Thursday, October 24, 2013

It's True, Baby Girl is "2"

I can't believe it's true, out lil' pumpkin is two!

 Let me see, my lil' pumpkin….

  is a mama's baby
 loves her brothers
 repeats everything like a little echo
 rules the house with her feistiness
 has the vocabulary of a five year old
 can't get enough hummus
requires little sleep
squeezes the bajesus out of you if she gets really mad
says, "I wuv you so big"
runs to the door everyday to greet Daddy after work
cuddles with me all night
only uses the potty on her terms
puckers up for kisses all day
loves to be my helper
belly laughs when tickled
says hello to everyone
is a magnet to babies
has a lip gloss addiction
first one to ask, "are you otay?"
has the most stunning eyes ever
made our family complete

and has stolen our hearts forever!

Bring it on terrific twos!!!

                                                                Enjoy the Journey!

Tuesday, October 15, 2013

Easy No-Bake Chocolate Bars for my Respectful Little Cougar!

My little man came home with THREE cougar cards in one day explaining he was caught being RESPECTFUL, and I was one proud momma!!!

I'm not a fan of rewarding good behavior, but I do like to celebrate accomplishments and hard work, so I picked up his best buds from school for a little afternoon fun!

My intentions were making chocolate bars with his friends, but Top Gun ate all the chocolate chips the night before, not realizing they were a key ingredient.

After a trip to the grocery, it was on like a chicken bone!

Easy Peasy 

Healthy Ingredients (for the most part, if you don't buy cheap chocolate chips like I did)

No bake



1 cup peanut butter
2/3 cup honey
1/2 cup coconut oil (no substitutes, this is what gives its creamy texture and flavor)
2 cups oats (not instant)
1 1/4 cups mini chocolate chips
3/4 cup dried cranberries
 I used craisins instead of cranberries because that's what I had in my pantry!


 In a medium sized saucepan, melt together (I just mixed it in a bowl) peanut butter, honey and coconut oil.
Remove from heat and add oats, chocolate chips and dried cranberries. Stir until combined and chocolate chips are melted.
 Spread into pan. Refrigerate until hardened, about an hour. Store in refrigerator.

My favorite thing about this recipe is the fact that it doesn't have any raw eggs, the kiddos can lick the spoon and preparing bowl until their little hearts are content!!!

Enjoy The Journey!

Sunday, September 8, 2013

Weaning A Toddler

Today ends an era that I will forever hold deep in my heart.

Today begins a new chapter.

Today I feel free, yet lost.

Today I wanted to cry, smile, and cry a little more.

Today I let go, but seemed to be hanging on by a thread.

Today was one of the most emotional days of my life.

Today marks the seventh day since my baby girl last nursed. A final nursing I will never forget. I sat on the back pew at Sunday mass, gazing up at the beautiful stain glass, baby girl snuggled into my body with her little arm tucked behind my back with an embrace that melted my heart, and just reveled in the moment together.

I strongly believe in child-led weaning, and I had all intentions to follow her lead but other circumstances led me to take the initiative on weaning, as hard as it was I knew it was time. I really wanted to share my story to give other moms support, weaning a toddler is not an easy road to travel and the companions I sought for support made all the difference in the world.

I also wanted to share my experience so others can understand the struggle and think twice before you ask a mother, "when are you going to stop breastfeeding?" I have also heard the unkind comment, "after a certain age it's about the mom, not the child," which is disturbing that someone could place breastfeeding in that mindset, but the outlandish statement is spoken all too often.

My first child easily weaned at 13 months by simply placing a sippy cup in his hand and that was that, no falling tears just an annoying trail of milk on the floor.

My second little guy had his world rocked when I became pregnant and my milk dried up when he wasn't ready to wean at 15 months. He was heartbroken, frustrated, and to be honest, LIVID! I made my mind up that my babies have a way of expressing to me just how to meet their needs, and I would listen to baby girl and end our nursing relationship on her time, in peace!

Baby girl was something else from the very beginning! She has always nursed for hunger, comfort, pain, boredom, pretty much any emotion, nursing was her therapy.

Breastfeeding became our peacemaker! With three young children, you take peace any way you can get it!

Just think if someone gave you a magic wand that eliminated crying, provided sleep (for everyone in the house), prevented any sick doctor visits, and was the cure for any sadness, no doubt you would be waving your wand like it was going out of style! I understand that all breastfeeding relationships are different, but this was our case and I took advantage of it.

