Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Colby's 4th Birthday!

My sweet Colby turned ONE, and being a baby was done!
He turned TWO.....oh how the time flew!
Then, with a blink of an eye he was could it be?
Now my big boy is FOUR.....Oh Lord!
Colby man is quite obsessed with airplanes, especially since his daddy got a new job flying with the C17, so an airplane party it was!

Saturday, the morning of his party, we let him open a gift! Any kind of art brings joy to his little heart!
Yes. he has on Chase's PJs and yes, I wrapped his gift in a baby bag from Josie's shower.......we do what we have to do around here!
Daddy served up his favorite breakfast and added a special touch!

We headed to the park to celebrate with family & friends!

(I thought these candy airplanes were just too cute!)

 December 19th was the real deal! I created a birthday entrance, and it was a hit with my little squirt!

Make a wish!
We got our jump on at Pump It Up.......
with his bestie, Kate!

Next, we had a pizza picnic at the park......we can't get enough of the park!

Went home to finish off the left over cupcakes.....Yummy!
Colby's tip: Never leave cupcake on the paper...that's a waste!

Colby & Kate had some great balloon adventures!
I just love the imaginations of 4 year olds!
We celebrated his "4th" birthday in so many special ways, it certainly was a terrific day!!

Until Next Time............

1 comment:

Kosek Landing said...

precious pictures of he and Kate. they really did have a fun day together! Thank you so much for including her in your family day on Colby's birthday...she's still talking about it.

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