This is my friend Kim looking pregger fabulous with her hubby Kevin (doesn't Chase have beautiful godparents?) ......
and these are her 3 adorable kiddos, Kate 3, Jack 1, & Joseph 1 month!!
I heart the Kosek Clan!! Kim is a fantastic mom!! Even though her plate is a little full with three bambinos under the age of four, she always remains Mrs. Calm, Cool, and Collective!!
I'm so thankful she's always refreshing and absolutely HILARIOUS! You should check it out....The Kosek Family!
Kim's outlook on adding baby #3 to the mix..........Get ready to follow her blog since you are about to fall in love!!
When Kate came home from the hospital almost 4 years ago, I was more than prepared…I was anal! I had hand sanitizer strategically placed on every hard surface, which should only be used after a nice piping hot hand wash. The bottles were sterilized on the stove top and then again in the microwave, and those sterile bottles were ready for milk from the sterile breast pump. A perfectly orchestrated nursery décor waited, posed and ready for 3 months before the little bundle of pink monogrammed joy came home from the hospital. There were enough baby apparatuses scattered about to entertain a daycare of little ones. Kate wore new outfits for at least the first 3 months of her life, and she had at least 3 outfit changes a day…and not because she spit up or blew out the diaper, but just because her mother was in full diva mode. And let’s not forget the daily baths…
My level of preparedness with Jack tapered off slightly…like, I’m pretty sure I only bought one bottle of hand sanitizer and I felt that a good ole’ fashion hand washing would suffice rather than scrubbing in for surgery. Clothing options were much more limited, so one outfit a day it was, and monogramming was saved for church clothes and Christmas cards.
Next enters Joseph, poor, poor Joseph, who had his first runny nose at 3 days of age and those pesky buggers still come flying out from time to time. I probably say, “Don’t touch the baby until you have washed your hands!” at least 10 times a day, but when my children are attempting to touch him 100 times a day, I guess you could say that 90% of the time Joseph is being loved on with grubby fingers. Let’s all pause and say a prayer for his immune system.
Aside from the grubby hands, just today he had waffle syrup, lasagna, and chocolate pudding dropped on him…by ME, while he was nursing. Oh, and let’s not forget the feeding that he enjoyed from the Baby Bjorn while I was talking to the trim carpenters at the construction zone of our new house. I’m not sure who was more uncomfortable with this situation, Joseph, who must have been dining on both saw dust and breast milk, or the trim carpenters who were discussing the size of my Kenmore range with my boob hanging out of my shirt. Modesty left the building long ago!
I tell myself that Joseph has dry skin and it’s good that I only bathe him every 3 days…truthfully though, I know that his skin would be just fine with a few more baths. But, lately clean hair has been a luxury around here. Granted, Jack and Kate get baths (which includes a hair washing) every day…mainly because their hair seems to be a collection dish for breakfast, wood chips, and stickers, and I really would like to keep my children and not have to turn them over to DHS, so the nightly bath is essential for those two wild children.
One thing that we probably shouldn’t mention to DHS is Joseph’s sleeping arrangement. Joseph does not have his own bedroom, or his own bed. There is no room in our apartment to accommodate this want…notice I said, “want” not “need.” He does have the bassinet, which seems to be about as comfortable as a pull out sofa, and Joseph wants nothing to do with it. Plus, laying him flat is really not an option, because this child has some serious gas issues that can not work themselves out without a little gravity. So, his bed is the Boppy. I kindly ignore the Boppy tag that has a big X through the word “Sleep.” And I lay a blanket over the Boppy, prop Joseph up in it, cover him with a second blanket and place him between me and Kevin in the bed. That one sentence is probably enough evidence to justify some jail time for Mommy, so please don’t tell. If it makes you feel any better, Kevin and I basically sleep with one eye open, and little man is up every 2-3 hours nursing so sleeping is really not what the majority of his night time is devoted to. Thus, neither is mine. Hooray for coffee!
