I am always humbled how a few words spoken during church can make such a drastic impact in my life....especially since a few words might be the only words I hear the entire service, courtesy of two exuberant, little squirts!
During the homily this morning, Father exclaimed, "FEAR WILL STRANGLE HOPE!"
It played in my head over and over, and was causing me to focus on many things in my life right now, but in particular, one specific thing that had actually brought tears to my eyes just moments earlier.
As a mom, I tend to hold onto fear when I should just let it go, give it to God, and let it be!
Fear can eat away at a heart...............
Am I raising my children as Christ would.....after all, they are HIS children?
Am I pleasing in God's eyes with my choices of discipline?
Am I always forgiving, gracious, and understanding as he ask of me?
Am I guiding my children down the right path that will make them men after God's own heart?
If you remember my post about losing my patience with Colby and delivering a not so pleasant God-awful face that was eye opening when he threw it right back at me. Why would I expect anything less....children imitate the ones they love!
Remember this face.............
(He does tend to exaggerate a tid bit!)
It definitely isn't heartwarming to see your negative flaws displayed in your children! I chose to use it, grow, and make a change, but fear in my heart has a way of lingereing!
This morning we entered the house of the Lord and Colby dipped his fingers in the Holy Water, went down on one knee and did the sign of the cross before taking his seat, and then kneeled next to his daddy and prayed before the music filled the air!
Talk about one proud mommy!
Talk about my heart pounding!
Talk about a lump in my throat!
Talk about the tears in my eyes!
Talk about a sense of pride that released all fear from my heart!
Then the spoken words actually traveled from the alter and leaped directly into my heart!
God was saying to me...........you've got this, but most importantly, I'VE GOT THIS!
Yes, there will be days that I will feel like my parenting actions have failed to display the love of Christ, but I won't let it become fear in my heart anymore, since fear strangles hope!
What an amazing gift to give my children and myself, HOPE!
I John 4:18
There is no fear in love; but perfect love casts out fear, because fear has punishment. He who fears is not made perfect in love.
Psalm 34:4
I sought the LORD, and He heard me,And delivered me from all my fears.
Until Next Time..................
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