All this to say, baby girl was extremely attached to her nursies and she couldn't fathom the thought of me telling her not right now, in her mind there was no moment not ideal for milk milk!

After a total of six years of nursing (cumulative), almost two with her, my body needs rest and quite a few pounds. Gradual wasn't working with her so after our holy nursing, it was cold turkey weaning from that moment.

We left church and picked up some pacifiers, bottles (she never took a bottle), almond milk, and coconut milk and prayed it would be an easier transition.

I can't even begin to tell you how helpless I felt when she threw the bottle down and cried "my milk milk", or when I tried to distract her and she would sob and pull on my shirt, but the worse was when she would hug me tight and whisper in the sweetest voice, "peeeeeez."

Many moments I felt so weak, I'm a mother, my heart is to make her happy, and I felt as if I was the cause of her pain, it was the hardest days I think I've endured. I wanted to give up, I wanted her to crawl into my lap, I wanted her to be content, I wanted our special time, I wanted to dry her tears, I wanted peace. Without being consoled and coached by other mothers who have experienced weaning a toddler, I would have caved over and over again.

After a few long days, late nights, and many tears, things started to look up! Baby girl was proud of her new cup and would snuggle in my lap to mimic nursing while I held her cup, I think the closeness of nursing is the root of the attachment so I'm trying to keep that intact for as long as she needs.

After several days of not asking for nursies, she leaped into my lap and with a giggle asked,

My milk milk?

Mommy's milk milk is all gone, what about your special cup?

I see nursies? 

Sure! (I lifted my shirt to give her assurance)

I touch nursies?

Yes! Baby, they are still your nursies!

You can imagine what I thought was coming next but to my surprise, no attempt to nurse, she just slightly rested her precious head on my chest and announced,

I sleep nursies, I love nursies!

God revealed to me just how much grace I needed to bestow on my little angel, to a toddler, nursing isn't just about milk, it's their deepest connection to their mommy,

it's their world!

I held her head to my chest and prayed she wouldn't look up until I dried my eyes.

It was a moment of mixed emotions. All I wanted was for the decision to be mutual, for her to be okay, and as soon she took that huge step forward my first instinct was to pull her back and cry, "not yet, are you sure you're ready?"

I knew she was ready, and I let her go!

That moment was her goodbye to all she ever knew. With her courage she took a piece of my heart and then we moved forward together, and I knew it was the first of many challenges we will tackle together in this beautiful life!

Enjoy The Journey!

Tuesday, August 13, 2013

A Voice In Birth

I have yet to tell my last client that her birth was my epic healing I didn't even realize I was still seeking. You see there was a day I gave birth to a baby and birth to resentment. I desired a natural birth, I was determined, and I knew birth mattered, on many different levels.

When my waters broke and labor didn't follow, my birth plan was derailed. I waited, I walked, I waited, I walked, I went to the store, I walked, NOTHING! I felt confident that my body knew what to do and labor would start when my baby was ready to be earthside, but my doctor didn't agree. As he stood over me with a discouraging stare and declared, "do you want a natural birth or a baby with an infection?" 
As we know, you can get a mother to do anything if you fill her with fear of putting her baby in danger. Despite my intuition, I agreed to start augmentation and I knew in my heart it was the first of many interventions that were not in my plan. Since I started pitocin I had to get an IV and of course have continuous monitoring.

There I was, confined to a bed, an uncomfortable needle jabbing in my hand, two big monitors strapped to my belly restricting me to lie on my back, and pitocin delivering me unnatural contractions that contract longer and stronger than the body is suppose to endure,  and no encouragement that I desperately was longing for, my doula was out of town. My husband was encouraging but not the same as what a doula brings to the table, the knowledge and sympathy of exactly what I was experiencing and how to meet my needs.

I didn't prepare and learn enough relaxation techniques, which landed me in the bed, gripping the rail, and praying for the contraction to be over. By 8cm I was defeated, and I asked for an epidural. I will never forget when I looked up from gripping the bed rail and couldn't speak, my doctor replied, "I told you so, you should have gotten the epidural a long time ago." 

I was angry but it was short lived once my baby boy was placed on my heart, nursing, and gazing at me with his wide eyes that said, "all is right in my world!"