I did have a jolt of guilt the other day, as I bundled Joseph up in a blanket that said, “Jack,” which was better than what I had in my hand originally, which was one that read, “Kate.” So, I headed to Target bought a cute little blanket and had it monogrammed for “Joseph.” See I’m a great mother...even my third child gets his own monogrammed blanket, and if you live in Mississippi you see the importance in this. I will say it does help that both my boys have the same initials: Jack Alan Kosek has kindly passed his three articles of monogrammed clothing down to Joseph Anthony Kosek…and that wasn’t even planned…surprise, surprise!
Regardless of the number of germs spread to Joseph, and the number of times his onesie acts as my personal bib, and the amount of grease that collects on his head before his bath day rolls around, there are some advantages to being the third child, and in my opinion the advantages far outweigh the less conventional baby trends that Joseph has involuntarily adopted in his day-to-day routine.
I don’t know many 3 week old babies that have had their hair brushed with a Barbie brush more times than Joseph, or had Rudolph the Red Nosed Reindeer (currently Kate and Jack’s favorite book)read to him 3 times a day, or had a popsicle pressed up against his lips before even being introduced to rice cereal, or had Twinkle, Twinkle Little Star sung to him more times than I can remember by his big sister, or told 100 times a day, “I love you little buddy!” or asked, “You doing ok Joseph?”
It’s humbling to see how the kids express their love to Joseph. They use such simple means. Kate and Jack use means that make them happy, thus they reason that these must be things that also make Joseph happy. Kate thinks…I love putting lipstick on, so I’m sure Joseph will too; and Jack thinks…I love bopping blocks against my head, so I’m sure Joseph will love that too.
That’s the thing about the third child, I’m able to relax just enough to allow Kate and Jack the time to show Joseph how much they love him in their own ways. Who knows maybe their way translates better than all my milk and kisses? Who knows, maybe the stuffed animal offerings that are placed around Joseph’s Boppy, or the ½ chewed chicken nuggets go just as far in the love department, as a clean diaper? A child’s love is as pure as it comes, so I try not to stifle that, I want Joseph to know how much his siblings care, even if “care” comes in the form of the Fisher Price guitar placed immediately next to Joseph’s little ear with the charming lyrics, “I play my guitar who will sing in my band?” blaring.
The kids have found their own ways to show Joseph how much they love him and how much they care for him. And although, Joseph doesn’t realize that when that sticky finger is prodding at his nose and the creature attached to the sticky finger is yelling, “nose!” it’s really a term of endearment and Jack is showing his little brother love and attention. Seeing the kids express their love to each in the cute little ways that make sense to them makes my heart smile. It makes me count my blessings. It reminds me that the flowing runny nose is not the only permanent fixture around here, but the love that my kids share is also here to stay…and at the end of the day, that’s all that matters. And thank goodness, because I have not purchased a single bottle of hand sanitizer this go around!
Until Next Time........
A journey of a thousand miles must begin with a single step.
Saturday, October 30, 2010
Thursday, October 28, 2010
Co-Sleeping/ Bedsharing= Secure Attachment
Colby is only two and I already have regrets about parenting choices I made in the past. I'm sure it's normal as a mom to ponder and wonder......should I have done that differently? I'm also not the type to stick to my guns on a matter if I later conclude there was a better's much better to admit the wrong decision and spare someone else from making the same mistake!
When Colby was a baby I was very confused about co-sleeping, bedsharing, and family bed. I'm almost embarrassed to admit that I did very little research to find the best possible choice for my family, and I just took the advice of AAP Safe Sleep Campaign that discouraged and frightened parents from bringing their infants to their bed.
I'm kicking myself right about now for making such an important decision based on such little evidence! I'm thankful I didn't make the same mistake with Chase!
You see.........the campaign is very misleading! All deaths reported due to co-sleeping included:
Sleeping on couches and recliners with their babies (exhausted parents scared to put the baby in the bed.....which is way safer!)
non-sober parents rolling over on their baby
smoking in the house
Ironically if a baby's death occurs in an unsafe environment, it is reported as a "co- sleeping" death.
