He weighed in at a whopping 17.10 (10%) and 28in (45%).
I checked out Colby's baby book and he weighed 17lbs at 5 months.....hehe!!
It doesn't surprise me in the least because Chase could careless if eating is on his daily agenda. He would rather nurse and has no desire to eat solids. Another battle we fight that isn't helping the situation is the fact that he is a distracted nurser. If Colby makes one sound, I might as well throw the towel in......he is done nursing and off to play with big brother. We all know Colby isn't much on being quiet so poor Chase can count on every feeding coming to an abrupt stop due to interruption!
As if that wasn't enough fuel on the fire.....he has a horrible gag reflux which hinders his interest in eating anything other than mommy milk! My doctor suggested starting table foods and hopefully it will peak his interest....we shall see!!
Oh yea, did I mention he is still toofless!!
I can't explain it, but I baby him big time......way more than I did Colby! Why do we rush everything with the first child? I rushed Colby and I guess I'm holding Chase back a little......I need to find a happy medium!
We went home and started out with a cracker and he did great......Ha, I'm sure your thinking WOW full speed ahead on the table food, a cracker? I told you I baby him a bit much!! He didn't gag one time and even asked for more......I know it's not much, but it's a start!
Chasey Poo is days from letting go of my finger and venturing out on his own!
That's the scoop on my little peanut!!
Until Next Time.......
little cracker eater! so precious!
I guess I should cherish me and Joseph's midnight cuddle sessions...they do grow up so so fast!
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