Friday, May 25, 2012

Picture Perfect

Okay squirts, lets get a good picture!

Josie sit like a lady, and Chase put your hand down!

                                              Colby, all I see is nostrils and hellooooo I'm over here!!

                                                 Perfect Josie....dang it, Chase.

Great idea Chase....I'll take it!

Why is getting a good picture of all three kiddos such a challenge!

Coach and JoJo came to spend the day with us, and I captured some sweet moments!

 I never got the perfect shot, but it was a picture perfect day!

Until Next Time...........

Friday, May 18, 2012

Need a 20 years?!

Chase's eyes got heavy and he surrendered to Mr. Sandman, who was desperately calling his name. I knew he was asleep by the loose grip on my neck and the deeper sound in his breath. Only then can I roll over, tell Colby sweet dreams, kiss him night, slip out of the bed, and tip-toe out of their room.....never forgetting to leave the door cracked and hall light on, mandatory for repelling monsters! This time Colby threw a little twist in our routine.

Mommy, do you remember when you use to hold me until I fell asleep, like you do Chase?


I just love when you did that one day!

Do you want me to stay until you fall asleep tonight?


He curled his body into mine and thoughts started flooding my mind.

It made my heart swell that he has such fond bedtime memories, but right now he is feeling as though he has fallen by the wayside.

I knew I needed to make an effort to give him some undivided attention. Colby can't get a thought out without Chasey-Poo interrupting, Josie having a blow out, or me tending to an emergency....bless his little pea pickin heart.

The next night, I decided to put the youngsters to bed and surprise Colby with a date!

Colby, do you want to go on a date with Mommy tonight?

Yes! Yay! I'm so excited! What's a date?

It's when two people spend time together and do something special.

Can I play there?

Well a date isn't actually a place, it's two people going somewhere they think is fun, anywhere, where would you like to go?

It's only two people? Daddy and Chase can't go, only you and me? What if they get sad?

They will understand, it's our date!

So just two and two- me, I got it!

Are you ready to go?

Yes! Let's go on our date! How long does it take to get to date?

Remember, it's not a choose?

Lets go play games!


Where do you want to go next?

Mom, I just saw a shooting star!

You did? Make a wish!

Okay! I wish my friends Hardy, Jillie, and Kate would be my family.

Aw baby that is so can always consider your friends, your family!

Okay! Lets go get yogurt!


Our last stop was at Target to hit up the dollar aisle to score some goodies, which worked out great since I also needed a new swimsuit, after all he has to learn that his future dates will love some shopping, right?
It was delightful to have conversation with my sweet man....dialect with a four year old is quite comical! I'm not sure how it happens, but he always manages to bring up my ta-tas and make strangers laugh out loud!

Mom, thank you so much for all my new toys, that was so kind of you!

You are very welcome! Do you mind if I try on this swimsuit?

Mom, it is inapproriate to show your ta-tas right here, you can't change clothes. People will see your privates.

A stranger almost spit her drink out and responded- he is hilarious!

Ummm...thank you Colby, but I intend to use the changing room.


We continued to have some interesting conversations, and I could tell our special date was filling up his little cup!!

A date with Colby is a must and if you would like one in the future, he will be available in 20 years!

Until Next Time.............

Sunday, May 13, 2012

Let it be!

The question of the week.......What do you think of the cover on Time?

I have so many thoughts, so much to say!

Do I love the pose? Not really. Do I think it's extreme? Absolutely! Time magazine knew what they were doing. They knew what would sell, right?
The disheartening aspect of it all is the fact that Time won! They caused a big, fat hairy controversy and all the momma claws came out, hateful words are being spewed all around, and judgement continues to pour down.

I'm beyond saddened by a lost opportunity. It could have been so much more, in fact it could have created a motion of change. What if the image could have captured the affection, connected eyes, warmth, and the touch of love that is always evident while nursing a child?!

What if the embrace displayed the bond and secure attachment?!

What if the pure sweetness of an intimate moment was shown for it's true beauty?

Extended breastfeeding is beautiful and should be shown in such a way, but Time wanted to create the WOW factor!

