Monday, August 27, 2012

I Can't Believe I Was Leaving My Baby

I can't believe I'm about to share this insane story but here it goes....

Top Gun has been gone for a while and I was anxiously awaiting his return today! I took the kiddos to story time and then headed to the park with lunch in tow, and planned to make it back home just in time to greet our favorite person! The moment I pulled up, TG called and busted my bubble.....coming home was delayed until further notice, due to Hurricane Issac.

It's hard!

The squirts are excellent, but lets be honest....relief at some point is essential! Plus, I just love TG and it's not the same when he is gone.

I shed a tear or two then put on my big girl panties and hit the playground. We met some friends there and played it up, it helped me get over the pity party I felt like hosting.

In the past few weeks baby girl isn't content staying cozy in the sling, she wants to go go go! She was giddy playing in a tunnel while I talked to a friend and entertained the boys. I kept glancing her way between Colby insisting I eat my pretend milkshake and telling Chase not to get another apple from Kim's bag....Josie was all smiles!

After realizing the boys had met their limit and the bed was calling Chase's name, I announced, "okay boys, it's time to head home!" Kim and I gathered our things, rounded up the boys, and headed toward the car. I got clear across the park and it hit me like a ton of bricks- OH HOLY NIGHT, I LEFT BABY GIRL!!!

It was as if I heard a gun shot and was competing in the 100 meter dash, I actually don't think I've ran that fast since my last track meet senior year. I now know what it feels like for your heart to stop beating, fall on the ground, and have a stampede finish it off!

I reached baby girl right before a panic attack set in and she was happily playing in the tunnel and chattering, "mamamamama!" I scooped her up like white on rice and fought back the tears, it was the worse and best feeling at the same time......bless her little pea pickin heart!

I just kept thinking- heavens to betsy,  I can't believe I was leaving my baby, what is wrong with me?

I'm not sure what people were thinking, they either wanted to call DHS, recommend a nanny, or send me to a day at the spa.....who am I kidding, DHS probably got the most votes. One mom even shook her head at me. I just let her judge me while she was sitting there eating lunch with her ONE child.

I am so accustomed to wearing baby girl that I'm not yet conditioned to pick her up when I'm herding the crew, but I felt no desire to justify myself, although Kim removing her shades, stomping her foot, and giving the look right back, did make me feel a little better!


Enjoy The Journey!


Andrea said...

Girl. We've all been there, done that. ESPECIALLY when you're juggling more than just one child. Being a mom is hard. We all need a break. And when you're wearing your child, you are so used to her/him being 'there'... and not playing on a playground/play area, etc... And when they start crawling, walking, cruising... they are more content exploring, which is understandable.

I've gotten to a point where I count my kiddos when we get in the car and when we get to our destination.

Don't beat yourself up. You are a GREAT momma. And the woman who gave you dirty looks? I would said, "here, can you watch my OTHER TWO children, while I hold my baby girl and give YOU a dirty look?"

I'm sorry. I have no patience for judgements.

Andrea said...

*I would've said, "...

Andrea said...

*I would've said, "...

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