Saturday, March 6, 2010

Colby & Chase Update

Chase is 6 weeks old and doing great!

The last few nights he is sleeping much better. I put him to bed around 7:00 and he sleeps until about 2:00, nurses, goes right back to sleep, wakes to eat again around 5;30, and goes back to sleep until about 7:00.

As for daytime sleep.......not so good! He has a hard time falling asleep and an even harder time staying asleep. He is still really young so I'm sure he will grow out of it soon...fingers crossed! Colby was such a great sleeper so this is an adjustment. When I was ready for Colby to take a nap, I would lay him in the bed, walk away, and he would go to sleep on his own within minutes and sleep for hours!
I'm wondering if I'm to blame for Chase's sleep pattern. When Colby was 6 weeks old I already had him on the Baby Whisperer EASY routine and it worked like a champ. I've been somewhat of a slacker with Chase because it's a little more difficult with two. So, I will be trying my best to get Chase on the routine this week!!

He wasn't ready for the bumbo yet.... "help mommy"!

My Sleeping Angel
Finally we had some pretty weather so we took the boys to the park. Chase's first trip to the park consisted of eating, eating, and eating some more! By the time he got through eating, it was time to go! I enjoyed the sunshine and watching Chris and Colby running around like crazy! Colby screamed "mone mone daddy, tom pay" the entire time. I told Colby to give Chase a kiss but he kissed daddy instead......he loves his daddy!

Relaxing at the park

I definitely have my hands full with this little munchkin!!
I went to get Colby out of his bed and found him in his birthday suit!
Me: what in the world are you doing?
Colby: hey mommy, I teetee.
Me: Okay, so you took all your clothes off?
Colby: Yea
Me: Where is your diaper?
Colby: here you dow
Me: You didn't like having a wet diaper on?
Colby: No
Me: You are so silly
Colby: Yea

The next morning was much better! He pulled his pants down, took off his diaper, and pulled his pants back up. Even though he did throw the diaper across the room, I was happy he managed to stay clothed!!!
Colby is also very thoughtful and helps me out as much as possible. When I went to lay Chase down for a nap, he noticed my cup was empty and prepared me a mocha!

What would I ever do without my little helper?????


Britanny said...

Wow! Your new little man is adorable! Looks like you have your hands full, but it seems that Colby is helping out alot! :) Happy Monday!

Kosek Landing said...

Chase is getting so big! We have to get the kids together Monday or Tuesday or next week...hooray for Spring Break! Precious pictures!

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