Sunday, July 31, 2011

Attachment Parenting Meeting- Preparing for Birth

Don't miss our next AP meeting:
 Thursday August 4
 Ridgeland Library

Topic: Preparing for Birth

We will be discussing many aspects of birth preparation, it's a perfect meeting for expecting mommies!!

One very important topic we will cover is birth bonding......I hope you can join us!!

Birth Bonding- What does it mean?

Bonding—the term for the close emotional tie that develops between parents and baby at birth—was the buzzword of the 1980's. Dr's. Marshall H. Klaus and John H. Kennell explored the concept of bonding in their classic book Maternal- Infant Bonding. These researchers speculated that for humans, just as for other types of animals, there is a "sensitive period" at birth when mothers and newborns are uniquely programmed to be in contact with each other and do good things to each other. By comparing mother-infant pairs who bonded immediately after birth with those who didn't, they concluded that the early-contact mother- infant pairs later developed a closer attachment.
Bonding is really a continuation of the relationship that began during pregnancy. The physical and chemical changes that were occurring in your body reminded you of the presence of this person. Birth cements this bond and gives it reality. Now you can see, feel, and talk to the little person whom you knew only as the "bulge" or from the movements and the heartbeat you heard through medical instruments. Bonding allows you to transfer your life-giving love for the infant inside to caregiving love on the outside. Inside, you gave your blood; outside, you give your milk, eyes, hands, and voice—your entire self.

By having a positive, ideally natural, birth experience you are creating an environment for birth bonding.
~Dr. Sears

7 Tips to Better Bonding
1. Delay routine procedures. Oftentimes the attending nurse does routine procedures—giving the vitamin K shot and putting eye ointment in baby's eyes—immediately after birth and then presents baby to mother for bonding ask the nurse to delay these procedures for an hour or so, allowing the family to enjoy this initial bonding period. The eye ointment temporarily blurs baby's vision or causes her eyes to stay closed. She needs a clear first impression of you, and you need to see those eyes.
2. Stay connected. Ask your birth attendant and nurses to put baby on your abdomen and chest immediately after birth, or after cutting the cord and suctioning your baby, unless a medical complication requires temporary separation.
3. Let your baby breastfeed right after birth. Most babies are content simply to lick the nipple; other have a strong desire to suck at the breast immediately after birth. This nipple stimulation releases the hormone oxytocin, which increases the contractions of your uterus and lessens postpartum bleeding . Early sucking also stimulates the release of prolactin, the hormone that helps your mothering abilities click in right from the start.
4. Room in with your baby. Of course, bonding does not end at the delivery bed—it is just the beginning! Making visual, tactile, olfactory, auditory, and sucking connection with your baby right after birth may make you feel that you don't want to release this little person that you've labored so hard to bring into the world, into the nursery—and you don't have to. Your wombmate can now become your roommate. We advise healthy mothers and healthy babies to remain together throughout their hospital stay.
Who cares for your baby after delivery depends upon your health, your baby's health, and your feelings. Some babies make a stable transition from the womb to the outside world without any complications; others need a few hours in the nursery for extra warmth, oxygen, suctioning, and other special attention until their vital systems stabilize.
Feelings after birth are as individual as feelings after lovemaking. Many mothers show the immediate glow of motherhood and the "birth high" excitement of a race finished and won. It's love at first sight, and they can't wait to get their hands on their baby and begin mothering within a millisecond after birth.
Others are relieved that the mammoth task of birth is over and that baby is normal. Now they are more interested in sleeping and recovering than bonding and mothering. As one mother said following a lengthy and arduous labor, "Let me sleep for a few hours, take a shower, comb my hair, and then I'll start mothering." If these are your feelings, enjoy your rest—you've earned it. There is no need to succumb to pressure bonding when neither your body nor mind is willing or able. In this case, father can bond with baby while mother rests. The important thing is somebody is bonding during this sensitive period of one to two hours of quiet alertness after birth. One of the saddest sights we see is a newly-born, one-hour-old baby parked all alone in the nursery, busily bonding (with wide-open, hungry eyes) with plastic sides of her bassinet. Give your baby a significant presence—mother, father, or even grandma in a pinch. (See )
5. Touch your baby. Besides enjoying the stimulation your baby receives from the skin-to-skin contact of tummy-to-tummy and cheek-to-breast, gently stroke your baby, caressing his whole body. We have noticed that mothers and fathers often caress their babies differently. A new mother usually strokes her baby's entire body with a gentle caress of her fingertips; the father, however, often places an entire hand on his baby's head, as if symbolizing his commitment to protect the life he has fathered. Besides being enjoyable, stroking the skin is medically beneficial to the newborn. The skin, the largest organ in the human body, is very rich with nerve endings. At the time when baby is making the transition to air breathing, and the initial breathing patterns are very irregular, stroking stimulates the newborn to breathe more rhythmically—the therapeutic value of a parent's touch.
6. Gaze at your newborn. Your newborn can see you best with an eye- to-eye distance of eight to ten inches (twenty to twenty-five centimeters)— amazingly, about the usual nipple-to-eye distance during breastfeeding. Place your baby in the face-to-face position, adjusting your head and your baby's head in the same position so that your eyes meet. Enjoy this visual connection during the brief period of quiet alertness after birth, before baby falls into a deep sleep. Staring into your baby's eyes may trigger a rush of beautiful mothering feelings.
  1. Talk to your newborn. During the first hours and days after birth, a natural baby-talk dialogue will develop between mother and infant. Voice- analysis studies have shown a unique rhythm and comforting cadence to mother's voice.

