kicks off of raising 3 bambinos under the age of three .....wowzers!!

Where do I begin?

I have been on a journey the last few months, trying to figure out what I want when it comes to bringing my precious baby girl into this world!

When Colby was born I was CLUELESS, to say the least! I'm ashamed to say, but I just did what everyone else seemed to be doing, and I trusted every single thing I heard.


I knew that natural birth was the very best for the baby and me, and I honestly thought I could just beep bop into the hospital and breath my way through labor and have this amazing experience of natural childbirth.....STUPID!

I didn't prepare AT ALL.....STUPID!

My doctor was going out of town and since it was a few days before Christmas, he encouraged me to be induced. I figured why not.....STUPID! I wasn't dilated at all, which means Colby wasn't ready yet...why was I in such a hurry? I went along with it and had no idea that pitocin practically makes a natural childbirth impossible.....I told you I didn't prepare at all!

Once the pitocin was started, the contractions were unbearable! Needless to say I got an epidural at 4 cm. I progressed somewhat slow (effects of an epidural and laying on your back during labor) and at 4:00 my doctor suggested c-section talk if little squirt didn't get the show on the road.....thank goodness Colby graced us with his presence at 4:29!!!

Colby came out drugged and was too lethargic to breastfeed and then they swept him away from my arms and into transitional care for 3 hours what just happens to be crucial birth bonding time. Three hours away from the only familiar thing he had known for 9 months and the only person who could comfort him and make him feel safe in this new world....makes me so sad!

I had breastfeeding difficulties for weeks, and it was all due to unnecessary interventions.

Although it was an unforgettable, exuberant moment when Colby was born, it wasn't the birthing experience I desired. I always felt like God meant for it to be so much more! I honestly feel in my heart that God created labor for a very special purpose, and somehow we have messed it up!

Round two....I started preparing from day one! I wanted a natural birth and at this point I felt confident and prepared to conquer!!

I was not going to be induced, I wanted God to choose my baby's birthday, no one else! My water started leaking through the night and I had a small gush of water at 9:00am, but it never completely broke. I stayed home to labor so I could avoid hospital interventions, such as  an IV, constant fetal monitoring, pitocin, etc.

Around 2:00 the contractions still weren't very intense and my bag of waters still had not broke. My doctor was concerned of getting an infection and advised me to come to the hospital. I was progressing extremely slow and the fear of Chase getting an infection caused me to relinquish to the doctor and start potocin. I still wanted to give natural birth a shot but the circumstances made me cave at 8cm....right when transition was beginning. You can read the entire birth story here.

Again, the moment Chase was placed on my chest was incredible, and I accepted that my birth plan did not go as I intended, but I focused my whole heart and soul on the God given gift that stared right at my face and melted me on the spot!

Round three....here we go!

Yes, my plan is a natural birth! I'm even more prepared this go round and I think this might be it!! This is my last pregnancy, and definitely something I passionately desire to experience and give to my baby!

Call me a hippie but I want Josie born drug free, in a





Especially, since it doesn't just determine a good or bad day on her birthday....it actually effects her entire life!

This story tells exactly why........What natural childbirth means to your baby. (I love how beautifully it describes the difference in a home birth and a hospital birth!)

The hard part has been trying to decide the best way to accomplish my goal.

Hospitals make it almost impossible.....
(Everyone should watch business of being born....here are a few clips)

so I started searching out more birthing options!

Baton Rouge has a birthing center that would be ideal but it's a little over 3 hours away.....still an option!

Home birth is also an option, it's actually my most favorable at the moment! I have spoke with several mommies who have had a home birth and just listening to their experience gives me chills and inspires me.......it's exactly what I want!

My friend Madeline has a beautiful home birth story and I have an appointment to meet with her midwife. I already fell in love with her on the phone and I can't wait to meet her! I love the fact that she loves the Lord and believes that natural birth is a gift from God. When I was talking with her, I felt like she was an answered prayer!

 We shall see where this journey takes our family!

Until Next Time...........


Sara said...

Hi Amanda,
I too, feel passionate about natural birthing, giving our children the blessing of a drug-free, no-intervention birth, the way God intended! I have had 2 home births and will have my third in about a month (I am due 8/7). I highly, highly, highly (can't say this enough), recommend that you explore the Bradley Method of Childbirth. I strongly believe that using this method (and lots of prayer during contractions!), was my key to birthing naturally with no complications at home. You can read more about it here: http://www.bradleybirth.com/. With our first, we took a class. They range from 8-12 weeks long, so start looking now, since baby girl will be here in 3 months! If there are no Bradley certified instructors in your area, I would recommend that both you and your hubby read the Bradley book: http://www.amazon.com/Natural-Childbirth-Bradley-Way-Revised/dp/0452276594/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1310004955&sr=8-1. I read it cover to cover with my first, and hit the highlights of the labor chapter with my second and third pregnancies. I wish you all the best on your journey to have the birth you have always desired for you and your baby! If you have any questions about home birthing, feel free to contact me at ramos [dot] saraelizabeth [at] gmail [dot] com. (I know we don't know each other personally, but I came across your blog from my friend Kim Kosek's blog.)

Madeline said...

I'm so excited to see where this journey takes you!

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