Why doesn't the campaign give all the details? Their reasoning: It's just too many logistics and the majority of parents are neither educable nor intelligent enough to understand all the details and make their own decision about how, or whether, to co- sleep, so we will make it short and simple and say, "put your baby on his back in his own crib to prevent SIDS"....and that's that!!
If your in the same boat I was.....desiring to sleep and cuddle with your baby but warned of the danger, then here is some accurate information that I hope helps you to make a safe and appropriate choice for your baby/family.
Sharing sleep, when practiced by informed parents, can be safe and beneficial to bonding and creating a secure attachment. In fact, many cultures around the world, where millions of parents routinely sleep with their children, have reported some of the lowest SIDS rates. In some of the cultures, such as China and Japan, it is virtually nonexistent.
Four studies show quite conclusively that putting babies to sleep in a room by themselves before 6 months of age doubles their chances of dying from SIDS.
Holy think AAP would have campaigned that tid bit of information and promoted co-sleeping (sleeping in close proximity but not sharing a bed).
From a physiologic basis, when co-sleeping, the baby experiences more periods of light sleep, which stabilises heart rates and breathing patterns which decreases the risk of SIDS.
Best option for co-sleeping.....
Babies feel warm, secure, and protected which leads to a closer bond. In addition, co-sleeping enhances the breastfeeding and attachment relationship. Co-sleeping improves mother's milk supply, increases the number of feedings, and increases the duration of the breastfeeding relationship.
Everything you need to know about the benefits of co-sleeping and how to do it!!!
I feel like I missed out on an incredible bonding experience by not allowing Colby to share our bed. Why do I think so.......I have experienced it with Chase and it's unfortunate I robbed Colby of the experience! I'm trying to make up for it by encouraging him to come in our bed whenever he feels the need during the night, but I can't get the time back when he was a baby.
I always believed babies needed to sleep alone to gain independence and now I know it's a myth! Why did I want my baby to be independent anyway, he wasn't an adult for goodness just seems absurd to me at this point!
Dr. McKenna suggests that there are several factors that maintain this cultural norm. Foremost is the American value of self-sufficiency. Independence is an important characteristic for a successful person in our society. We take great pride in watching our babies pick themselves up by their own bootie straps. But the assumption that co-sleeping inhibits independence is pure cultural mythology. In fact, the opposite it true.
Children who share sleep with their parents are actually more independent than their peers. They perform better in school, have higher self esteem, and fewer health problems. After all, who is more likely to be well-adjusted, the child who learns that his needs will be met, or the one who is left alone for long periods of time? McKenna suggests that it is confusing for a baby to receive cuddles during the day while also being taught that the same behavior is inappropriate at night.
My experience:
Chase is a very attached baby and physically needed me to sleep so I met his need. He woke up 4-7 times a night to nurse and sometimes just desired touch. I kept his crib next to my bed but if he needed to cuddle to get back to sleep then he shared our bed. At 9 months, I put his crib in his room since my hubby kept waking him up. First three nights he slept until about 11:00 and then came to bed with me. The last two nights he has slept 7:00-6:00 without waking at all!! I met his needs, I let him figure out this whole sleep thing on his own time, he knows I'm in there at the first cry, he trust me.........that's all he needed!
It might have taken 9 months, but I know my approach proved to him
that he is unconditionally loved.....even at night!! If it would have taken three years....I would have proved my commitment!
Until Next Time.......
When Colby was a baby I was very confused about co-sleeping, bedsharing, and family bed. I'm almost embarrassed to admit that I did very little research to find the best possible choice for my family, and I just took the advice of AAP Safe Sleep Campaign that discouraged and frightened parents from bringing their infants to their bed.
I'm kicking myself right about now for making such an important decision based on such little evidence! I'm thankful I didn't make the same mistake with Chase!
You see.........the campaign is very misleading! All deaths reported due to co-sleeping included:
Sleeping on couches and recliners with their babies (exhausted parents scared to put the baby in the bed.....which is way safer!)
non-sober parents rolling over on their baby
smoking in the house
Ironically if a baby's death occurs in an unsafe environment, it is reported as a "co- sleeping" death.