What would you tell yourself?

I really love this video!!

The creators asked families to imagine the point right before they decided to breastfeed, and asked what they would tell themselves. 

I would have told myself:

The first weeks can be very difficult but after that it's everything you imagined!

It's so much easier than having to worry about bottles and formula everywhere you go!

It's's stop crying 99.9 % of the time!

It's the cure for bad days, sick days, and even boo boos!

It will even make you a happier has a soothing affect that I believe is sent straight from heaven!

It will get your baby to sleep in no time!

You will experience an amazing bond and be so proud that only you can give this to your little angel!

You will make fewer visits to the doctor!

The content gaze in your baby's eyes while he reaches up to touch your face are the moments you will never forget!

You will forget about modesty and put your baby's needs above other people's opinions!

You will be proud of your decision for so many reasons!!


Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Summer 2011

I can't believe summer is almost over, but we sure made a lot of FUN memories!!

My favorite pics of Summer 2011!!

Florida- Chase's First Beach Trip

Oklahoma City Zoo

Mr. & Mrs. Turtle making babies :)!!

Oklahoma City Science Museum

 4th of July

Castaway Cove- Wichita Falls

Altus Reservoir

Getting Excited About Josie!!

Playing in the Rain!!

Getting Crazy at Splash Pad!

Chase's Cheese Face ;)

What a fantastic Summer, but bring on the Fall......I'm ready for baby girl to make us a family of five!!

Until Next Time........

Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Poop Happens

Wow...yesterday was one poopy day!!

We dropped Chris off at work and then the boys and I took a stroll around the rez and then hit up the park! After playing for a whopping five minutes, Colby needed to take a poop.

Of potty!

We loaded up and headed back to the apartment....thank the Lord, it's only a 5 minute drive.

Colby leaped out of the van and made a v-line for the potty. He was in there for a good 10 minutes and then came out and started playing with his trains, and it hit me....there was no toilet paper in that bathroom.

Colby, did you wipe your booty?

Sure I did!

With what, there isn't any toilet paper.

I know, I used a rag.

What? Where is the rag?

I flushed it down the had a lot of nasty poopoo on it.

Oh Dear! Did it go down?

The water came up high.

