Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Good Job Mommy

I believe this baby is getting to Colby. He has slept from 7:00-7:00 since he was just a few months old and this past week he has regressed tremendously. He wakes up several times a night and immediately begins a manic scream that could shatter glass. The solution to his problem................he says he wants hugs and kisses and then he ask, "are you otay mommy?"

I'm assuming he thinks I'm not okay because.....

I walk slightly different
I act a little tired
I get off the floor slower and sometimes with a sigh
and I can't dance like I'm on Soul Train

After a few nights of waking up every two hours, we had to have a long talk. I told him if it's dark outside he has to go back to sleep, not scream for mommy. And, as soon as he sees light coming through the window, he may call for me. I believe he is waking up between 5:30-6:00 and at 6:30 when he sees a tiny stream of light that's his Que and he reacts promptly! He screams, " mommy, want out, light, good job mommy, good job". He is trying to convince me that he did a good job because he waited until he saw light.

I told him that was a little light and lets wait for a lot of light, but I guess that's asking way too much!

6:32 am

1 comment:

Kosek Landing said...

I love that, "Let's just wait until there's a little more light."

Like a strong 8:00 sun!

Love it!

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