Why doesn't the campaign give all the details? Their reasoning: It's just too many logistics and the majority of parents are neither educable nor intelligent enough to understand all the details and make their own decision about how, or whether, to co- sleep, so we will make it short and simple and say, "put your baby on his back in his own crib to prevent SIDS"....and that's that!!
If your in the same boat I was.....desiring to sleep and cuddle with your baby but warned of the danger, then here is some accurate information that I hope helps you to make a safe and appropriate choice for your baby/family.
Sharing sleep, when practiced by informed parents, can be safe and beneficial to bonding and creating a secure attachment. In fact, many cultures around the world, where millions of parents routinely sleep with their children, have reported some of the lowest SIDS rates. In some of the cultures, such as China and Japan, it is virtually nonexistent.
Four studies show quite conclusively that putting babies to sleep in a room by themselves before 6 months of age doubles their chances of dying from SIDS.
Holy think AAP would have campaigned that tid bit of information and promoted co-sleeping (sleeping in close proximity but not sharing a bed).
From a physiologic basis, when co-sleeping, the baby experiences more periods of light sleep, which stabilises heart rates and breathing patterns which decreases the risk of SIDS.
Best option for co-sleeping.....
lots to choose from here!
a co-sleeper bed allows you to push it right up to the bed and it becomes an extension of your bed but still provides the baby his own space, so you don't have nights like this....LOL!
Babies feel warm, secure, and protected which leads to a closer bond. In addition, co-sleeping enhances the breastfeeding and attachment relationship. Co-sleeping improves mother's milk supply, increases the number of feedings, and increases the duration of the breastfeeding relationship.
Everything you need to know about the benefits of co-sleeping and how to do it!!!
I feel like I missed out on an incredible bonding experience by not allowing Colby to share our bed. Why do I think so.......I have experienced it with Chase and it's unfortunate I robbed Colby of the experience! I'm trying to make up for it by encouraging him to come in our bed whenever he feels the need during the night, but I can't get the time back when he was a baby.
I always believed babies needed to sleep alone to gain independence and now I know it's a myth! Why did I want my baby to be independent anyway, he wasn't an adult for goodness just seems absurd to me at this point!
Dr. McKenna suggests that there are several factors that maintain this cultural norm. Foremost is the American value of self-sufficiency. Independence is an important characteristic for a successful person in our society. We take great pride in watching our babies pick themselves up by their own bootie straps. But the assumption that co-sleeping inhibits independence is pure cultural mythology. In fact, the opposite it true.
Children who share sleep with their parents are actually more independent than their peers. They perform better in school, have higher self esteem, and fewer health problems. After all, who is more likely to be well-adjusted, the child who learns that his needs will be met, or the one who is left alone for long periods of time? McKenna suggests that it is confusing for a baby to receive cuddles during the day while also being taught that the same behavior is inappropriate at night.
My experience:
Chase is a very attached baby and physically needed me to sleep so I met his need. He woke up 4-7 times a night to nurse and sometimes just desired touch. I kept his crib next to my bed but if he needed to cuddle to get back to sleep then he shared our bed. At 9 months, I put his crib in his room since my hubby kept waking him up. First three nights he slept until about 11:00 and then came to bed with me. The last two nights he has slept 7:00-6:00 without waking at all!! I met his needs, I let him figure out this whole sleep thing on his own time, he knows I'm in there at the first cry, he trust me.........that's all he needed!
It might have taken 9 months, but I know my approach proved to him
that he is unconditionally loved.....even at night!! If it would have taken three years....I would have proved my commitment!
Parents can of course choose to ignore it (a baby's crying), but perhaps that child will ignore them when they turn 14, 15, or 16 too.
Dr. James Mckenna
Until Next Time.......
Tuesday, October 26, 2010
9 Month Checkup- My little peanut!
Today was Chase's 9 month checkup and it's official......he is my little peanut, for sure!!
He weighed in at a whopping 17.10 (10%) and 28in (45%).
I checked out Colby's baby book and he weighed 17lbs at 5 months.....hehe!!