Do I think that my doctor was evil, absolutely not, I actually was extremely fond of him up until that point, and I have forgiven him and moved on. I know our views of birth are quite different and he was doing what he assumed was the best. To be honest it was on me, I didn't know my options, so that meant I didn't have options.

Once the time came again, I knew ALL my options, I took birth back, and I made sure my doula would be in town! You can read my revival birth here!

Back to my client.

As I watched her journey it was evident that I was watching my birth story from an outsider and that God brought us together for me to give her a different ending and me a healing.

After all day of her waters breaking and no labor I could tell she was feeling a heavy heart and that going to the hospital to make sure baby was doing fine would give her the comfort she needed. I prepared her for the exact words she would hear upon arrival, she knew her options, and I knew she would make well informed decisions.

As I watched it all unfold it was as if I was reliving a moment in my past but the only difference was SHE HAD A VOICE, as opposed to the one I just couldn't seem to grasp.

She was empowered and at one point her husband was floored by her ability to exercise her rights.

It is amazing what happens when a woman in labor is informed, confident, and encouraged, she can move a mountain if that's what it takes! 

After more than twenty-five hours of labor and still not the progress we were hoping for, I knew the baby was not in optimal position, and I knew we were running out of time and needed to act fast if we were going to avoid a caesarean! She muscled through like a champ and performed a few positions of the Miles Circuit, mainly one leg lunges and it gave sweet baby boy the space he needed to engage and get the show on the road. Momma went from 4-10 in rapid speed and the nurse lounge was doing a cheer!!

I was beyond proud that she accomplished the birth she desired, even though she had to jump a few hurdles and endure an exhausting journey, she radiated calmness, control, and strength, and SHE DID IT!

As I watched Mom and baby, skin-to-skin, nursing, the glow of complete peace, I was reminded, my birth didn't end as planned but it led me here in this very moment living my passion,


Enjoy The Journey

Friday, May 24, 2013

How I Manage My Child's Asthma Naturally

After several scares and celebrating birthday number two in the hospital, I felt like something had to give and I just knew in my heart there had to be a better way. Doctors don't like to diagnose asthma at a young age but basically they prepare you for what your future might possibly entail, and it doesn't look pretty.

Chase was referred to an asthma specialist and I was hoping to get some great insights to help my child cope with the episodes he was frequently enduring, heart breaking episodes I might add. I didn't get the insights I was desperately seeking, such as preventive measures, holistic approaches, diet suggestions, etc. All I got was a bag full of drugs with dangerous side effects and a recommendation to come back every six weeks.....I guess to get more drugs. 

Not my cup of tea!

I set out to find the answers myself, and I never looked back, thank the Lord!

A healthy diet is important, which I thought we were good in that department, but apparently not good enough.

I went a little food documentary crazy, but learned a massive amount of helpful information.

Hungry For Change

The Gersen Miracle  (Simply Amazing)

Fat Sick and Nearly Dead


1. We immediately cut out cow's milk and substitute with almond milk.

Like any dairy allergy, the milk protein is probably the cause of allergy-related asthma. However, according to Dr. Oski, some children and adults may not be allergic to the milk itself, but rather the small amount of antibiotics passed into the milk from dairy cows. Dr. Oski explains this phenomenon: "Antibiotics, most commonly penicillin, are given to cows for the treatment of mastitis, an inflammation of the udders. Cows are not supposed to be milked for 48 hours after receiving penicillin. Often this precaution is not followed and then penicillin appears in the milk in small quantities.

According to Alternative Medicine, up to half of all infants may be sensitive to cows' milk. As a result, symptoms of an underlying milk allergy may start as early as infancy, only manifested as eczema, a symptom that may remain later on in childhood and adulthood. Furthermore, in addition to asthma and eczema, an underlying milk allergy may manifest as bronchitis, sinusitis, autoimmune disorders, frequent colds and ear infections and even behavioral problems.

Learn more here

2. We try to avoid processed foods, MSG, artificial colors, and sugar whenever possible. We do our best to buy local organic foods and we juice.

Here is a list of some of the best power foods for your lungs to juice and add to your diet everyday.

