Wednesday, December 1, 2010


After the madness that took place tonight, I feel the need to yell, "SURPRISE!"

Dear Colby,
Why after 3 years of the same exact bedtime routine do you act so surprised by my request?

SURPRISE! You have to eat dinner and no you can't dance around the house while doing so!

SURPRISE! You have to take a bath and NO you still can't splash water all over the bathroom floor!

SURPRISE! You have to put on clothes!! Why try to are not going to bed booty-naked!

SURPRISE! After we read, pray, and give night kisses that really does mean it's time to stay in your bed. I know it's important to come tell me you have a booboo on your toe but GO GET IN THE BED!

Love Always,

PS. I know tomorrow night will be filled with the same exact SURPRISES but that's okay, I won't be SURPRISED!

Until Next Time..............

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