Colby had a dentist appointment this morning at 9:00 in Madison so I knew I had to be on my A-game to get there on time.....and get their in a peaceful mood!
Chase woke up every two hours on the mark to fill his little tummy to capacity so I could barely open my eyes at 6:45 when he was ready to start our busy day.
Nurse Chase before Colby wakes up.
Colby: mommy out, light on (he means the light outside, I told him he can't get up until he sees light outside)
It's good timing because little piggy eats in turbo mode so 10 minutes was all he needed
Put Chase in the bouncer
Get Colby out of the bed and do our morning ritual: milk, fruit bar, and turn on Read Between The Lions or Chuggington
While Colby watches TV, change and dress Chase
Strap Colby in the high chair with a big bowl of cereal in front of the TV ( I know...horrible but it's the only way I can take a shower with the sanity of knowing my house isn't being demolished)
Move Chase's bouncer into the bathroom
take a 3 minute shower including the 3 times I got out to put Chase's passy back in his mouth
get out of the shower
Colby: Mommy mommy out!
Get Colby out of the high chair
Me: why did you throw your bowl and spoon across the room
Colby: No mommy milk spill pants wet
Me: what? the bowl spilled milk on you
Colby: yea mommy
Me: So, you threw it across the room
Colby: Yea
Me: ummm...whatever come to mommy's bathroom so I can get dressed
Colby: otay
I put on my makeup, dried my hair, and got dressed in 20 mins.
Don't be impressed with me...
Colby was much more productive in 20 mins
He managed to get naked (because the bowl poured milk on his pants)
clean the bathroom mirror with my toothbrush
smear toothpaste on the counter
pulled out all the floss
dumped out a box of pads
emptied out the hamper
and even managed to put powder all over my tummy
Oh my......we have to get in the car, I'm feeling a little stressed.
okay let's get in the car
Oh no, Chase wants to eat again
Colby: baby Chase eat and poo poo lot
Me: Yes he does
Colby: no no baby Chase
Me: that's what babies do sweetheart
Colby: All done mommy ta mone (come on) dit Chase pi pi (get Chase's passy)
Me: thanks Colby for keeping me in line
okay, now we are out of the door
got Chase in the car and Colby is running toward the road
Me: Colby Michael 1 2 3 ( I said I would never be a 1 2 3 counter but it just comes out )
He is at my feet by three and in his carseat
pulled out of my driveway at 8:20 and pulled up at the dentist 8:55 woohoo for mommy being on time and, for the most part, pretty peacefully!!
Ran some errands
ate lunch with Paw Paw Mike
made it home for nap time at 12:00
Got Colby down and then Chase
did some chores
Chase woke up after only 30 0r 40 mins due to gas pains and his thoughts were
I'm up..might as well eat again
I spent the next two hours trying to get him back asleep
whew....poor baby was fighting it but he is finally snoozing
I know what your thinking............. she has him laying on his tummy and that's a no no.
This little stinker insist that he nap on his tummy no matter how I try to convince him otherwise.
ahhhh I get a break to get a few things done
What time is it? 3:20
aw man...Colby has been asleep since 12:00, I better wake him up
I try not to let him sleep past 3:00 because he goes to bed at 7:00
O well so much for my break.
Wake up boo boo, it's time to get up
I can literally hear Chase pooting from the next room and each poot is followed with a scream of discomfort so Chase is up again
Now Chase and Colby are both awake and I introduced Chase to his Binky. I absolutely love how Colby loves his Binky, and I hope Chase will have a bond with his Binky too!
Colby: my Binky Colby: no Baby Chase, Me
He didn't won't to share the spotlight at all
Me: Colby, we are not eating chips for dinner
Chris, quit reading Kim's blog ( he was concerned about the black burb) and read Pioneer Woman's recipe for Garlic Cheese bread
We ate dinner and then Chris had to go back to work and finish up some grad school work. So, I was on my own for bath and bedtime.
I put Chase to bed and then put Colby in the bath. After bath time I was desperately trying to get Colby dressed and in the bed but Chase was being really whiny and Colby insist on running to his aid at the least little whimper.
Colby isn't dumb so he used this little tactic to delay bedtime 15 more mins. I picked Chase up to try and rock him into a deep sleep so Colby would relinquish his brotherly duties and call it a night. Chase had a difficult time falling asleep because Colby was in the room screaming shhhhhhh with his finger over his mouth. He has the point but he is that kid in the class that says shhhhhhh so loud that it's actually louder than all the kids talking.
Anyway, Chase finally managed to fall asleep and Colby made his way back to his bed.
Me: night night Boo Boo, I love you
Colby: night night mommy
Me: See you in the morning
Colby: tow tow tow tow (cow)
he wanted his cow he left in the living room, as if the dog, football, snowman, tennis ball, and two hot wheels just weren't enough
Me: okay here is cow now go to sleep baby, I love you
Colby: love you too
What time is it?
I sit on the couch with 4 cookies and a glass of milk and turn on American Idol
Ahhhhh.......I needed this I hear Chase?
yep......he's hungry again!
ha ha well you just sealed the deal for me no #2 for me anytime soon! j/k I know you wouldn't trade it for the world! Way to go mommy for all you do!
Ahhh...the life of a mother of more than 1 child! But it's the best, isn't it? You're such a good mommy :)
sounds eerily familiar
Whew!!! Okay.. Where to start! Lol... Girl! Thank you for making me feel a little less like a nut case! I see my chaotic mornings (even the ones when we don't have to be anywhere) aren't all that uncommon! I'd love to say it gets easier. Even thinking when chase sleeps all night and u can shower before he wakes up and get everything done early--no, not even then! You just get smarter! I do have some advice: put a bouncy seat in every room!!!! That's what I did this time. Even one in the bathroom-right outside the toilet room! is the love dare going? I hope you are journaling your progress!
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