3. Raw honey
Chase delights in his daily dose of raw honey!

Given the complex causes and effects of Asthma, nothing has proven more beneficial than raw Honey for its treatment. 
-Air flow is characteristically reduced in asthma, a cardinal symptom of which is cough but honey facilitates opening of airways. It also helps in diluting bronchial epithelium.
Learn more here

4. RC Essential Oil
When he starts to show signs of a flare up I use essential oils! I sprinkle lavender and eucalyptus in a bath with a cup of epsom salt. I also use RC with olive oil and rub on his chest, back, bottom of feet and back of neck.

5. Cough Asthma is a miracle in a bottle when he can't stop coughing!

6. We also had all the mattresses and couches steamed cleaned to kill germs and remove any dust and allergens that have built up in the mattress, not to mention all the urine....ewwww!

7. For months I've had good intentions to purchase a few houseplants that work as air purifiers but it hasn't happened, these little squirts are so demanding of my time!

Chase is a champ, it's been over six months since he has any medical treatment for his asthma, made it through flu season without even a cold.....success!

If your child struggles with any type of asthmatic illnesses, I hope this helps!

Enjoy The Journey!

Tuesday, April 16, 2013

The Mitchells...What a Team!

Katie is a little ray of sunshine that has been a blessing to me since our first coffee date. She brought enthusiasm, knowledge, and confidence to our birth conversation, and listening to her passion was refreshing!

                   The most instrumental tool in her favor was her hubby, an excellent birth coach!

                                                   He followed her lead, massaged her back,

                                                               offered compassion,

                                            and lavished her with affection and encouragement.

                                            He was the gentle touch on her cheek that said:

                                    YOU DID IT, YOU ARE AMAZING, YOU ARE STRONG,
                                                       AND YOU ARE UNBELIEVABLE!

Her birth experience gave her the confidence that she needed to delve right into motherhood, and transfer all that LOVE to her new little blessing. God's design and process of birth is impeccable and breath taking!

“It is not only that we want to bring about an easy labor, without risking injury to the mother or the child; we must go further. We must understand that childbirth is fundamentally a spiritual, as well as a physical, achievement. The birth of a child is the ultimate perfection of human love.” ~Dr. Grantly Dick

Amanda Jones is the most wonderful doula. I was so lucky to have met her and to have her as an expert, coach, and friend during pregnancy and birth. She pulled a marathon labor session with me yesterday, helping my husband and I welcome our son into the world. She went above and beyond my expectations, and made me feel empowered when my body was ready to give up. She is phenomenal. If you're in the Jackson area, please give her a call!! Thank you, Amanda!!

~Katie Mitchell

 I would love to help you achieve the birth experience you desire. Find me on Facebook, Cloud Nine~ Blissful Babies, Peaceful Parents!

Enjoy The Journey!

Sunday, April 14, 2013

Giving CoCo Roots!

"When we plant trees, we plant the seeds of peace and seeds of hope."
-- Prof Wangari Maathai

                                                                  I call him Coco. 
                                                                       ~ Chase 


                                  "Look deep, deep, deep into nature, and then you 
                                                   will understand everything."
-- Albert Einstein

                                  "The best time to plant a tree was 20 years ago. 
                                                     The next best time is now."
-- Chinese Proverb

                      "One generation plants the trees; another gets the shade. 
        Keep a green tree in your heart, and perhaps a singing bird will come."
-- Chinese proverb

                          "We can learn a lot from trees: they're always grounded 
but never stop reaching heavenward."
-- Everett Mámor

Our tree helps people breath!

     Our tree is for monkeys, birds, lizards, and caterpillars!
~ Chase 

                                                            Enjoy The Journey!

Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Tea Time

My boys have a hard time shaking the ants out of their pants and sitting down to focus on a conversation that last longer than five minutes but miraculously their attention span immediately transforms once mommy is trying to relax with a cup of hot tea! Then, they patiently remain in my personal space like begging dogs until the last drop is claimed. 

I WANT TO DRINK MY OWN TEA, so now we have Tea Time at Two!

We all get a cup of hot tea and read over our bible verse for the week. It works out grubby fingers on my tea, nice conversation, words of encouragement, and two little booties sitting still to focus on our lesson their tea!

I even got my own devotion read, my little squirts can't rush through Tea Time, unless they want a burnt tongue....this was a brillant idea, point for mommy!

Our tea even offered us wise words,

                                      Your greatness is not what you have, it's what you give.


Enjoy The Journey

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