I understand why people weren't fond of the image, but it is not a probable cause to attack all mothers who choose to practice extended breastfeeding. World Health Organization recommends breastfeeding for two years or beyond, yet I keep hearing absurd comments such as,

A child should not still be breastfeeding if.....

he has teeth- my 7 month old has two teeth, I guess I should cut the cord, as so many keep stating

he can ask for it- my first born started signing "milk" at 7 months, so technically he was asking for it

he can walk- both my boys started walking at 9 months

he is 12 months old, he can drink cow's milk- after all babies do turn into cows on their birthday

he can drink from a sippy cup- A breastfeeding mother would never say those words, since they understand nursing isn't just about nutrition, but also comfort and attachment

Stop telling moms to put it in a sippy cup.....they should scream nooooooo in your face! First of all, it's NOT the same thing for the child and secondly, I would rather spend my time cuddled up with my child as opposed to isolating myself while two plastic cups suck my nipples off....NO THANK YOU!

 I have a great idea.....let moms be! Treat them with love and respect! Moms know how to meet their child's needs and can live without your criticism and judgement!
Maybe you didn't like the cover of Time, but your hateful remarks aren't just directed at one particular mom, it's spreading hatred to moms all around the world.

Moms that just want to love their children the way that works for them- let it be!

Now, regarding attachment parenting. Don't insult a style of parenting, until you know the facts. AP is not a set of rules that everyone takes to extreme measures, it's tools that you can use for better bonding and long term attachment. 
I think Annie over at PhD parenting describes attachment parenting beautifully.....

As the Golden Rule suggests, attachment parenting is parenting the child the way we wish we had been treated in childhood, the way we wish we were treated by everyone now, and the way we want our grandchildren to be treated. With attachment parenting, we are giving an example of love and trust.
Our children deserve to learn what compassion is, and they learn that most of all by our example. If our children do not learn compassion from us, when will they learn it? The bottom line is that all children behave as well as they are treated – by their parents and by everyone else in their life.
Read more

Attachment Parenting of Metro Jackson was started to provide encouragement to moms that need support when it comes to parenting against mainstream. It's very comforting to be surrounded by moms that offer like-minded advice and treat your parenting choices with respect. Our group is not a cookie cutter club, and that's the beauty of it! Lindsey, chose not to breastfeed her twins but fed them with love and respect. Elizabeth chose not to co-sleep, but always met night time needs. Laura, chose not to be a stay-home mom, but has managed to feed on demand and continue breastfeeding into the second year. I could go on and on, but you get the point.......our group isn't about a specific list of mommy rules you must obey and neither is attachment parenting!

AP has a lot to offer- you choose what works for your family, throw out what doesn't, and let it be!

Until Next Time...........

Friday, May 4, 2012

Goodbye to Chris's Twenties

At the young age of seventeen, I asked Top Gun what he wanted for his birthday and without skipping a beat he replied- a kayak, please!

A kayak, please!- has been his response for the last thirteen years and my reaction has always been-

Really? Ummm.... No!

Until this year, that is!!

I figured his consistency earned him the privilege of a granted wish!

Not to mention, he deserves a little peace out on the water! Top Gun's hubby/daddy duties are quite exhausting but he always perseveres!!

While the boys anxiously awaited Daddy's arrival, they thought it would be a great idea to break the kayak in.....what thoughtful little squirts!

Top Gun was GIDDY, grinning from ear to ear! It made all my hard work worth it! Trying to shop while two bambinoes jumped in every boat, knocked over an entire rack of paddles, and played hide-n-seek under the life vest........was not a walk in the park!

After the big reveal, Babalu was calling our name for a birthday dinner with the Koseks, but he found a crew of his best buddies....I just love surprises!!

The following day Top Gun convinced his pal, Adam, to jump on the kayak band wagon so he would have a partner in crime.....I don't think it took much convincing!

Adam got one in blue and hit the water with "ole yeller"!!

I'm on cloud nine! When I make Top Gun happy, I'm Happy!

Until Next Time.........
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