Saturday, October 16, 2010

My First 5K

Are you wondering how my out-of-shape booty did in my first 5K??

I keep getting messages from people wondering if I'm okay? I've been getting the feeling through other's concerns that I'm the only one who didn't get the memo stating:

Never Run a 5K if

1. If you haven't ran in years....not including running after the ice cream truck with Jenn!

2. If you didn't train at all.

3. If you haven't stretched a muscle in years

4. If your husband runs beside you the entire time and takes no for an answer when you feel the need to walk.

5. If your 100% out of shape

Did you get that memo? Someone probably should have forwarded it my way since I'm laying in the bed trying not to move a muscle.....moving causes too much pain!


A few pics before the race started.....

 Waiting for the race to start and checking out all the runners who appear way more prepared.....

Chris became my true hero today. He could have gotten in the front of the crowd and won the race (his time is 2 minutes faster than the guy that won) but he decided to run with me and be supportive. I know he wanted to cringe when he saw not only girls but grandmaws passing us up......I didn't mind one bit since I was occupied with trying not to pass out or throw up. I didn't do either so I'm pretty darn proud of myself!

Colby was getting restless watching strangers run across the finish line with mommy no where in sight so Gammy took him for a walk to see the water.....much more entertaining!!
 Mom tried to get back and capture my big moment of crossing the finish line but as they were rushing to get the pic Colby fell down and needed all of Gammy's TLC. It's sad but true...I have no pic to document my very first 5K finish  but she did manage to get a shot of the winner....
 which was 18 minutes before I saw the end in sight!  What a great picture to show my kids one day.....look, this is the guy that won mommy's very first race and that could have been Daddy but he felt so sorry for my struggling tail that he stayed by my side to motivate me across the finish line LOL!!

So maybe I.....

didn't finish first but I didn't finish last (at least not dead last)

didn't get a victory picture

prevented Chris from taking it home


I was proud of myself.....

 and had a victory breakfast at Primos................ made it all worth it!!

I was bathing Chase tonight and while enjoying this adorable view, I thought to myself
that's the cutest stinkin booty I've ever seen and I bet it doesn't hurt like the dickens......I wish I could say the same for my boo-tay at this moment!!

I just hope I can walk tomorrow!!

Until Next Time..............

1 comment:

Amy S. Norris said...

yay for you! i cannot imagine how sore you are for i ran a 5K a few months after i had louisa after not running more than a mile or so at a time, and i told myself - ive done this before, i can do it. wowsers is all i was saying halfway through!

so proud of you, and that is awesome that your hubby stayed right by your side. that made me smile. :)

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