Look at our neighborhood from the snow day!
With all that said, there is also a down fall to living in a subdivision. Someone rings my doorbell all the time. Every salesperson hits us up with Rainbow vacuum cleaners, cutco knives, children's books, landscaping, alarm systems, and of course children selling fundraiser items and politicians trying to get a vote.
Well...this doesn't work well for us because Colby wakes up every time he hears the doorbell and nap time goes right out the window.
One day last week I had someone knock on the door and ask for a tire pressure gage and Colby started to stir around but didn't wake up. I sat on the couch with my hot tea and prepared to relax when, yea you guessed it......the door bell rang. I ran as quickly as possible and grabbed Bentley (his yappy bark is out of control) and I dashed out of the door and prayed Colby didn't wake up. Sooooo, I found myself standing outside my front door in PJ's, holding Bentley's mouth shut, and standing before a man I didn't know. I was thinking to myself, this better be good. Ha, he began to tell me that he noticed my reindeer keep falling over and gave me suggestions to correct the problem. In my head I was screaming, "ughhhhhhhhhhh are you kidding me?" He was really nice, but I didn't understand anything he was talking about.
I went back inside finished my tea and got busy doing a few chores. Colby sleeps for about 3 hrs and it had only been 1hr & 15 mins and low and behold...........there goes the doorbell again. This time it was my sister ( who knows Colby's nap time but has no children & no clue, God love her).
Yep, this time he started screaming, "mommy" and was done with nap time.
I was so frustrated and remembered what my best friend Crystal had given me for Chase. Ahhh ha........I know how to fix the problem.
This now hangs on my door the entire time Colby is sleeping and sometimes even when he isn't!
We haven't had anymore interrupted naps!!!!!!!!
Ha I posted a chicken srcartch scribbled post it note on my doorbell last week to make sure no UPS drivers rang my bell! I HATE that!
What do you do if you have a really really really loud dog that barks at every leaf that blows by?
Spankings don't work, putting her in the back yard doesn't shut her up, squirting her with water only works momentarily...really I have found that threatening her with a bath is the most successful form of punishment.
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