It doesn't surprise me in the least because Chase could careless if eating is on his daily agenda. He would rather nurse and has no desire to eat solids. Another battle we fight that isn't helping the situation is the fact that he is a distracted nurser. If Colby makes one sound, I might as well throw the towel in......he is done nursing and off to play with big brother. We all know Colby isn't much on being quiet so poor Chase can count on every feeding coming to an abrupt stop due to interruption!
As if that wasn't enough fuel on the fire.....he has a horrible gag reflux which hinders his interest in eating anything other than mommy milk! My doctor suggested starting table foods and hopefully it will peak his interest....we shall see!!
Oh yea, did I mention he is still toofless!!
I can't explain it, but I baby him big time......way more than I did Colby! Why do we rush everything with the first child? I rushed Colby and I guess I'm holding Chase back a little......I need to find a happy medium!
We went home and started out with a cracker and he did great......Ha, I'm sure your thinking WOW full speed ahead on the table food, a cracker? I told you I baby him a bit much!! He didn't gag one time and even asked for more......I know it's not much, but it's a start!
My little man started sleeping in his room this week, which makes me want to cry! I loved knowing he was a foot away and I could reach out and touch him when he needed me, but my lite sleeper of the year kept waking up every time Chris cleared his throat.....not cool, not cool at all!! He has done fabulous in his big boy room!! If he wakes up and won't go back to sleep with a pat on the back then our bed calls his name! I love sharing my bed with my little cuddle bug......moments I will always cherish!
He weighed in at a whopping 17.10 (10%) and 28in (45%).
I checked out Colby's baby book and he weighed 17lbs at 5 months.....hehe!!
It doesn't surprise me in the least because Chase could careless if eating is on his daily agenda. He would rather nurse and has no desire to eat solids. Another battle we fight that isn't helping the situation is the fact that he is a distracted nurser. If Colby makes one sound, I might as well throw the towel in......he is done nursing and off to play with big brother. We all know Colby isn't much on being quiet so poor Chase can count on every feeding coming to an abrupt stop due to interruption!
As if that wasn't enough fuel on the fire.....he has a horrible gag reflux which hinders his interest in eating anything other than mommy milk! My doctor suggested starting table foods and hopefully it will peak his interest....we shall see!!
Oh yea, did I mention he is still toofless!!
I can't explain it, but I baby him big time......way more than I did Colby! Why do we rush everything with the first child? I rushed Colby and I guess I'm holding Chase back a little......I need to find a happy medium!
We went home and started out with a cracker and he did great......Ha, I'm sure your thinking WOW full speed ahead on the table food, a cracker? I told you I baby him a bit much!! He didn't gag one time and even asked for more......I know it's not much, but it's a start!
Chasey Poo is days from letting go of my finger and venturing out on his own!
That's the scoop on my little peanut!!
Until Next Time.......
Monday, October 25, 2010
Wild Things- the art of nurturing boys
Do you have boys? Do you ever wonder......"what in the world is going on in his head?" Do ever wish you had a manual for guiding his journey toward authentic manhood and the wisdom to guide him well? Well, I found what your looking for.......
Go purchase Wild Things the art of nurturing boys ASAP!I can't even begin to tell you how much I love this book!!
In Wild Things they guide you through the five stages of a boy's development, detailing each stage, along with new principles to nurture them through each one. They also cover topics about sex, substance abuse, discipline, learning styles, and the mind and heart of a boy. The best's easy reading (not textbook style), great scenarios, bible-based, and most practical parenting book I've read in some time.
Wild Things has given me the "BRING IT ON" mentality!!
I will not be shaken when my boys.....
make sitting still look physically impossible
are literally bouncing off the walls, tearing something up, or trying to fly
withdraw from me
become too competitive
need "the sex talk"
start dating
Oh no mam....this mommy will not be shaken!! I'm prepared for battle and my number one weapon is understanding the art of nurturing my wild things!!
Until next time............
Monday, October 18, 2010
A Touching Love Story
A female mate was hit by a car as she swooped low across the road, and the condition was soon fatal.
Her male mate brought her food and attended her with love and compassion.
He brought her food again, but was shocked to find her dead.
