Chase is 9 months old and these days consist of......
eating socks
and grits! He loves to use a spoon, not necessarily as a tool to get food from bowl to mouth but ratherto spread food evenly across his face with a little extra on the eyelids!
Spoon + Grits = Bath time
Bath time is definitely on his fav list!
A few things that Chase could live without is......
a diaper change or changing clothes! What happens at 9 months old? He went from complete corporation during changes to catch me if you can and good luck keeping me down for the count!
The only behavior that I've had to correct thus far is him grabbing the night lights out of the sockets. He does it about 100,000,000 times a day and his grin grows larger with each attempt!
Loving this picture of himself is not vain.......he just thinks a picture of himself is so silly! Chase's biggest accomplishment this month is mastering his walking skills!
He also enjoys jabbering.....mama, dada, bye bye, & hey! Baby talk is music to my ears......I heart it!
Chase's least favorite.....being sick! I could tell he was congested and not feeling too hot. If Chase cries at all, that means something is really wrong. The boy is 9 months old and has cried three tears.....yes THREE tears in his whole life! The doc said he almost had an ear infection so we treated it before it progressed any further.
He now knows what it's like to be sick and if Chase could have written out the prescription it might have looked something along the lines of....
limit sleep to NEVER
hugs and kisses in large doses every hour
cuddle time-24 HOURS a day
refills- unlimited
Chase is getting to be such a big boy! He looks all grown up in that bath picture. That belly looks like it's loving those grits! That will put some meat on those bones.
Bath time is a favorite around here too! Even if Hughes is in the tub 30 minutes, he screams when it is time to get dried off! Torture for both Mom Dad and Hughes! Chase is too cute! I can't believe he is 9 months old!
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