Wednesday, February 10, 2010

NO MORE TV....well just a little

When I was in the reading block at Mississippi College I had to write a paper on television viewing and the effects of learning disabilities and it kinda made me OCD about the issue. Being a teacher didn't help the matter either since I encountered children with all types of learning disabilities and found it very disheartening. Chris and I decided that Colby wouldn't view any television until age 2 (recommended age by AAP).

Did we make it until age 2? No, but close enough. I think he was about 22 months. I decided to allow him to watch 1 hour a day....that is until I was 9 months pregnant. The TV watching got completely out of control and he was becoming a TV junkie! Then, he spoke the dreaded words I never wanted to hear.

me: Colby let's go play outside

Colby: No, I watch choo choo train (Chuggington)

me: what? I said outside.....did you hear me say outside?

Colby: No mommy, I want to watch choo choo train.

me: (sniff sniff) okay, no more TV.......

well one show in the morning

wait he has 2 favorite shows

okay, two shows

first thing in the morning and that's it!!

Choosing to stay inside and watch TV over playing outside is not acceptable and it is completely my fault. Now we are back on track and I've started a routine.....I love routines!!

Wake up 7:00

watch 1 hr TV (which allows me to feed, change, and dress Chase.....and of course the best cuddle time with Colby)

play 8:00

10:00 academics- practice numbers & letters

He knows all his letters and now we are working on letter sounds

I think it's important for us to have academic time since Colby doesn't attend preschool. I want him to be prepared and to master skills such as, following directions, listening, obeying the rules, etc.

My friend Kim is such an awesome mom and her blogs are sure to entertain you!!!

Read about her adventure to teach her three year old to follow directions during circle time at school. ( the intro to circle time) (Things Every Parent Should Know About Circle Time))

eat lunch 11:00

Nap 12:00-2:30/3


Bath time (just to play and waste time- no TV is hard)


Dinner 5:30

Bedtime 7:00

Oh, you have no idea how happy I will be when we can play outside, go to story time, have play dates, and play at the park again!

I will be one happy mommy!

1 comment:

Kosek Landing said...

Thanks for the shout out! I know what you mean about TV time getting out of control! It's so easy for that to happen. I'm also trying to make a very conscious effort to do other things rather than TV.

It's hard when my blog is calling my name :)

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