He tried to move her - a rarely seen effort.
Aware that his mate was dead and would never come back to him again, he cried with adoring love...
...and stood beside her with sadness and sorrow.
Millions of people were touched after seeing these photos in America, Europe, Australia, and even India. The photographer sold these pictures for a nominal fee to the most famous newspaper in France. All copies of that edition were sold out on the day these pictures were published.
And many people think animals and birds don't have brains or feelings. You have just witnessed love and sorrow felt by God's creatures. The Bible says that God knows when a sparrow falls. Imagine how much He cares for us!
Live simply, love generously, care deeply, and speak kindly.
Her male mate brought her food and attended her with love and compassion.
He brought her food again, but was shocked to find her dead.
He tried to move her - a rarely seen effort.
Aware that his mate was dead and would never come back to him again, he cried with adoring love...
...and stood beside her with sadness and sorrow.
Millions of people were touched after seeing these photos in America, Europe, Australia, and even India. The photographer sold these pictures for a nominal fee to the most famous newspaper in France. All copies of that edition were sold out on the day these pictures were published.
And many people think animals and birds don't have brains or feelings. You have just witnessed love and sorrow felt by God's creatures. The Bible says that God knows when a sparrow falls. Imagine how much He cares for us!
Live simply, love generously, care deeply, and speak kindly.
Saturday, October 16, 2010
My First 5K
Are you wondering how my out-of-shape booty did in my first 5K??
I keep getting messages from people wondering if I'm okay? I've been getting the feeling through other's concerns that I'm the only one who didn't get the memo stating:
Never Run a 5K if
1. If you haven't ran in years....not including running after the ice cream truck with Jenn!
2. If you didn't train at all.
3. If you haven't stretched a muscle in years
4. If your husband runs beside you the entire time and takes no for an answer when you feel the need to walk.
5. If your 100% out of shape
Did you get that memo? Someone probably should have forwarded it my way since I'm laying in the bed trying not to move a muscle.....moving causes too much pain!
A few pics before the race started.....
Waiting for the race to start and checking out all the runners who appear way more prepared.....
Chris became my true hero today. He could have gotten in the front of the crowd and won the race (his time is 2 minutes faster than the guy that won) but he decided to run with me and be supportive. I know he wanted to cringe when he saw not only girls but grandmaws passing us up......I didn't mind one bit since I was occupied with trying not to pass out or throw up. I didn't do either so I'm pretty darn proud of myself!
Colby was getting restless watching strangers run across the finish line with mommy no where in sight so Gammy took him for a walk to see the water.....much more entertaining!!
Mom tried to get back and capture my big moment of crossing the finish line but as they were rushing to get the pic Colby fell down and needed all of Gammy's TLC. It's sad but true...I have no pic to document my very first 5K finish but she did manage to get a shot of the winner....
which was 18 minutes before I saw the end in sight! What a great picture to show my kids one day.....look, this is the guy that won mommy's very first race and that could have been Daddy but he felt so sorry for my struggling tail that he stayed by my side to motivate me across the finish line LOL!!
So maybe I.....
didn't finish first but I didn't finish last (at least not dead last)
didn't get a victory picture
prevented Chris from taking it home
I was proud of myself.....
and had a victory breakfast at Primos................ made it all worth it!!
I was bathing Chase tonight and while enjoying this adorable view, I thought to myself
that's the cutest stinkin booty I've ever seen and I bet it doesn't hurt like the dickens......I wish I could say the same for my boo-tay at this moment!!
Until Next Time..............
I keep getting messages from people wondering if I'm okay? I've been getting the feeling through other's concerns that I'm the only one who didn't get the memo stating:
Never Run a 5K if
1. If you haven't ran in years....not including running after the ice cream truck with Jenn!
2. If you didn't train at all.
3. If you haven't stretched a muscle in years
4. If your husband runs beside you the entire time and takes no for an answer when you feel the need to walk.
5. If your 100% out of shape
Did you get that memo? Someone probably should have forwarded it my way since I'm laying in the bed trying not to move a muscle.....moving causes too much pain!