Baby, you can not flush a rag down the breaks the potty.


BTW....the potty is definitely broken and the 3 month lease specifically states....


Great! Not sure we will be getting our deposit back.......not to mention the broke closet door and the torn up blinds.

If that wasn't enough....the poop just kept coming!

Since the boys didn't get to play much, we returned to another park after Chase took a nappy nap.

I KID YOU NOT! We were there for 5 minutes and Colby said, "Mommy, I have to poopoo really bad!"

We were at a park that does have a potty but it's all the way across the parking lot.....what in the world are these park designers thinking???

Mommy, it's about to come out!

I'm going to stay here with Chase, you run to the potty and I will watch you.....yell loud if you need me!


He actually walked all the way to the potty while holding his hand over his booty.....I guess he thought he could hold it in!

About 10 minutes later, I saw Colby walking back to the park with his pants down to his ankles.

Son, what in the world are you doing? Pull your pants up now!

I can't

Yes, you can! Pull them up now!

It came out too fast....I'm so sorry!

It's okay baby....everyone has accidents.

No, it's not's not suppose to come out that fast.

It happens...we will clean you up and we can stay and play!

I had an extra pair of underwear in the car and I used every wipe I was a pretty big mess!

We got it done and he was ready to play.

I sat down to rest and Chase climbed into my lap and what do you know........I smell poop!!


I used every wipe to clean up Mr. grown man what?

I had to use armor all wipes on my baby's booty.....just awful. I figured it was better than sitting in poop!

Isn't it funny how it doesn't just pours. It was all rather comical!

I wanted to scream WHAT THE POOP IS GOING ON!!!

Until Next Time...............

Sunday, July 10, 2011

My Birthing Journey Continues....

I had to have my glucose test done by a doctor in Altus. It wasn't quite what I was expecting....... it ended up being a therapy session.
I was immediately fond of him and felt like I was talking to a close friend. He actually apologized and said, "sorry I'm talking like I've know you forever." (crazy thing....he actually practiced in MS for 4 years)

He wanted to know where I was going to give birth and my response was....I'm still undecided, but probably at home.

Really, can we talk about it?

I would love to!

This was perfect, insights from a genuine doctor that would not be bias at all...after all he wasn't trying to convince me to deliver at his hospital since I'm leaving next week.

Our conversation went a little something like this....

Why home birth?

Natural is definitely the very best for me and the baby because...

No no...I know natural is the best, but why natural at home?

Oh...we could be here all day. Mainly because I don't believe birth should be treated like a life threatening emergency, it's a natural process that women have been doing since the beginning of time without unnecessary interventions which usually leads to some sort of problems.

I already tried to have a natural birth in the hospital and I know many women do it, but I don't guess I'm cut out for it. I could not even begin to get in a comfortable laboring position with all the contraptions all over my body!

I want to be comfortable so I can labor properly and my baby can have a gentle birth, not a traumatic birth and then separated from me.....with my last child, I had to pay $300 to keep him in my room. Hospitals have some bizarre procedures and they often have to do what's convenient for them and not what's best for the mom and baby.

Well then! I have to admit that midwives are better at making labor easier than hospitals, and we should only be there for emergencies but it's not the way things are....unfortunately. But, If it wasn't for OBs and technology many babies would die.

Oh, don't get me wrong...I'm very thankful for OBs, but I agree they should be used for emergencies not normal, healthy deliveries.

Do you want my opinion?

Of course!

If I had to pick an ideal home birth are definitely it.

You are healthy,

No pregnancy risk, such as high blood pressure or gestational diabetes,

You have had two vaginal births with no complications,

 and you seem to know your stuff.

But let me ask you one question. If something went wrong would you want to sue your midwife?

Absolutely not, home birth is my choice.

Plus, I feel confident in my midwife. She has an emergency transport plan and her transport rate is extremely low....not to mention, I'm only 15 miles from the hospital.

That's close enough for most emergencies.

