When my waters broke and labor didn't follow, my birth plan was derailed. I waited, I walked, I waited, I walked, I went to the store, I walked, NOTHING! I felt confident that my body knew what to do and labor would start when my baby was ready to be earthside, but my doctor didn't agree. As he stood over me with a discouraging stare and declared, "do you want a natural birth or a baby with an infection?"
As we know, you can get a mother to do anything if you fill her with fear of putting her baby in danger. Despite my intuition, I agreed to start augmentation and I knew in my heart it was the first of many interventions that were not in my plan. Since I started pitocin I had to get an IV and of course have continuous monitoring.
As we know, you can get a mother to do anything if you fill her with fear of putting her baby in danger. Despite my intuition, I agreed to start augmentation and I knew in my heart it was the first of many interventions that were not in my plan. Since I started pitocin I had to get an IV and of course have continuous monitoring.
There I was, confined to a bed, an uncomfortable needle jabbing in my hand, two big monitors strapped to my belly restricting me to lie on my back, and pitocin delivering me unnatural contractions that contract longer and stronger than the body is suppose to endure, and no encouragement that I desperately was longing for, my doula was out of town. My husband was encouraging but not the same as what a doula brings to the table, the knowledge and sympathy of exactly what I was experiencing and how to meet my needs.
I didn't prepare and learn enough relaxation techniques, which landed me in the bed, gripping the rail, and praying for the contraction to be over. By 8cm I was defeated, and I asked for an epidural. I will never forget when I looked up from gripping the bed rail and couldn't speak, my doctor replied, "I told you so, you should have gotten the epidural a long time ago."
I was angry but it was short lived once my baby boy was placed on my heart, nursing, and gazing at me with his wide eyes that said, "all is right in my world!"
Do I think that my doctor was evil, absolutely not, I actually was extremely fond of him up until that point, and I have forgiven him and moved on. I know our views of birth are quite different and he was doing what he assumed was the best. To be honest it was on me, I didn't know my options, so that meant I didn't have options.
Once the time came again, I knew ALL my options, I took birth back, and I made sure my doula would be in town! You can read my revival birth here!
Back to my client.
As I watched her journey it was evident that I was watching my birth story from an outsider and that God brought us together for me to give her a different ending and me a healing.
After all day of her waters breaking and no labor I could tell she was feeling a heavy heart and that going to the hospital to make sure baby was doing fine would give her the comfort she needed. I prepared her for the exact words she would hear upon arrival, she knew her options, and I knew she would make well informed decisions.
As I watched it all unfold it was as if I was reliving a moment in my past but the only difference was SHE HAD A VOICE, as opposed to the one I just couldn't seem to grasp.
She was empowered and at one point her husband was floored by her ability to exercise her rights.
It is amazing what happens when a woman in labor is informed, confident, and encouraged, she can move a mountain if that's what it takes!
After more than twenty-five hours of labor and still not the progress we were hoping for, I knew the baby was not in optimal position, and I knew we were running out of time and needed to act fast if we were going to avoid a caesarean! She muscled through like a champ and performed a few positions of the Miles Circuit, mainly one leg lunges and it gave sweet baby boy the space he needed to engage and get the show on the road. Momma went from 4-10 in rapid speed and the nurse lounge was doing a cheer!!
I was beyond proud that she accomplished the birth she desired, even though she had to jump a few hurdles and endure an exhausting journey, she radiated calmness, control, and strength, and SHE DID IT!
As I watched Mom and baby, skin-to-skin, nursing, the glow of complete peace, I was reminded, my birth didn't end as planned but it led me here in this very moment living my passion,
Enjoy The Journey