Thursday, July 26, 2012

Ungodly For Me

I want to clarify something about my splish, splash, & spankings post........

The quote that I posted,

“This style of parenting drives us to our knees and so brings us closer to heaven. It forces us to die to self again and again to meet the needs of God’s little creatures. It’s immediately easier to shout and/or hit and abuse our authority to put out the fires of our day. We can stop the behavior through fear and punishment. But that doesn’t really require any heroic, saintly effort on our part, does it? Ultimately, it destroys the relationship with the child and it becomes for us the occasion of sin.”
Elizabeth Foss

I'm not insinuating that a mother who spanks is ungodly, I'm saying that spanking is ungodly for ME! I don't believe that God speaks the same to everyone about a certain situation, I just know what he spoke to me! The handful of times that I spanked my first born, it did cause me to sin. It was done out of anger,  I felt guilty that I lost self-control, and I modeled everything I didn't won't my son to be. I also worried about the impact it would have on our relationship, and I knew my anger didn't come from a healthy place, it was my own issues, not my son's behavior. I knew in my heart, it could have been resolved in a kind way, not a regretful, impulsive way. 

It's clear why it was sin for me, and why I took a different path.

Looking back now, I know exactly why God convicted me of my actions, he wanted me to discover my purpose in life.

I read as much as I possibly could about child development and positive discipline, which led me to attachment parenting. Completely falling in love with the principles of AP led me to API certification and was instrumental for developing the most amazing relationship with my children. It also introduced me to the most inspiring women I've ever met, which led to creating Attachment Parenting of Metro Jackson, which is impacting parents everyday. The knowledge I received concerning birth, led me to the most euphoric birth experience, and I believe it was the closest encounter to God I've ever experienced. My birth experience encouraged me to become doula certified, and spend my life supporting moms in the most spectacular event of their lives. Last but not least, the end result is a peaceful home, I absolutely love!

I was driven to my knees, and God answered.

I knew what was best for me and my family, and I respect your decision of what's best for your family!
God has a plan for everyone, we just have to seek it!

Until Next Time.....

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