Monday, October 25, 2010

Wild Things- the art of nurturing boys

Do you have boys? Do you ever wonder......"what in the world is going on in his head?" Do ever wish you had a manual for guiding his journey toward authentic manhood and the wisdom to guide him well? Well, I found what your looking for.......
Go purchase Wild Things the art of nurturing boys ASAP!

I can't even begin to tell you how much I love this book!!

In Wild Things they guide you through the five stages of a boy's development, detailing each stage, along with new principles to nurture them through each one. They also cover topics about sex, substance abuse, discipline, learning styles, and the mind and heart of a boy. The best's easy reading (not textbook style), great scenarios, bible-based, and most practical parenting book I've read in some time.

 Wild Things has given me the "BRING IT ON" mentality!!

I will not be shaken when my boys.....

 make sitting still look physically impossible

 are literally bouncing off the walls, tearing something up, or trying to fly

 withdraw from me

 become too competitive

 need "the sex talk"

 start dating

Oh no mam....this mommy will not be shaken!! I'm prepared for battle and my number one weapon is understanding the art of nurturing my wild things!!

Until next time............

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