Sunday, July 10, 2011

My Birthing Journey Continues....

I had to have my glucose test done by a doctor in Altus. It wasn't quite what I was expecting....... it ended up being a therapy session.
I was immediately fond of him and felt like I was talking to a close friend. He actually apologized and said, "sorry I'm talking like I've know you forever." (crazy thing....he actually practiced in MS for 4 years)

He wanted to know where I was going to give birth and my response was....I'm still undecided, but probably at home.

Really, can we talk about it?

I would love to!

This was perfect, insights from a genuine doctor that would not be bias at all...after all he wasn't trying to convince me to deliver at his hospital since I'm leaving next week.

Our conversation went a little something like this....

Why home birth?

Natural is definitely the very best for me and the baby because...

No no...I know natural is the best, but why natural at home?

Oh...we could be here all day. Mainly because I don't believe birth should be treated like a life threatening emergency, it's a natural process that women have been doing since the beginning of time without unnecessary interventions which usually leads to some sort of problems.

I already tried to have a natural birth in the hospital and I know many women do it, but I don't guess I'm cut out for it. I could not even begin to get in a comfortable laboring position with all the contraptions all over my body!

I want to be comfortable so I can labor properly and my baby can have a gentle birth, not a traumatic birth and then separated from me.....with my last child, I had to pay $300 to keep him in my room. Hospitals have some bizarre procedures and they often have to do what's convenient for them and not what's best for the mom and baby.

Well then! I have to admit that midwives are better at making labor easier than hospitals, and we should only be there for emergencies but it's not the way things are....unfortunately. But, If it wasn't for OBs and technology many babies would die.

Oh, don't get me wrong...I'm very thankful for OBs, but I agree they should be used for emergencies not normal, healthy deliveries.

Do you want my opinion?

Of course!

If I had to pick an ideal home birth are definitely it.

You are healthy,

No pregnancy risk, such as high blood pressure or gestational diabetes,

You have had two vaginal births with no complications,

 and you seem to know your stuff.

But let me ask you one question. If something went wrong would you want to sue your midwife?

Absolutely not, home birth is my choice.

Plus, I feel confident in my midwife. She has an emergency transport plan and her transport rate is extremely low....not to mention, I'm only 15 miles from the hospital.

That's close enough for most emergencies.

What emergency is your biggest concern...Shoulder Dystocia?

Definitely, sometimes you only have minutes!

Isn't it true that shoulder dystocia only happens in less than 1% of all births?

Yes.....I'm not trying to scare you, but you could be that one percent....then what?

Is it true that 95% of all women have a birth with NO complications?

Yes....but that still leaves a chance that you will have a medical emergency.

I would rather you deliver at a birthing center. It gives you everything you want plus immediate emergency care....just in case.

That would be great, but the closest one is over 3 hours away......delivering in the car would be more dangerous.

People do home birth everyday, but if you are in the small percentage and something goes terribly wrong, WILL YOU HAVE REGRETS?

I will consider all your advice....thank you so much!


Of course. If something went wrong I would have regrets and play the what if game, but I would do the same thing if something went wrong in the hospital....wouldn't every mother???

Knowing everything I know at this point, I realize I took risk with my first two deliveries .....

Induction could have ruptured my uterus, increased postpartum blood loss, and doubled my chance of having a cesarean.

The longer intense contractions from pitocin could have interfered with the flow of oxygen-rich blood through the placenta to the fetus.

Having my water broke could have caused the umbilical cord to fall out of the cervix below the baby's head, which can be life-threatening.

The epidural increased my chance of a forceps/ vacuum delivery, possibly caused a dramatic drop in blood pressure,  given my baby breathing difficulties, and in a very rare case (one in five thousand) result in a maternal death or paralysis.

It seems to me there are risks with any birthing choice, so why not choose the one that I'm most comfortable with....the one that is led by my heart.

I know home birth is not for everyone, and I'm not saying that a hospital birth is the wrong choice......I just think it's the wrong choice for me.

When I daydream about the day Josie is born, I don't picture this

but quite the contrary.....

I dream of a gentle birth and precious bonding!

Until Next Time...........

1 comment:

Madeline said...

Well said! There are risks either way you do things. It's definitely best to go with your heart and your instincts.

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