What emergency is your biggest concern...Shoulder Dystocia?

Definitely, sometimes you only have minutes!

Isn't it true that shoulder dystocia only happens in less than 1% of all births?

Yes.....I'm not trying to scare you, but you could be that one percent....then what?

Is it true that 95% of all women have a birth with NO complications?

Yes....but that still leaves a chance that you will have a medical emergency.

I would rather you deliver at a birthing center. It gives you everything you want plus immediate emergency care....just in case.

That would be great, but the closest one is over 3 hours away......delivering in the car would be more dangerous.

People do home birth everyday, but if you are in the small percentage and something goes terribly wrong, WILL YOU HAVE REGRETS?

I will consider all your advice....thank you so much!


Of course. If something went wrong I would have regrets and play the what if game, but I would do the same thing if something went wrong in the hospital....wouldn't every mother???

Knowing everything I know at this point, I realize I took risk with my first two deliveries .....

Induction could have ruptured my uterus, increased postpartum blood loss, and doubled my chance of having a cesarean.

The longer intense contractions from pitocin could have interfered with the flow of oxygen-rich blood through the placenta to the fetus.

Having my water broke could have caused the umbilical cord to fall out of the cervix below the baby's head, which can be life-threatening.

The epidural increased my chance of a forceps/ vacuum delivery, possibly caused a dramatic drop in blood pressure,  given my baby breathing difficulties, and in a very rare case (one in five thousand) result in a maternal death or paralysis.

It seems to me there are risks with any birthing choice, so why not choose the one that I'm most comfortable with....the one that is led by my heart.

I know home birth is not for everyone, and I'm not saying that a hospital birth is the wrong choice......I just think it's the wrong choice for me.

When I daydream about the day Josie is born, I don't picture this

but quite the contrary.....

I dream of a gentle birth and precious bonding!

Until Next Time...........

Saturday, July 9, 2011

Walk the Walk

Do you ever feel overwhelmed when you think about the important role you play as a parent?  I know I sure do! I know I could preach until I'm blue in the face, but what good does that serve?

I know my children will do as they see, no matter what I say!

I pray for God to give me the wisdom to teach my children the way to live as Christ, but also to know when I need to make a change!!

We go to the park at least 3-4 times a week and every time we arrive it's literally a landfill! It looks like a bomb went one knows the use of a garbage can! Drinks are everywhere, which Chase feels the need to taste test each one...GRODY ODY!! McDonald bags cover the benches and there is enough soda cans to attach to every newlywed car in town.....not the ideal picnic for kiddos but whatever!

I found myself complaining every morning while I cleaned up the park and then I noticed Colby doing the same...IT HIT ME LIKE A TON OF BRICKS! Not only was I not living out my faith.....

Do everything without complaining or arguing. Philippians 2:14

But I was failing at guiding my son down the right path!

Train a child in the way he should go, and when he is old he will not turn from it. Proverbs 22:6

God gave me the wisdom to know I was in the wrong! Instead of teaching my children to complain about the mess, I could use the situation as a life lesson!

I turned my frown upside down and had a little pow-wow with my boys! I explained that nothing good ever comes from complaining and that's why God tells us to steer clear of the ugly habit. Then, we discussed how we could be good citizens and clean up the mess with a joyful heart. 

I also informed them that some people are just wrong by accident since no one has taught them the right thing to do, but since we know we should take care of the place God gave us to's our responsibility to clean up nasty litter!

It worked like a charm and now Colby goes out of his way to pick up litter and does it with a happy heart!!

I guess it pays to walk the walk if I'm going to talk the talk!

Tuesday, July 5, 2011

My Birthing Journey

Baby girl will be joining our family in about 3 months so there will be lots of birth talk going on at the Jones Journey!! If you aren't really into birthing chit chat you might want to take a little break from my blog and pick back up sometime in October when the madness kicks off of raising 3 bambinos under the age of three .....wowzers!!