A few pics before the race started.....
Waiting for the race to start and checking out all the runners who appear way more prepared.....
Chris became my true hero today. He could have gotten in the front of the crowd and won the race (his time is 2 minutes faster than the guy that won) but he decided to run with me and be supportive. I know he wanted to cringe when he saw not only girls but grandmaws passing us up......I didn't mind one bit since I was occupied with trying not to pass out or throw up. I didn't do either so I'm pretty darn proud of myself!
Colby was getting restless watching strangers run across the finish line with mommy no where in sight so Gammy took him for a walk to see the water.....much more entertaining!!
Mom tried to get back and capture my big moment of crossing the finish line but as they were rushing to get the pic Colby fell down and needed all of Gammy's TLC. It's sad but true...I have no pic to document my very first 5K finish but she did manage to get a shot of the winner....
which was 18 minutes before I saw the end in sight! What a great picture to show my kids one day.....look, this is the guy that won mommy's very first race and that could have been Daddy but he felt so sorry for my struggling tail that he stayed by my side to motivate me across the finish line LOL!!
So maybe I.....
didn't finish first but I didn't finish last (at least not dead last)
didn't get a victory picture
prevented Chris from taking it home
I was proud of myself.....
and had a victory breakfast at Primos................ made it all worth it!!
I was bathing Chase tonight and while enjoying this adorable view, I thought to myself
that's the cutest stinkin booty I've ever seen and I bet it doesn't hurt like the dickens......I wish I could say the same for my boo-tay at this moment!!
I just hope I can walk tomorrow!!
Friday, October 15, 2010
Du It For Heather
It's true.....I have completely lost my mind!!
I really don't know what I was thinking when I signed up to run in my very first 5K tomorrow morning. Well, I did it for a good cause......
but that's the only thing that makes sense. I ran track in high school which doesn't count because I ran the 100 distance in that event for sure! I haven't ran in like 10 years...literally! I haven't even gotten back in the gym since I was pregnant with Colby, which makes almost 3 years now. The worst part....I haven't trained one day for this race! My endurance or lack thereof will probably be quite embarrassing. If you're at the race tomorrow just look for the elderly women speed walking in the will find me probably behind them! Chris will finish the race in like 16 minutes, so he made the joke that he would come back and finish it with me.....I would like to think he was being chivalrous and not cynical, hehe!
I've had intentions to get involved in running for good causes for some time now, so I'm finally taking the plunge. I want to be a good example to my boys and show them that a healthy lifestyle is important, but most of all I want them to know life is about reaching out to others even if it's difficult sometimes!
Chris is a running machine, and I'm sure my boys will run right in his footsteps....Colby already outruns me! I love seeing children run in races with their parents, I think it's a great way to spend quality family time together and teach our boys that life is about serving Christ and's a win win situation!!
I don't won't to be the lone ranger in the family that sits on the sideline......although I could be the cheerleader!! No, can do this Amanda!! Yes, I'm talking to myself......someone has to cheer for me. Chris has made jokes all week and my dad actually gave me my grandmother's oxygen tank tonight.......he's got jokes!!
I know I can do this!! I'm not saying it will be pretty and I'm not saying it won't take me all day, but my goal is to see my sweet boys at the finish line, hear Colby say, "Yay, mommy you did it", and know that I did it for Heather Spencer and everything that Heather's Tree stands for!!
Until Next Time...........
I really don't know what I was thinking when I signed up to run in my very first 5K tomorrow morning. Well, I did it for a good cause......
but that's the only thing that makes sense. I ran track in high school which doesn't count because I ran the 100 distance in that event for sure! I haven't ran in like 10 years...literally! I haven't even gotten back in the gym since I was pregnant with Colby, which makes almost 3 years now. The worst part....I haven't trained one day for this race! My endurance or lack thereof will probably be quite embarrassing. If you're at the race tomorrow just look for the elderly women speed walking in the will find me probably behind them! Chris will finish the race in like 16 minutes, so he made the joke that he would come back and finish it with me.....I would like to think he was being chivalrous and not cynical, hehe!
