Monday, March 17, 2008

Bye Bye Work

Colby will not have anything to do with a pacifier but he has discovered that he loves sucking his thumb! I never thought that I would think a thumb sucker was so cute until I saw Colby do it for the first time hehe! He can suck his whittle thumb as long as he wants (unless he's like 5 or something)!

 He rolled over for the first time but it was an accident. He did it while he was sleeping and woke up screaming, i guess it scared him! It's strange though because their suppose to roll from their tummy to their back first but he did the opposite.

I thought that I would always teach no matter what but Colby changed all that! I decided not to return to work in the fall. I can't stand leaving Colby in the mornings and I think about him every second of the day. I don't feel like my heart and mind is were it needs to be in order to be the most effective teacher. I want to spend my days with my son and I don't want to miss one little thing! I really prayed about it and it was a no brainer for me! Colby will only be this age one time and I can go back to work anytime!

Sunday, March 2, 2008

Easter Pictures

Chris had drill this weekend so I was a little bored! I decided to dress Colby up in his Easter outfit and have some fun taking pictures. He thought the bunny was pretty funny! I took him to Walmart to get some cheap wallets but he got tired and didn't won't to play anymore. When he got tired the photographer suggested that we lay him on his tummy and get some shots. Well we know that a two 1/2 month baby can't lift his head and chest up very well.  I asked her how old did she think he was and her response...... 4 or 5 months. I started laughing and let her know he is just a little chunky for his age and you can't judge a baby by his belly, and there is no way she was gonna get a shot in that position unless she wanted a pic of the top of his head. Needless to say we left without any pics. We are going Saturday to get his pictures made with real bunnies, it should be interesting!
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