Where do I begin?

I have been on a journey the last few months, trying to figure out what I want when it comes to bringing my precious baby girl into this world!

When Colby was born I was CLUELESS, to say the least! I'm ashamed to say, but I just did what everyone else seemed to be doing, and I trusted every single thing I heard.


I knew that natural birth was the very best for the baby and me, and I honestly thought I could just beep bop into the hospital and breath my way through labor and have this amazing experience of natural childbirth.....STUPID!

I didn't prepare AT ALL.....STUPID!

My doctor was going out of town and since it was a few days before Christmas, he encouraged me to be induced. I figured why not.....STUPID! I wasn't dilated at all, which means Colby wasn't ready yet...why was I in such a hurry? I went along with it and had no idea that pitocin practically makes a natural childbirth impossible.....I told you I didn't prepare at all!

Once the pitocin was started, the contractions were unbearable! Needless to say I got an epidural at 4 cm. I progressed somewhat slow (effects of an epidural and laying on your back during labor) and at 4:00 my doctor suggested c-section talk if little squirt didn't get the show on the road.....thank goodness Colby graced us with his presence at 4:29!!!

Colby came out drugged and was too lethargic to breastfeed and then they swept him away from my arms and into transitional care for 3 hours what just happens to be crucial birth bonding time. Three hours away from the only familiar thing he had known for 9 months and the only person who could comfort him and make him feel safe in this new world....makes me so sad!

I had breastfeeding difficulties for weeks, and it was all due to unnecessary interventions.

Although it was an unforgettable, exuberant moment when Colby was born, it wasn't the birthing experience I desired. I always felt like God meant for it to be so much more! I honestly feel in my heart that God created labor for a very special purpose, and somehow we have messed it up!

Round two....I started preparing from day one! I wanted a natural birth and at this point I felt confident and prepared to conquer!!

I was not going to be induced, I wanted God to choose my baby's birthday, no one else! My water started leaking through the night and I had a small gush of water at 9:00am, but it never completely broke. I stayed home to labor so I could avoid hospital interventions, such as  an IV, constant fetal monitoring, pitocin, etc.

Around 2:00 the contractions still weren't very intense and my bag of waters still had not broke. My doctor was concerned of getting an infection and advised me to come to the hospital. I was progressing extremely slow and the fear of Chase getting an infection caused me to relinquish to the doctor and start potocin. I still wanted to give natural birth a shot but the circumstances made me cave at 8cm....right when transition was beginning. You can read the entire birth story here.

Again, the moment Chase was placed on my chest was incredible, and I accepted that my birth plan did not go as I intended, but I focused my whole heart and soul on the God given gift that stared right at my face and melted me on the spot!

Round we go!

Yes, my plan is a natural birth! I'm even more prepared this go round and I think this might be it!! This is my last pregnancy, and definitely something I passionately desire to experience and give to my baby!

Call me a hippie but I want Josie born drug free, in a





Especially, since it doesn't just determine a good or bad day on her actually effects her entire life!

This story tells exactly why........What natural childbirth means to your baby. (I love how beautifully it describes the difference in a home birth and a hospital birth!)

The hard part has been trying to decide the best way to accomplish my goal.

Hospitals make it almost impossible.....
(Everyone should watch business of being are a few clips)

so I started searching out more birthing options!

Baton Rouge has a birthing center that would be ideal but it's a little over 3 hours away.....still an option!

Home birth is also an option, it's actually my most favorable at the moment! I have spoke with several mommies who have had a home birth and just listening to their experience gives me chills and inspires's exactly what I want!

My friend Madeline has a beautiful home birth story and I have an appointment to meet with her midwife. I already fell in love with her on the phone and I can't wait to meet her! I love the fact that she loves the Lord and believes that natural birth is a gift from God. When I was talking with her, I felt like she was an answered prayer!

 We shall see where this journey takes our family!

Until Next Time...........
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