I've had intentions to get involved in running for good causes for some time now, so I'm finally taking the plunge. I want to be a good example to my boys and show them that a healthy lifestyle is important, but most of all I want them to know life is about reaching out to others even if it's difficult sometimes!
Chris is a running machine, and I'm sure my boys will run right in his footsteps....Colby already outruns me! I love seeing children run in races with their parents, I think it's a great way to spend quality family time together and teach our boys that life is about serving Christ and's a win win situation!!
I don't won't to be the lone ranger in the family that sits on the sideline......although I could be the cheerleader!! No, can do this Amanda!! Yes, I'm talking to myself......someone has to cheer for me. Chris has made jokes all week and my dad actually gave me my grandmother's oxygen tank tonight.......he's got jokes!!
I know I can do this!! I'm not saying it will be pretty and I'm not saying it won't take me all day, but my goal is to see my sweet boys at the finish line, hear Colby say, "Yay, mommy you did it", and know that I did it for Heather Spencer and everything that Heather's Tree stands for!!
Until Next Time...........
Wednesday, October 13, 2010
Lunchbox Love Notes
How flippin cute are these lunchbox love notes!!
Wait....they are about to get really cute when I tell you they are FREE!!!
You can print these here and encourage your child to eat their fruits while letting them know how special you think they are!!I love it!!
First Big Football
Seven years ago our wedding vows consisted of....
For better or worse
Richer or poor
every football season
Until death do us part!!!
Well, not literally but in my mind! Football coaches in the Jones family go back like 100 generations and everything about football races through their veins. If you ever decide to spend the holidays with us you better bring your A game on football talk or otherwise you will be an outcast in the men's conversation!
Anyway...I'm getting way off track!
We took the boys to their very first football game this past weekend!
You would assume a Mississippi State game since Chris's grandfather coached there way back in the day, or maybe Delta State or Mississippi College since Chris played football at both, but no it was a Southern Mississippi game! Chris did just finish grad school at USM so I guess he is officially that case, GO EAGLES!
Chasey Poo is the biggest cuddle bug ever....I love it!
Watching the football players and band march in.........look at those grins!!
We got there a little too early............
Trying to keep Colby entertained before the game.....whew that was a job!
Mommy I sit wight here otay, I not go too par....
See, I sit wight he ( hear) me, you he me mommy?
When it was finally game was on!! He loved it!
Can't you just see the love of football already pumping through his veins?
Even Chase has already jumped on the bandwagon.......he got excited every time the crowd cheered!
He cheered until he pooped himself smooth out!! Isn't that just something? I can't even breath too hard without him waking during nap, but he can manage to snooze through thousands of screaming fans......what is this world coming to??
Until Next Time............
For better or worse
Richer or poor
every football season
Until death do us part!!!
Well, not literally but in my mind! Football coaches in the Jones family go back like 100 generations and everything about football races through their veins. If you ever decide to spend the holidays with us you better bring your A game on football talk or otherwise you will be an outcast in the men's conversation!
Anyway...I'm getting way off track!
We took the boys to their very first football game this past weekend!
You would assume a Mississippi State game since Chris's grandfather coached there way back in the day, or maybe Delta State or Mississippi College since Chris played football at both, but no it was a Southern Mississippi game! Chris did just finish grad school at USM so I guess he is officially that case, GO EAGLES!
Chasey Poo is the biggest cuddle bug ever....I love it!
Watching the football players and band march in.........look at those grins!!
We got there a little too early............
Trying to keep Colby entertained before the game.....whew that was a job!
Mommy I sit wight here otay, I not go too par....
See, I sit wight he ( hear) me, you he me mommy?
When it was finally game was on!! He loved it!
Can't you just see the love of football already pumping through his veins?
Even Chase has already jumped on the bandwagon.......he got excited every time the crowd cheered!
He cheered until he pooped himself smooth out!! Isn't that just something? I can't even breath too hard without him waking during nap, but he can manage to snooze through thousands of screaming fans......what is this world coming to??
Colby said, " dat was a BIG pootball game, I love big pootball game!"
Until Next Time............
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