Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Elf on the Shelf has ma ma powas!!

Saturday Chris and Colby had a daddy day while I attended the Mistletoe Market. They indulged themselves with waffles at the Huttle House and then enjoyed their time together at the bookstore! Colby got his Elf on the Shelf and headed home to introduce him to his new family!!

Are you wondering what is Elf on the Shelf???

He was eager and busting at the seams to get his elf out of the box! Little did he know that it's against Santa's rules to touch his elves since it strips them of their magical powers...........or as Colby says, "ma ma powa!"

 We opened the book to read the magical story of our elf and to start a fun-filled family tradition!

 Chase's attention span endured the first page but found the rocking horse to be much more entertaining and......
 the view outside more appealing, but....
 Colby was definitely intrigued!
 Colby named him Snoopy and then printed his official adoption certificate!

 That night Snoopy flew to the North Pole and reported Colby's bad good behavior, and then magically reappeared in the playroom where Colby tracked him down!
 The look on Colby's face was priceless!! He wanted so badly to touch Snoopy, but he kept repeating, "no way, I not touch Snoopy, he lose his ma ma powas!"

Until Next Time..............


Kosek Landing said...

Kate touched our elf, "Ice Cream" the first morning that she found him. So I started hiding him in higher places, and she started climbing...I can only imagine how Jack will handle being introduced to "Ice Cream" this year.

Unknown said...

I loved this!! We have a 10 yr old adopted daughter, and we are raising two of our nine grandchildren. I will look for this book!! Thank you!
What a lovely tradition for children.

Unknown said...

I loved this!! We have a 10 yr old adopted daughter, and we are raising two of our nine grandchildren. I will look for this book!! Thank you!
What a lovely tradition for children.

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