Every time the family gets together and starts reminiscing about old times, hide-and-seek memories are always reenacted. One time Cory was scared to turn his flashlight off so he laid on the couch with the flashlight shining on his face.....I bet they didn't find him quick. The family stood over him and confusingly asked, " what are you doing?" "I'm hiding", responded Cory. Hearing this story cracks me up every time and seeing them mock Cory's facial expression, tone of voice, and body language is just beyond hilarious!
Well...Colby and Cory have a lot in common when it comes to concealing themselves while playing hide-and-seek. Colby gets so overwhelmed with the anticipation of being found that he just screams out and tells you exactly where he is.....it's soooo funny! We have tried to explain the game but for now he plays to the beat of his own drum!!
I looked up the definition.....
Hide-and-seek or hide-and-go-seek is a variant of the game tag, in which a number of players CONCEAL themselves in the environment, to be found by one or more "seekers". Wikipedia
Did you know conceal means to scream out to the seeker and blow your cover?
Well now you do!!
My camera went dead so I didn't get the funniest part when he was yelling, "bathtub daddy bathtub"....I will have to try and get it again.
There is definetly a learning curve with hide and go seek. Kate will say, "Mom, cover me up with this blanket." So I do. Then a muffled Kate says, "Ok...now go and count, then come find me."
It would be funny to see Colby and Kate play this game together. I can only imagine.
So funny you would mention Colby asking for Kate, because Kate was asking for Colby all weekend. Kind of a long story...
We were suppose to dog sit a dog named, Colby, last weekend. Well, he ended up getting an ear infection and so he didn't come over. Well, I had to explain that Colby the dog would not be coming over becaues he had an ear ache. Well, then Saturday, Kate said, "Do you think Colby's ear is better?" I told her probably not, and she said, "Well, I really want to go over and play with his truck." I tried to explain that Colby the little boy did not have an ear infection, but we weren't planning on going to visit him today. She said, "Ok."
Then on Sunday after lunch she said, "Mama...I my ear hurts like Colby's...we better play together and make each other feel better."
Hahaha...sneaky little stink! I should have called you guys to get together. Will you guys be around on Friday? Maybe we could meet at the park, it's suppose to be beautiful outside.
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